API Reference


1. AdvanceInvoice API

AdvanceInvoiceGetGet advance invoice by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
AdvanceInvoiceGetPDFGet PDF file for advance invoice by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
AdvanceInvoiceCreateCreate new advance invoice.
AdvanceInvoiceImportImport advance invoice issued in other IS.
AdvanceInvoiceUpdateUpdate existing advance invoice.
AdvanceInvoiceDeleteDelete advance invoice.
AdvanceInvoiceCancelCancel advance invoice.
AdvanceInvoiceListGet list of advance invoices for specified criteria
AdvanceInvoiceSendByEmailSends document by email to the recipient(s).
AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentAddAdd attachment to advance invoice.
AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to advance invoice and set is as default.
AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentGetGet default attachment of advance invoice.
AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentListGet all attachments of advance invoice.

1.1 AdvanceInvoiceGet

Get advance invoice by document number, or by combination of document number and date.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book

Example request and response

(For internal "XML" format)

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="1/2013" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-02-15" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If buyer code is specified, other buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any additional parameter is specified, it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerName>5 FIVER s.r.o.</buyerName>
               <buyerStreet>Polní 22</buyerStreet>
               <cashRegisterCode>0001</cashRegisterCode>  <!-- This property must be set for fiscalization
               <businessUnit>0001</businessUnit>          <!-- This property must be set for fiscalization
               <reference>05 11290</reference>                         <!-- generated unique payment identifier - VS(variabilni symbol)
               <salesInvoicesRef>2014-00001, 2014-00002, 2014-00003</salesInvoicesRef> <!-- references to sales invoices
               <deliveryNotesRef>2014-00004, 2014-00005, 2014-00006</deliveryNotesRef> <!-- references to delivery notes
               <creditNotesRef>2014-00004</creditNotesRef> <!-- references to credit notes
               <cancelledDocumentRef>2012-00015</cancelledDocumentRef> <-- Reference to cancelled document
               <eor>34facd65-622b-745d-a541-30ab1f9d3ac1</eor>  <!-- generated by FURS
               <zoi>a7e5f55e1dbb48b799268e1a6d8618a3</zoi>      <!-- generated when issuing document if it is for fiscalization    
               <fiscalNumber>1</fiscalNumber>                   <!-- fiscal sequential number for fiscal numbering of document
               <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>
                       <street>Polní 10</street>
                               <description>Test položka</description>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="document could not be found"><error/>

1.2 AdvanceInvoiceGetPDF

Get PDF for advance invoice by document number, or by combination of document number and date. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book
markDocumentAsSentMarks document as sent.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceGetPDF">
       <parameter name="number" value="2" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-02-22" />
          <parameter name="markDocumentAsSent" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find advance invoice for number: 2 and date: 2010-02-22">

1.3 AdvanceInvoiceCreate

Create new advance invoice.

Document item can be specified with: productCode, quantity, discountPercentage, or can be specified with: description, currency, quantity, price (retail price including VAT for retail document) or netPrice (gross price without VAT for gross document). Default document type is gross.Additional optional item fields are: discountPercentage, unit, vatPercentage, vatTransactionType, transNoCoefCalcSN, kontrolHlasSectionType and kontrolHlasTransCode.

Supported values for vatTransactionType are:
0 - Taxable transactions of goods and services in Czechia,
1 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU,
2 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU(fixed assets),
3 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of service in the EU,
4 - Zero-rated transaction - exports of goods outside the EU,
5 - Zero-rated transaction - new vehicle delivery to person not registred for VAT within the EU,
20 - Zero-rated transaction - goods delivery within EU (over limit) - foreign VAT calculated,
7 - Zero-rated transaction - reverse charge (goods supply/assembly the service),
8 - Zero-rated transaction - other taxable transaction with claim of VAT deduction,
10 - Zero-rated transaction - tripartite supplies of goods within the EU,
11 - Tax amount correction in insolvency proceedings (creditor),
12 - VAT exempt transactions without the right of input VAT deduction,
15 - Transactions exempt from VAT - not for VAT records,
21 - Zero-rated transaction - assembly in the EU (foreign VAT calculated),
100 - Sales of electronic services in other EU member countries (foreign VAT calculated)

Status of advance invoice which is created from this web service is automatically set to "issuedInvoice" if parameter number is specified in parameter list, or if it's status is explicitelly set to issuedInvoice. For such cases (if invoice is created as issued), service will automatically generate delivery note for contained products to reduce their quantity on stock.

Supported values for transNoCoefCalcSN are "1 or 0" and stated if transaction is not included to the coefficient calculation.

Supported values for kontrolHlasSectionType are:
1 - Transaction has no impact on control report sections,
2 - Section A1,
3 - Section A3,
4 - Section A4 (regular),
5 - Section A4 (travel services),
6 - Section A4 (used goods),
7 - Section A4/A5 automatic choose (based on amount and EuVAT ID on document),
8 - Section A5

Supported values for kontrolHlasTransCode are:
2 - 1
3 - 1a
4 - 3
5 - 3a
6 - 4
7 - 4a
8 - 5
9 - 6
10 - 7
11 - 11
12 - 12
13 - 13
14 - 14
15 - 15
16 - 16
17 - 17
18 - 18
19 - 19
20 - 20
21 - 21


AdvanceInvoiceComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceCreate">
<parameter name="AdvanceInvoice">               
               <date>2010-01-13</date>                         <!-- document date
               <customerContactPerson></customerContactPerson> <!-- (Optional)
               <type>retail</type>                                     <!-- (Optional) Type of pricing - default is "gross"
                <status>issuedInvoice</status>                           <!-- (Optional) Possible values: issuedInvoice, draft - default is issuedInvoice
               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>              <!-- (Optional) default is 0
                <vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause>Registered</vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause> <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Registered, NotRegistered,RegisteredForEUSuppliesOnly
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                        <!-- (Optional) Cost centre code
                <cashRegisterCode>0001</cashRegisterCode>                <!-- Mandatory for fiscalization
                <businessUnit>0001</businessUnit>                        <!-- Mandatory for fiscalization
               <deliveryMethod>Delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <superDiscountPercentage>5</superDiscountPercentage> <!-- (Optional)
               <remarks>Remark on Advance invoice</remarks>            <!-- (Optional)
                <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>   <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
                <buyerDocumentID>60:123456</buyerDocumentID>                    <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerName>Petr Novak</buyerName>               
               <buyerTaxNumber>02169711</buyerTaxNumber>       <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerVatRegistration>None</buyerVatRegistration>       <!-- (Unkown, None, Registered)
               <buyerEMail>petr@novak.cz</buyerEMail>          <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerStreet>Celní 22</buyerStreet>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerPostalCode>60200</buyerPostalCode>                <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCity>Brno</buyerCity>                     <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCountry>CZ</buyerCountry>                         <!-- (Optional) ISO-2 country code
               <methodOfPayment>bankTransfer</methodOfPayment> <!-- Possible ways of payment: unknown, bankTransfer, cash, cheques, eurocardMastercard, visa, karanta, amex, diners, activa, ba, cashOnDelivery, moneta, directDebit
               <documentLanguage>Czech</documentLanguage> <!-- (Optional) Possible document language: Slovene, English, German, Italian and Croatian
               <printingTemplate>Předloha2</printingTemplate> <!-- (Optional) Setting printing template for document, posible values is code of uploaded templates in web app
               <salesInvoiceRef>2014-00001</salesInvoiceRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to advance invoice
               <salesQuoteRef>2014-00001</salesQuoteRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales quote
               <salesOrderRef>2014-00001</salesOrderRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales order
               <Address>                        <!-- (Optional) Setting delivery address on document and partner buyer if it doesn't exists              
                       <street>Polní 10</street>
                       <Item>                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <position>1</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <productCode>020</productCode>          <!-- product code
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType> <!-- (Optional) default is 0
                       <Item>                                          <!-- Item specified for good or service
                               <position>2</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <description>Transport of goods</description>
                               <discountPercentage>2</discountPercentage>      <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatPercentage>10</vatPercentage>               <!-- (Optional)
                               <currency>CZK</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
                               <quantity>10</quantity>                         <!-- (Optional) default 0
                               <unit>km</unit>                         <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>      <!-- (Optional) default is 0

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2/2013</number>         <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2013-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, …

1.4 AdvanceInvoiceImport

Import advance invoice issued in other IS. Parameter 'importType' can be used to specify type of import. If parameter is not specified, "createOrUpdate" is used as default. For updating advance invoices with this api call, advance invoices's data must contain code as unique identifier.


importTypeFlag for the type of import
  • createOrUpdate Import all - create new and update existing documents
  • createOnly Skip import for existing documents
  • updateOnly  Skip import of new documents
AdvanceInvoiceAdvance invoice data in xml substructure.
dataFormatIn case some other data format is used for import, this parameter should be used. If this parameter is not included in XML, import from default data format is used.
  • eurofakturaXML  - internal format (default data format)
  • POHODA  - format from economical SW POHODA
base64dataThis parameter is mandatory in case using dataFormat "POHODA". Content of this parameter should be Pohoda XML encoded into base64 string.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceImport">
               <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
               <parameter name="AdvanceInvoice">
                    <!-- structure of elements is the same as in AdvanceInvoiceCreate only tag <number> is mandatory here

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
        <error description="Property <number> is required."><error/>  <!-- missing number …

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Advance invoice for number: 0001-1206-2013 already exists!"></error>  <!-- Advance invoice for number already exists …

(Using POHODA data format)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceImport">
               <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
               <parameter name="dataFormat" value="POHODA" />
               <parameter name="base64data">JVBERi0xLjQKJcOkw7zDtsOfCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwvTGVuZ3RoIDMgMCBSL0ZpbHRlci9GbGF0ZURlY29kZT4+Cn...
                    <!-- Pohoda XML encoded into base64 string

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Parameter <base64data>: cannot parse contents"></error>  <!-- Error when decoding XML from base64 string  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Error parsing XML file due to invalid syntax"></error>  <!-- Error when parsing XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Document can not be overwritten because it is already posted."></error>  <!-- There are several different error messages possible.

1.5 AdvanceInvoiceUpdate

Update existing advance invoice.Data must contain advance invoice number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


AdvanceInvoiceComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceUpdate">
<parameter name="AdvanceInvoice">
         <number>12</number>                                    <!-- document number is mandatory in UPDATE (Can use sequential document number (example: 12), or formatted number (example: 12/2011))
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in SalesInvoiceCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2/2013</number>         <!-- updated document ID or number
       <date>2013-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, …

1.6 AdvanceInvoiceDelete

Delete advance invoice. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting. It is possible to delete only last advance invoice.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2016-01-13" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, …

1.7 AdvanceInvoiceCancel

Cancel advance invoice. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for canceling.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book
statusStatus of cancelation document (draft, issuedInvoice). By Default status is issuedInvoice.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceCancel">
       <parameter name="number" value="2013-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-03-26" />
       <parameter name="status" value="draft" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, …

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not cancel advance invoice for arguments number: 2013-00014 date: 2013-03-26"><error/>  <!-- document could not be canceled, …

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find advance invoice for number
Can not cancel. Found X advance invoices
Found X advance invoices X. You can only cancel one advance invoice at a time
Can not cancel advance invoice X

1.8 AdvanceInvoiceList

Get list of advance invoices for criteria which is specified by API parameters. Mixing different types of dates in search criteria is not supported - date parameters can be combined only as follows: dateFrom/dateTo, prepaymentDateFrom/prepaymentDateTo or dateOfSupplyFrom/dateOfSupplyUntil.


numberDocument number
dateFromThe date which is used to select advance invoices whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select advance invoices whose date is preceding it
prepaymentDateFromThe date which is used to select advance invoices whose date of prepayment is following it
prepaymentDateToThe date which is used to select advance invoices whose date of prepayment is preceding it
dateOfSupplyFromThe date which is used to select advance invoices whose date of supply/performance is following it
dateOfSupplyUntilThe date which is used to select advance invoices whose date of supply/performance is preceding it
deliveryAddressDelivery address of the buyer
buyerBuyer code, or buyer name
costPositionCost centre code
totalAmountTotal amount of the advance invoices
totalCurrencyCurrency used in advance invoice
articleProduct code, or product name
statusPossible values: Draft, IssuedInvoice, NotBooked, Booked, CanceledCreditInvoice, OpenedClaim, ClosedClaim, OpenedDueClaim, DocumentSentAlready, DocumentNotYetSent, DocumentSentByEMail, DocumentNotSentByEMail, CancellationDocument, CancelledDocument, HasOpenAmountForSalesInvoice, HasNoOpenAmountForSalesInvoice, AccountingEntryOrImportedInvoice, DocumentNotSentOrPrinted, NotCancellationOrCancelledDocument, VatReportDone, VatReportOpen
issuerIssuer of document, search is done by username

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceList">
               <parameter name="status" value="issuedInvoice" />
               <parameter name="dateFrom" type="Date" value="2010-02-19" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in AdvanceInvoiceGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges, …

1.9 AdvanceInvoiceSendByEmail

Sends document by email to the recipient(s).


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
senderEmail sender (Optional)
recipientComma delimited list of recipient(s) emails
ccCC email (Optional)
bccBCC email (Optional)
subjectMail subject (Optional)
messageMessage text (Optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceSendByEmail">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-01-13" />
       <parameter name="sender" value="petr@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="recipient" value="pavel@novak.cz,ondrej@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="cc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="bcc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="subject" value="TEST s.r.o.: Sales invoice nr. 0002/2010"/>
       <parameter name="message" value="Message text"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, mail sending failed…

1.10 AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to advance invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to advance invoice 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find advance invoice for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

1.11 AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to advance invoice and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to advance invoice 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find advance invoice for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

1.12 AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of advance invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find advance invoice for number: 2020-00001 advance invoice does not have attachemnts.

1.13 AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="AdvanceInvoiceAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find advance invoice for number: 2020-00001 advance invoice does not have attachemnts.


2. BillOfMaterials API

BillOfMaterialsGetGet bill of materials by number.
BillOfMaterialsCreateCreate new bill of materials.
BillOfMaterialsUpdateUpdate existing bill of materials.
BillOfMaterialsDeleteDelete bill of materials.
BillOfMaterialsListGet list of bills of materials for specified criteria.

2.1 BillOfMaterialsGet

Get bill of materials by number.


numberNumber of bill of materials.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="BillOfMaterialsGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="055/11" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find bill of materials number: 055/11, …

2.2 BillOfMaterialsCreate

Create new bill of materials.


BillOfMaterialsBill of materials's data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="BillOfMaterialsCreate">
       <parameter name="BillOfMaterials">
               <date>2015-05-06</date>                          <!-- Mandatory
               <productCode>055</productCode>                   <!-- Mandatory
               <productQuantity>10.000000</productQuantity>     <!-- Mandatory
               <status>Active</status>                          <!-- Mandatory possible values: Draft, Active, Inactive
                               <itemProductCode>000011</itemProductCode>    <!-- Mandatory
                               <position>1</position>                       <!-- Optional
                               <quantity>5.000000</quantity>                <!-- Mandatory
                               <description>test working hour</description> <!-- Mandatory
                               <hoursPlanned>6.0000</hoursPlanned>          <!-- Mandatory
                               <position>1</position>                       <!-- Optional
                               <workTask>consulting</workTask>              <!-- Mandatory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Bill of materials for number: 055/11 already exists!><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" must be specified., missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, Error creating bill of materials …

2.3 BillOfMaterialsUpdate

Update existing bill of materials.


BillOfMaterialsProduct's data in xml substructure

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="BillOfMaterialsUpdate">
       <parameter name="BillOfMaterials">
               <date>2015-05-06</date>                          <!-- Mandatory
               <number>055/11</number>                          <!-- Mandatory
               <productCode>055</productCode>                   <!-- Mandatory
               <productQuantity>10.000000</productQuantity>     <!-- Mandatory
               <status>Active</status>                          <!-- Mandatory possible values: Draft, Active, Inactive
                               <itemProductCode>000011</itemProductCode>    <!-- Mandatory
                               <position>1</position>                       <!-- Optional
                               <quantity>9.000000</quantity>                <!-- Mandatory
                               <description>test working hour</description> <!-- Mandatory
                               <hoursPlanned>7.0000</hoursPlanned>          <!-- Mandatory
                               <position>1</position>                       <!-- Optional
                               <workTask>consulting</workTask>              <!-- Mandatory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find bill of materials for number: 055/11, missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, …

2.4 BillOfMaterialsDelete

Delete bill of materials.


numberUnique identifier for bill of materials.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="BillOfMaterialsDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="055/11" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find bill of materials for number: 055/11, Can not delete. Found 3  bill of materials with number 055,

2.5 BillOfMaterialsList

Get list of bills of materials for specified criteria.


numberBillOfMaterials number.
dateFromSearch by bill of materials date range.
dateToSearch by bill of materials date range.
articleSearch by material.
statusUsage status (Active, Inactive, Draft)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="BillOfMaterialsList">
       <parameter name="number" value="123456" />
       <parameter name="status" value="active"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="BillOfMaterialsList">
       <parameter name="dateFrom" value="2015-05-01" />
    <parameter name="dateTo" value="2015-05-26" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of bill of materials data is the same as in BillOfMaterialsGet
                <!-- structure of bill of materials data is the same as in BillOfMaterialsGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges, …


3. CreditNote API

CreditNoteGetGet credit note by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
CreditNoteGetPDFGet PDF file for credit note by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
CreditNoteCreateCreate new credit note.
CreditNoteImportImport credit note issued in other IS.
CreditNoteUpdateUpdate existing credit note.
CreditNoteDeleteDelete credit note.
CreditNoteCancelCancel credit note.
CreditNoteListGet list of credit notes for specified criteria
CreditNoteSendByEmailSends document by email to the recipient(s).
CreditNoteAttachmentAddAdd attachment to credit note.
CreditNoteAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to credit note and set is as default.
CreditNoteAttachmentGetGet default attachment of credit note.
CreditNoteAttachmentListGet all attachments of credit note.

3.1 CreditNoteGet

Get credit note by document number, or by combination of document number and date.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book

Example request and response

(For internal "XML" format)

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="1/2013" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-02-15" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If buyer code is specified, other buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any additional parameter is specified, it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerName>5 FIVER s.r.o.</buyerName>
               <buyerStreet>Celní 22</buyerStreet>
               <cashRegisterCode>0001</cashRegisterCode>  <!-- This property must be set for fiscalization
               <businessUnit>0001</businessUnit>          <!-- This property must be set for fiscalization
               <methodOfPayment>bankTransfer</methodOfPayment>  <!-- This property must be set for fiscalization
               <number>2010-00002</number>             <!-- document number optional AUTO numbering
               <reference>05 11290</reference>                          <!-- generated unique payment identifier - VS(variabilni symbol)
               <cancelledDocumentRef>2012-00015</cancelledDocumentRef> <-- Reference to cancelled document
               <eor>34facd65-622b-745d-a541-30ab1f9d3ac1</eor>  <!-- generated by FURS
               <zoi>a7e5f55e1dbb48b799268e1a6d8618a3</zoi>      <!-- generated when issuing document if it is for fiscalization    
               <fiscalNumber>1</fiscalNumber>                   <!-- fiscal sequential number for fiscal numbering of document
               <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>  
                       <street>Polní 10</street>
                               <description>Test položka</description>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="document could not be found"><error/>

3.2 CreditNoteGetPDF

Get PDF for credit note by document number, or by combination of document number and date. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book
markDocumentAsSentMarks document as sent.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteGetPDF">
       <parameter name="number" value="2" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-02-22" />
          <parameter name="markDocumentAsSent" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find credit note for number: 2 and date: 2010-02-22">

3.3 CreditNoteCreate

Create new credit note.

Document item can be specified with: productCode, quantity, discountPercentage, or can be specified with: description, currency, quantity, price (retail price including VAT for retail document) or netPrice (gross price without VAT for gross document). Default document type is gross.Additional optional item fields are: discountPercentage, unit, vatPercentage, vatTransactionType, transNoCoefCalcSN, kontrolHlasSectionType and kontrolHlasTransCode.

Supported values for vatTransactionType are:
0 - Taxable transactions of goods and services in Czechia,
1 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU,
2 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU(fixed assets),
3 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of service in the EU,
4 - Zero-rated transaction - exports of goods outside the EU,
5 - Zero-rated transaction - new vehicle delivery to person not registred for VAT within the EU,
20 - Zero-rated transaction - goods delivery within EU (over limit) - foreign VAT calculated,
7 - Zero-rated transaction - reverse charge (goods supply/assembly the service),
8 - Zero-rated transaction - other taxable transaction with claim of VAT deduction,
10 - Zero-rated transaction - tripartite supplies of goods within the EU,
11 - Tax amount correction in insolvency proceedings (creditor),
12 - VAT exempt transactions without the right of input VAT deduction,
15 - Transactions exempt from VAT - not for VAT records,
21 - Zero-rated transaction - assembly in the EU (foreign VAT calculated),
100 - Sales of electronic services in other EU member countries (foreign VAT calculated),

Status of credit note which is created from this web service is automatically set to "issuedInvoice" if parameter number is specified in parameter list, or if it's status is explicitelly set to issuedInvoice. For such cases (if invoice is created as issued), service will automatically generate delivery note for contained products to reduce their quantity on stock.

Supported values for transNoCoefCalcSN are "1 or 0" and stated if transaction is not included to the coefficient calculation.

Supported values for kontrolHlasSectionType are:
1 - Transaction has no impact on control report sections,
2 - Section A1,
3 - Section A3,
4 - Section A4 (regular),
5 - Section A4 (travel services),
6 - Section A4 (used goods),
7 - Section A4/A5 automatic choose (based on amount and EuVAT ID on document),
8 - Section A5

Supported values for kontrolHlasTransCode are:
2 - 1
3 - 1a
4 - 3
5 - 3a
6 - 4
7 - 4a
8 - 5
9 - 6
10 - 7
11 - 11
12 - 12
13 - 13
14 - 14
15 - 15
16 - 16
17 - 17
18 - 18
19 - 19
20 - 20
21 - 21


CreditNoteComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteCreate">
<parameter name="CreditNote">           
               <date>2010-01-13</date>                         <!-- document date
               <customerContactPerson></customerContactPerson> <!-- (Optional)
               <type>retail</type>                                     <!-- (Optional) Type of pricing - default is "gross"
                <status>issuedInvoice</status>                           <!-- (Optional) Possible values: issuedInvoice, draft - default is issuedInvoice
               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>              <!-- (Optional) default is 0
                <vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause>Registered</vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause> <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Registered, NotRegistered, RegisteredTourismLawPart47, RegisteredTourismLawPart31, RegisteredTourismLawPart47And31
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                        <!-- (Optional)
                <cashRegisterCode>0001</cashRegisterCode>                <!-- Mandatory for fiscalization
                <businessUnit>0001</businessUnit>                        <!-- Mandatory for fiscalization
               <deliveryMethod>Delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <superDiscountPercentage>5</superDiscountPercentage> <!-- (Optional)
               <remarks>Remark on Sales invoice</remarks>              <!-- (Optional)
                <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>   <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerDocumentID>60:123456</buyerDocumentID>                    <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
                <buyerName>Petr Novak</buyerName>               
               <buyerTaxNumber>02169711</buyerTaxNumber>       <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerVatRegistration>None</buyerVatRegistration>       <!-- (Unkown, None, Registered)
               <buyerEMail>petr@novak.cz</buyerEMail>          <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerStreet>Celní 22</buyerStreet>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerPostalCode>60200</buyerPostalCode>                <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCity>Brno</buyerCity>                     <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCountry>CZ</buyerCountry>                         <!-- (Optional) ISO-2 country code
                <documentLanguage>Czech</documentLanguage> <!-- (Optional) Possible document language: Slovene, English, German, Italian and Croatian
                <printingTemplate>Předloha2</printingTemplate> <!-- (Optional) Setting printing template for document, posible values is code of uploaded templates in web app
                <salesInvoiceRef>2014-00001</salesInvoiceRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales invoice
                <advanceInvoiceRef>2014-00001</advanceInvoiceRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to advance invoice
                <methodOfPayment>bankTransfer</methodOfPayment> <!-- Possible ways of payment: unknown, bankTransfer, cash, cheques, eurocardMastercard, visa, karanta, amex, diners, activa, ba, cashOnDelivery, moneta, directDebit, PayPal
                <vatCountryIsoCode>CZ</vatCountryIsoCode> <!-- Mandatory if using vatTransactionTypes: 100, 8 and 5 and it determines that VAT procentages for specified country has to be taken
                <Address>                        <!-- (Optional) Setting delivery address on document and partner buyer if it doesn't exists              
                       <street>Ulice 10</street>
                       <Item>                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <position>1</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <productCode>020</productCode>          <!-- product code
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType> <!-- (Optional) default is 0. Foreign VAT transaction types (100, 8 and 5) can only be set on document level.
                       <Item>                                          <!-- Item specified for good or service
                               <position>2</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <description>Transport of goods</description>
                               <discountPercentage>2</discountPercentage>      <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatPercentage>10</vatPercentage>               <!-- (Optional)
                               <currency>CZK</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
                               <quantity>10</quantity>                         <!-- (Optional) default 0
                               <unit>km</unit>                         <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>      <!-- (Optional) default is 0. Foreign VAT transaction types (100, 8 and 5) can only be set on document level.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2/2013</number>         <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2013-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, …

3.4 CreditNoteImport

Import Credit note issued in other IS. Parameter 'importType' can be used to specify type of import. If parameter is not specified, "createOrUpdate" is used as default. For updating Credit notes with this api call, Credit notes's data must contain code as unique identifier.


importTypeFlag for the type of import
  • createOrUpdate Import all - create new and update existing documents
  • createOnly Skip import for existing documents
  • updateOnly  Skip import of new documents
CreditNoteCredit note data in xml substructure.
dataFormatIn case some other data format is used for import, this parameter should be used. If this parameter is not included in XML, import from default data format is used.
  • eurofakturaXML  - internal format (default data format)
  • POHODA  - format from economical SW POHODA
base64dataThis parameter is mandatory in case using dataFormat "POHODA". Content of this parameter should be Pohoda XML encoded into base64 string.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteImport">
               <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
               <parameter name="CreditNote">
                    <!-- structure of elements is the same as in CreditNoteCreate only tag <number> is mandatory here

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
        <error description="Property <number> is required."><error/>  <!-- missing number …

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Credit note for number: 0001-1206-2013 already exists!"></error>  <!-- Credit note for number already exists …

(Using POHODA data format)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteImport">
               <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
               <parameter name="dataFormat" value="POHODA" />
               <parameter name="base64data">JVBERi0xLjQKJcOkw7zDtsOfCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwvTGVuZ3RoIDMgMCBSL0ZpbHRlci9GbGF0ZURlY29kZT4+Cn...
                    <!-- Pohoda XML encoded into base64 string

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Parameter <base64data>: cannot parse contents"></error>  <!-- Error when decoding XML from base64 string  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Error parsing XML file due to invalid syntax"></error>  <!-- Error when parsing XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Document can not be overwritten because it is already posted."></error>  <!-- There are several different error messages possible.

3.5 CreditNoteUpdate

Update existing credit note.Data must contain credit note number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


CreditNoteComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteUpdate">
<parameter name="CreditNote">
         <number>12</number>                                    <!-- document number is mandatory in UPDATE (Can use sequential document number (example: 12), or formatted number (example: 12/2011))
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in SalesInvoiceCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2/2013</number>         <!-- updated document ID or number
       <date>2013-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, …

3.6 CreditNoteDelete

Delete credit note. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting. It is possible to delete only last credit note.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2016-01-13" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, …

3.7 CreditNoteCancel

Cancel credit note. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for cancelling.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book
statusStatus of cancelation document (draft, issuedInvoice). By Default status is issuedInvoice.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteCancel">
       <parameter name="number" value="2013-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-03-26" />
       <parameter name="status" value="draft" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, …

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not cancel credit note for arguments number: 2013-00014 date: 2013-03-26"><error/>      <!-- document could not be canceled, …

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find credit note for number
Can not cancel. Found X credit notes
Found X credit notes X. You can only cancel one credit note at a time
Can not cancel credit note X

3.8 CreditNoteList

Get list of credit notes for criteria which is specified by API parameters. Mixing different types of dates in search criteria is not supported - date parameters can be combined only as follows: dateFrom/dateTo, paymentDueDateFrom/paymentDueDateTo or dateOfSupplyFrom/dateOfSupplyUntil.


numberDocument number
dateFromThe date which is used to select credit notes whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select credit notes whose date is preceding it
paymentDueDateFromThe date which is used to select credit notes whose payment due date is following it
paymentDueDateToThe date which is used to select credit notes whose payment due date is preceding it
dateOfSupplyFromThe date which is used to select credit notes whose date of supply/performance is following it
dateOfSupplyUntilThe date which is used to select credit notes whose date of supply/performance is preceding it
deliveryAddressDelivery address of the buyer
buyerBuyer code, or buyer name
costPositionCost position code
totalAmountTotal amount of the credit notes
totalCurrencyCurrency used in credit note
articleProduct code, or product name
statusPossible values: Draft, IssuedInvoice, NotBooked, Booked, CanceledCreditInvoice, OpenedClaim, ClosedClaim, OpenedDueClaim, DocumentSentAlready, DocumentNotYetSent, DocumentSentByEMail, DocumentNotSentByEMail, WithInvoiceReference, WithoutInvoiceReference, CancellationDocument, CancelledDocument, AccountingEntryOrImportedInvoice, DocumentNotSentOrPrinted, NotCancellationOrCancelledDocument, VatReportDone, VatReportOpen
issuerIssuer of document, search is done by username

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteList">
               <parameter name="status" value="issuedInvoice" />
               <parameter name="dateFrom" type="Date" value="2010-02-19" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in CreditNoteGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges, …

3.9 CreditNoteSendByEmail

Sends document by email to the recipient(s).


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
senderEmail sender (Optional)
recipientComma delimited list of recipient(s) emails
ccCC email (Optional)
bccBCC email (Optional)
subjectMail subject (Optional)
messageMessage text (Optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteSendByEmail">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-01-13" />
       <parameter name="sender" value="petr@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="recipient" value="pavel@novak.cz,ondrej@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="cc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="bcc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="subject" value="TEST s.r.o.: Sales invoice nr. 0002/2010"/>
       <parameter name="message" value="Message text"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, mail sending failed…

3.10 CreditNoteAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to credit note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to credit note 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find credit note for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

3.11 CreditNoteAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to credit note and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to credit note 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find credit note for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

3.12 CreditNoteAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of credit note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find credit note for number: 2020-00001 Credit note does not have attachemnts.

3.13 CreditNoteAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="CreditNoteAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find credit note for number: 2020-00001 Credit note does not have attachemnts.


4. DeliveryNote API

DeliveryNoteGetGet delivery notes by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
DeliveryNoteGetPDFGet PDF for delivery note by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
DeliveryNoteCreateCreate new delivery note.
DeliveryNoteUpdateUpdate existing delivery note.
DeliveryNoteDeleteDelete delivery note.
DeliveryNoteCancelCancel delivery note.
DeliveryNoteListGet list of delivery notes for specified criteria
DeliveryNoteSendByEmailSends document by email to the recipient(s).
DeliveryNoteAttachmentAddAdd attachment to delivery note.
DeliveryNoteAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to delivery note and set is as default.
DeliveryNoteAttachmentGetGet default attachment of delivery note.
DeliveryNoteAttachmentListGet all attachments of delivery note.

4.1 DeliveryNoteGet

Get delivery note by document number, or by combination of document number and date.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="2012-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2012-09-26" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 November 2012 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If buyer code is specified, other buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any additional parameter is specified, it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerName>Nova info s.r.o.</buyerName>
               <buyerStreet>Stodolní 1</buyerStreet>
               <cancelledDocumentRef>2012-00015</cancelledDocumentRef> <-- Reference to cancelled document
                       <street>Polní 10</street>
                                <productName>Product 1</productName>                          
                                <description>this is product with code 000013</description>      
                                <remarks>test 1. 2.</remarks>                                    
                                <productName>Product 1</productName>                          
                                <description>this is product with code 320003</description>      
                                <remarks>test 1. 2.</remarks>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not find delivery note for number: XXX and date: XXX"><error/>

Error messages:
Parameter named "number" is required.
Can not find delivery note for number: XXX and date: XXX

4.2 DeliveryNoteGetPDF

Get PDF for delivery note by document number, or by combination of document number and date. User can also mark document as sent if the correct parameter is used. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2014-00001)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
markDocumentAsSentMarks document as sent.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteGetPDF">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2009-12-15" />
        <parameter name="markDocumentAsSent" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find delivery note for number: 2013-01293 and date: 2013-01-02">

4.3 DeliveryNoteCreate

Create new delivery note.

Mandatory document attributes are: warehouseCode, dateOfSupply.Mandatory document item attribute is productCode. Other attributes are optional and web service will use default values and those from specified product. Default amount is 1, default date is day of execution. Amounts in item calculations can be specified by prices, amounts or percantages, where related values will be automaticly recalculated.
Additional optional item fields are: calculationQuantity, associatedSerialNumbers, supplierPrice, supplierPriceAmount, supplierPriceCurrency, supplierPriceInCalculationCurrency, supplierAmountInCalculationCurrency, supplierDiscountPercentage, supplierDiscountAmount, costsOfTransportPercentage, costsOfTransportAmount, costsOfCustomsPercentage, costsOfCustomsAmount, inboundVatPercentage, inboundVatAmount, costsDirectPercentage, costsDirectAmount, inventoryPrice, inventoryAmount, grossMarginPercentage, grossMarginAmount, grossPrice, outgoingVatPercentage, outgoingVatAmount, retailMarginAmount, retailMarginPercentage, retailPrice, salesPrice, salesPriceAmount. Supported values for vatTransactionType are:
0 - Taxable transactions of goods and services in Slovenia,
1 - Zero-rated transaction - exports of goods outside the EU,
2 - Zero-rated transaction - without the right to deduct input VAT,
3 - Zero-rated transaction - with the right to deduct input VAT,
4 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU,
5 - Zero-rated transaction - assembly in the EU,
6 - Zero-rated transaction - tripartite supplies of goods within the EU,
7 - Transactions exempt from VAT - not for VAT records,
8 - Zero-rated transaction - remote sales of goods,
9 - Transactions exempt from VAT with the right of input VAT deduction (transactions outside SLO),
10- Supply of goods and services in SLO, VAT charged by the recipient,
11- Sales of services in the EU, VAT paid by the recipient.
100- Sales of electronic services taxed in other EU country.


DeliveryNoteComplex parameter with data tags like:

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteCreate">
<parameter name="DeliveryNote">
               <date>2014-03-26</date>                                 <!-- document date
               <dateOfSupply>2014-03-26</dateOfSupply>                 <!-- date of receival
               <city>Praha</city>                                              <!-- (Optional)
               <businessYear>2012</businessYear>                               <!-- (Optional)
               <purchaseOrder>13</purchaseOrder>                       <!-- (Optional)
               <warehouseCode>8956</warehouseCode>                     <!-- (Mandatory)
               <status>issuedInvoice</status>                           <!-- (Optional) Possible values: issuedInvoice, draft - default is issuedInvoice
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                                <!-- (Optional)
               <deliveryMethod>Delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If buyer code is specified, other buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any additional parameter is specified, it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerDocumentID>60:123456</buyerDocumentID>                    <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerName>5 FIVER s.r.o.</buyerName>
               <buyerStreet>Celní 22</buyerStreet>
               <buyerVatRegistration>none</buyerVatRegistration>       <!-- (Unkown, None, Registered)
               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>              <!-- (Optional) default is 0
               <vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause>Registered</vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause> <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Registered, NotRegistered, RegisteredTourismLawPart47, RegisteredTourismLawPart31, RegisteredTourismLawPart47And31
               <remarks>Remark on delivery note</remarks>              <!-- (Optional)
               <salesInvoiceRef>2014-00001</salesInvoiceRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales invoice
               <advanceInvoiceRef>2014-00001</advanceInvoiceRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to advanceinvoice
               <salesQuoteRef>2014-00001</salesQuoteRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales quote
               <vatCountryIsoCode>CZ</vatCountryIsoCode> <!-- Mandatory if using vatTransactionTypes: 100, 8 and 5 and it determines that VAT procentages for specified country has to be taken
               <documentLanguage>Czech</documentLanguage> <!-- (Optional) Possible document language: Slovene, English, German, Italian and Croatian
               <Address>                        <!-- (Optional) Setting delivery address on document and partner buyer if it doesn't exists              
                       <street>Polní 10</street>
                       <Item>                                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <position>1</position>      <!-- position of item                                
                               <productCode>666666</productCode>                                <!-- product code
                               <calculationQuantity>2</calculationQuantity>                    <!-- quantity (default is 1)
                               <discountPercentage>10</discountPercentage>                     <!-- discount percentage
                               <productName>Product name</productName>                          <!-- change product name if this is enabled on article
                               <description>this is product with code 666666</description>      <!-- change product description if this is enabled on article
                               <remarks>test 1. 2.</remarks>                                    <!-- remarks on delivery note item
                               <associatedSerialNumbers>111, 222</associatedSerialNumbers>      <!-- serial numbers
                               <grossPrice>145,66</grossPrice>                                  <!-- set gross price when document type is "gross" or use <salesPrice> for setting price when document type is "retail"
                              <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>       <!-- (Optional) default is 0. Foreign VAT transaction types (100, 8 and 5) can only be set on document level.
                       <Item>   <!-- (default quantity is 1)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2014-00014</number>             <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2014-03-26</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          

Generic error messages (not related to concrete property):
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named DeliveryNote needed.
Error creating delivery note (descrition)

Error messages which are related to properties are formated in a a way: "Error nr: N #propertyName - error description"
warehouseCode - Missing warehouse code
warehouseCode - Warehouse does not exist
date - Entry is mandatory
date - Document cannot be issued retroactively because document with later date was already issued.
dateOfSupply - Entry is mandatory

Errors for document items data are formated like shown bellow (X is item sequence number)
ItemX_productCode - Entry is mandatory
ItemX_productCode - Can not find product for code:
ItemX_inboundVatPercentage - Entry is mandatory

4.4 DeliveryNoteUpdate

Update existing delivery note.Data must contain delivery note number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


DeliveryNote Complex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteUpdate">
<parameter name="DeliveryNote">
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in DeliveryNoteCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2012-00014</number>             <!-- updated document ID or number
       <date>2012-09-26</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- Error messages are returned in format as described in DeliveryNoteCreate api

4.5 DeliveryNoteDelete

Delete delivery note. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="2013-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-03-26" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find delivery note for number
Can not delete. Found X delivery notes
Data cannot be deleted because they are needed or referenced by other documents or data.

4.6 DeliveryNoteCancel

Cancel delivery note. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for cancelling.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
statusStatus of cancelation document (draft, issuedInvoice). By Default status is issuedInvoice.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteCancel">
       <parameter name="number" value="2013-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-03-26" />
       <parameter name="status" value="draft" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not cancel delivery note for arguments number: 2013-00014 date: 2013-03-26"><error/>    <!-- document could not be canceled,  

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find delivery note for number
Can not cancel. Found X delivery notes
Found X delivery notes X. You can only cancel one delivery note at a time
Can not cancel credit note X

4.7 DeliveryNoteList

Get list of delivery notes for criteria which is specified by API parameters.


numberDocument number
dateFromThe date which is used to select delivery notes whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select delivery notes whose date is preceding it
warehouseWarehouse code
dateOfSupplyThe date of receival
orderReferencePurchase order number
serialNumberProduct serial number
supplierBuyer code, or buyer name
costPositionCost position code
productProduct code, or product name
statusPossible values: Draft, IssuedInvoice, NotBooked, Booked, WithSalesInvoiceReference, WithoutSalesInvoiceReference, Opened, Closed, DocumentSentAlready, DocumentNotYetSent, DocumentSentByEMail, DocumentNotSentByEMail, WithWorkOrderReference, WithoutWorkOrderReference, CancellationDocument, CancelledDocument, DocumentNotSentOrPrinted, NotCancellationOrCancelledDocument

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteList">
               <parameter name="status" value="Issued" />
               <parameter name="dateFrom" type="Date" value="2012-09-26" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in DeliveryNoteGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges,  

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request.
Invalid search key!
Invalid search value:  X

4.8 DeliveryNoteSendByEmail

Sends document by email to the recipient(s).


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
senderEmail sender (Optional)
recipientComma delimited list of recipient(s) emails
ccCC email (Optional)
bccBCC email (Optional)
subjectMail subject (Optional)
messageMessage text (Optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteSendByEmail">
       <parameter name="number" value="2012-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2012-09-26" />
       <parameter name="sender" value="petr@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="recipient" value="pavel@novak.cz,ondrej@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="cc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="bcc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="subject" value="TEST s.r.o.: delivery notes nr. 0002/2010"/>
       <parameter name="message" value="Message text"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, mail sending failed

Error messages
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request.
number   asp.error.MandatoryEntry
stDok - Document does not exist
stDok - More then one document matches criteria !

4.9 DeliveryNoteAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to delivery note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to delivery note 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find delivery note for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

4.10 DeliveryNoteAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to delivery note and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to delivery note 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find delivery note for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

4.11 DeliveryNoteAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of delivery note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find delivery note for number: 2020-00001 Delivery note does not have attachemnts.

4.12 DeliveryNoteAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DeliveryNoteAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find delivery note for number: 2020-00001 Delivery note does not have attachemnts.


5. Document Management API

DocumentInboxImportImport electronic document to document management inbox
DocumentInboxAddEntryAdd an entry to document management inbox (document capture inbox)
DocumentInboxListList entries in the document management inbox

5.1 DocumentInboxImport

Import electronic document to document inbox. This can be only a document which is unique to a specific organization and which contains all data needed to identify its type and receiver. Examples of such documents include CBA bank statements in XML, electronic invoices in XML (ISDOC), etc.


checkExistingBoolean parameter. If true, importing an already existing document will fail. The document is equal to an already existing document if document number or filename match existing/already imported document.
allOrganizationsBoolean parameter. If true, the organization lookup will be performed before actual import is done. The document will be imported into the organization for which the document is destined according to the data it contains (VAT ID, TaxID, IBAN, etc.).
electronicDocumentElectronic document file. This can be either CBA XML or ISDOC XML
documentVisualizationPDF visualization of electronic document (optional parameter)
automaticallyImportDocumentOptional parameter, that determines, that document (for now only received invoices and bank statements) will be automatically imported after successfully imported into inbox.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DocumentInboxImport">
       <parameter name="checkExisting" value="true" />
       <parameter name="allOrganizations" value="true" />
       <parameter name="automaticallyImportDocument" value="true" />
       <parameter name="electronicDocument">
                       <documentDate>2012-11-15 12:00:00<documentDate>
                       <contents encoding="BASE64">ASDASDASDASD</contents>
       <parameter name="documentVisualization">
                       <documentDate>2012-11-15 12:00:00<documentDate>
                       <contents encoding="BASE64">ASDASDASDASD</contents>

5.2 DocumentInboxAddEntry

Add new entry to document inbox. This can be either a PDF document, scanned image, XML electronic invoice or even multiple files each of its own type.


checkExistingBoolean parameter. If true, importing an already existing document will fail. The document is equal to an already existing document if document date, partner and document number all match.
automaticallyImportDocumentOptional parameter, that determines, that document (for now only received invoices and bank statements) will be automatically imported after successfully imported into inbox.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DocumentInboxAddEntry">
       <parameter name="checkExisting" value="true" />
       <parameter name="automaticallyImportDocument" value="true" />
       <parameter name="document">
                       <documentDate>2012-11-15 12:00:00<documentDate>
                                       <contents encoding="BASE64">ASDASDASDASD</contents>
                                       <contents encoding="BASE64">ASDASDASDASD</contents>

5.3 DocumentInboxList

List entries in the document management inbox.


documentNumberDocument number received by mail.
dateFromDocument date from received by mail.
dateToDocument date to received by mail.
receivalDateFromMail receival from.
receivalDateToMail receival to.
statusStatus of mail.
sequentialNumberSequential number of mail.
senderNameSender name.
typeType of mail.
deliveryMethodDelivery method of mail.
descriptionSearch by word or sentence from mail description.
fileNameSearch mail by their attachemnt filenames.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="DocumentInboxList">
               <parameter name="status" value="Open" />
               <parameter name="receivalDateFrom" type="Date" value="2017-01-01" />
              <parameter name="receivalDateTo" type="Date" value="2021-01-01" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <description>Incoming mail subject

Description in incoming mail</description>
               <enteredTS>2021-03-18 08:14:01</enteredTS>
               <senderName>WorldStream B.V.</senderName>
               <description>Incoming mail subject

Description in incoming mail</description>
               <enteredTS>2021-03-18 08:13:10</enteredTS>
               <senderName>Tastno 2x</senderName>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>   <!-- There are several different error messages possible.


6. E-Banking API

BankStatementImportImport bank statement file.

6.1 BankStatementImport

Import bank statement file.


IBANBank account number (used when importing bank statements of type "CbaXml", "AboGpc", "SwiftMulticashSta", "eurofakturaSpreadsheet"). It can contain IBAN or CZ national bankAccount number format (XXXXXXXXX/YYYY).
payPalAccountPayPal email (used when importing bank statements of type "PayPalCsv")
typeType of bank statement ("CbaXml", "PayPalCsv" , "AboGpc" , "SwiftMulticashSta" , "eurofakturaSpreadsheet")
dateFormatThis parameter is mandatory in case of using type "eurofakturaSpreadsheet", to select right date format used in imported file ("DD.MM.YYYY", "DD.MM.YYYY.", "DD/MM/YYYY", "MM/DD/YYYY", "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY.MM.DD", "YYYY.MM.DD.")
statementDataBank statement coded with base64 coder
pdfStatementDataBank statement pdf coded with base64 coder (optional)
pdfStatementFileNameFile name of bank statement pdf (optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="BankStatementImport">
       <parameter name="IBAN" value="CZ8306000000000222793165" />
       <parameter name="type" value="eurofakturaSpreadsheet" />
       <parameter name="dateFormat" value="DD.MM.YYYY" />
       <parameter name="statementData" value="D94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyIgPz4NCjxEb2N1bWV..."/>
       <parameter name="pdfStatementData" value="JVBERi0xLjQKJcOkw7zDtsOfCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwvTGVuZ3RoIDMgMCBSL0ZpbHRlci9GbGF0ZURlY29kZT4+Cn..."/>
       <parameter name="pdfStatementFileName" value="test.pdf"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="BankStatementImport">
       <parameter name="payPalAccount" value="payPalAccount@payPal.com" />
       <parameter name="type" value="PayPalCsv" />
       <parametername="statementData" value="D94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyIgPz4NCjxEb2N1bWV..."/>
       <parameter name="pdfStatementData" value="JVBERi0xLjQKJcOkw7zDtsOfCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwvTGVuZ3RoIDMgMCBSL0ZpbHRlci9GbGF0ZURlY29kZT4+Cn..."/>
       <parameter name="pdfStatementFileName" value="test.pdf"/>

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

Bank statement with attachement.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
        <statementNumber>Bank statement number 31 was imported</statementNumber>
        <pdfStatementFileName>PDF attachment added</pdfStatementFileName>

Bank statement without attachement.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
        <statementNumber>Bank statement number 31 was imported</statementNumber>
        <pdfStatementFileName>No PDF attachment added</pdfStatementFileName>

Response on error if one of required parameters is missing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Parameter named <IBAN> is required."><error/>       

Response on error if iban is not one of your
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Parameter named <IBAN> is not one of your bank accounts"><error/>   

Response on error if xml data is missing or it is not correct
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Error importing data!"><error/>     

Response on error if pdf attachement file is corrupted.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="PDF file is corrupted!"><error/>    


7. General Ledger API

7.1 GeneralLedgerGetAccountBalance

Get account balance from the general ledger.


fiscalYearSelect fiscal year (business year). Fiscal year which is set as default will be used if absent from the request.
accountNumberGeneral ledger account number
partnerCodeIf partner code is specified the balance will be calculated for that partner with only.
voucherStatusGeneral ledger journal voucher status of entries used in balance calculation. Possible values are:
  • all  Include open and posted vouchers/entries when calculating the balance. This is the default parameter value.
  • open  Include only open vouchers.
  • posted  Include only posted vouchers.
balanceDateThe date of the balance returned.

Example request and response

Example 1.

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GeneralLedgerGetAccountBalance">
  <parameter name="fiscalYear" value="2014" />
  <parameter name="balanceDate" type="Date" value="2004-01-31" />
  <parameter name="accountNumber" type="String" value="112000" />
  <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="003" />
  <parameter name="voucherStatus" type="String" value="all" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2009 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
       <AccountBalance accountNumber="112000" partnerCode="003" balanceCredit="11.00" balanceDebit="12.00" balance="-1.0" currency="CZK">

7.2 GeneralLedgerAccountStatementGetEntries

Get general ledger account statement entries.


businessYearSelect business year. Business year which is set as default will be used if not specified.
accountNumberGeneral ledger account number.
partnerCodeIf partner code is specified, only entries assigned to the given partner will be returned.
documentIf document ID is specified, the statement will include only entries assigned to the given document. Document string can containt the * (star) character to match entries where document Id matches the search string.
transactionDateFromEntries for transactions from the given date
transactionDateToEntries for transactions up to the given date
documentDateFromEntries for document from date
documentDateToEntries for documents up to given date
dueDateFromEntry due date from
dueDateToEntry due date to
postingDateFromEntry posting date from
postingDateToEntry posting date to
transactionAmountFilter out entries matching approximate transaction amount. If currency parameter is also specified, then the amount will be matched with the entry amount in the foreign currency.
transactionCurrencyUse this criteria when you need to filter out transaction originating in a foreign currency
costCentreFilter out entries on the given cost centre. Character * (star) can be used for matching multiple cost center codes
descriptionFilter out entries matching description (* character can be used)
creditOrDebitOptional to filter out only debit or credit transactions. Possible values are:
  • debit  Only debit transactions
  • credit  Only credit transaction
voucherStatusOptional to limit list to entries depending on the GL journal voucher status. Possible values are:
  • all  Include open and posted vouchers/entries when calculating the balance. This is the default parameter value.
  • open  Include only open vouchers.
  • posted  Include only posted vouchers.
entryStatusOptional to specify entry status regarding document payment status. Possible values are:
  • open  list open items only
  • cleared  list cleared entries only

Example request and response

Example 1.
POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GeneralLedgerAccountStatementGetEntries">
  <parameter name="businessYear" value="2018" />
  <parameter name="documentDateFrom" type="Date" value="2018-01-31" />
  <parameter name="documentDateTo" type="Date" value="2018-02-28" />
  <parameter name="accountNumber" type="String" value="112000" />
  <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="003" />
  <parameter name="transactionAmount" type="Decimal" value="50.00" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2009 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <description>Komerční banka, a.s.</description>
               <partner>Komerční banka, a.s.</partner>
               <description>Komerční banka, a.s.</description>
               <partner>Komerční banka, a.s.</partner>
               <description>Komerční banka, a.s.</description>
               <partner>KBM-Infond, družba za upravljanje d.o.o.</partner>


8. GeneralLedgerJournalVoucher API

GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherGetGet general ledger journal voucher by document number, or by combination of document number and business year.
GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherGetPDFGet PDF file for general ledger journal voucher by document number, or by combination of document number and business year.
GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherCreateCreate new general ledger journal voucher. In tag "Items" you specifie general ledger journal entries.
GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherUpdateUpdate existing general ledger journal voucher.Data must contain general ledger journal voucher number and business year to be able to identify document which is to be updated.
GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherDeleteDelete general ledger journal voucher. Must specify parameter/s (number and business year) to identify document for deleting.
GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherCancelCancel general ledger journal voucher. Must specify parameter/s (number and business year) to identify document for canceling.
GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherListGet list of general ledger journal vouchers for criteria which is specified by API parameters.

9. GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherGet

Get general ledger journal voucher by document number, or by combination of document number and business year.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (00002)
businessYearBusiness year.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherGet">
               <parameter name="number" value="00003"/>
               <parameter name="businessYear" value="2016"/>

<response status="ok">
               <createdBy>PETR NOVAK</createdBy>
               <postedBy>PETR NOVAK</postedBy>
                               <partner>UniCredit a.s.</partner>
                               <partner>UniCredit a.s.</partner>
                               <partner>TEST PETR</partner>
                               <partner>TEST PETR</partner>
                               <partner>4 Partner Foreign Company</partner>
                               <partner>4 Partner Foreign Company</partner>
                               <partner>4 Partner Foreign Company</partner>

10. GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherGetPDF

Get PDF for general ledger journal voucher by document number, or by combination of document number and business year.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (00002)
businessYearBusiness year.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherGet">
               <parameter name="number" value="00003"/>
               <parameter name="businessYear" value="2016"/>

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find general ledger voucher for number: 0003 and business year: 2016">

10.1 GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherCreate

Create new general ledger journal voucher. In tag "Items" you specifie general ledger journal entries.


GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherCreate">
               <parameter name="generalLedgerJournalVoucher">
               <businessEventType>salesInvoices</businessEventType>   <!-- Possible values: other, manuallyClearedOpenItems, salariesRemuneration, currencyDifferences, VATReport, compensations, closingOfTheFiscalYear, deliveryNotes, goodsReceipts, salesInvoices, advanceInvoices, creditNotes, debitNotes, calculationOfInterest, receivedInvoices, receivedAdvanceInvoices, receivedCreditNotes, receivedDebitNotes, fixedAssets, openingOfGLJournal, openingGeneralLedgerJournalVoucherUnreconciled, travelOrders, bankStatements, bankStatementsForeignCurrency, cashbook, priceChanges, inventoryOfGoods, internalMovements, payroll, securities, allowanceSettlement, settlementUnderWorkContract, rentSettlements, royaltySettlement, meetingsFeeSettlement, apprenticePaySettlement, dividendSettlement
               <businessYear>2016</businessYear>   <!-- business year of posting (mandatory)
               <dateOfPosting>2016-09-29</dateOfPosting>    <!-- date of posting (mandatory)
               <dateOfTransaction>2016-09-29</dateOfTransaction>    <!-- date of transaction/period date(mandatory)
               <number>4</number>    <!-- sequential number of general ledger journal voucher in selected business year
               <status>Opened</status>    <!-- status of general ledger journal voucher. Possible values: Opened, Closed, Unbalanced, NotTransferred
               <remarks>test</remarks>   <!-- remarks for general ledger journal voucher
               <generalLedgerJournalVoucherType>UCED-0067</generalLedgerJournalVoucherType>   <!-- company defined general ledger journal voucher type
                               <amountCredit>6391.530</amountCredit>   <!-- credit amount mandatory if no debit amount
                               <costPosition></costPosition>   <!-- cost position
                               <description>test</description>    <!-- description max length: 250 (mandatory)
                               <document>FA2016-00046</document>   <!-- document number
                               <referencedDocument></referencedDocument>   <!-- referenced document
                               <documentDate>2016-07-29</documentDate>   <!-- document date
                               <dueDate>2016-07-29</dueDate>   <!-- document due date
                               <exchangeRate>0.913076</exchangeRate>   <!-- enter if foreign amount is inserted
                               <foreignAmount>7000.000</foreignAmount>   <!-- foreign amount
                               <foreignCurrency>USD</foreignCurrency>   <!-- foreign currency
                               <generalLedgerAccountNumber>008</generalLedgerAccountNumber>   <!-- general ledger account number (mandatory)
                               <partner>UniCredit a.s.</partner>   <!-- partner name (mandatory if no partner code <partnerCode> parameter)
                               <partnerCode>87</partnerCode>   <!-- partner code (mandatory if no partner name <partner> parameter)
                               <sequenceNumber>7</sequenceNumber>   <!-- sequential number of entry
                               <transactionDate>2016-09-29</transactionDate>    <!-- date of transaction/period date(mandatory)
                               <vatDate>2016-07-29</vatDate>    <!-- VAT date
                               <amountDebit>6391.530</amountDebit>   <!-- debit amount mandatory if no credit amount
                               <referencedDocument></referencedDocument>   <!-- referenced document
                               <partner>UniCredit a.s.</partner>

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <number>0003</number>           <!-- created general ledger journal voucher number
       <businessYear>2016/businessYear>                        <!-- general ledger journal voucher business year

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

10.2 GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherUpdate

Update existing general ledger journal voucher.Data must contain general ledger journal voucher number and business year to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherUpdate">
<parameter name="GeneralLedgerJournalVoucher">
               <businessYear>2016</businessYear>   <!-- general ledger journal voucher business year is mandatory in UPDATE
         <number>3</number>                                     <!-- general ledger journal voucher number is mandatory in UPDATE (Can use sequential document number (example: 12), or formatted number (example: 0003))
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <number>0003</number>           <!-- updated general ledger journal voucher number
       <businessYear>2016/businessYear>                        <!-- general ledger journal voucher business year

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

10.3 GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherDelete

Delete general ledger journal voucher. Must specify parameter/s (number and business year) to identify document for deleting.


numberGeneral ledger journal voucher number
businessYearGeneral ledger journal voucher date

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="0003" />
       <parameter name="businessYear" value="2016" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- general ledger journal voucher could not be found, no privileges,  

10.4 GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherCancel

Cancel general ledger journal voucher. Must specify parameter/s (number and business year) to identify document for canceling.


numberGeneral ledger journal voucher number
businessYearGeneral ledger journal voucher date

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherCancel">
       <parameter name="number" value="0003" />
       <parameter name="businessYear" value="2016" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not cancel general ledger journal voucher for number: 0003"><error/>    <!-- general ledger journal voucher could not be canceled,  

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find general ledger voucher for number
Can not cancel general ledger journal voucher due to: X

10.5 GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherList

Get list of general ledger journal vouchers for criteria which is specified by API parameters.


numberGeneral ledger journal voucher number
dateFromThe date which is used to select general ledger journal vouchers whose period date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select general ledger journal vouchers whose period date is preceding it
statusStatus of general ledger journal vouchers. Possible values: Opened, Closed, Unbalanced and NotTransferred.
remarksSearch from remarks on general ledger journal voucher
businessYearSearch by business year
businessEventTypeSearch by business event type
profitAndLossAccountTypeSearch by user defined type.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherList">
               <parameter name="status" value="opened" />
               <parameter name="businessYear" value="2016" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in GeneralLedgerJournalVoucherGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges,  


11. GoodsReceipt API

GoodsReceiptGetGet goods receipts by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
GoodsReceiptGetPDFGet PDF file for goods receipt by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
GoodsReceiptCreateCreate new goods receipt.
GoodsReceiptUpdateUpdate existing goods receipt.
GoodsReceiptDeleteDelete goods receipt.
GoodsReceiptCancelCancel goods receipt.
GoodsReceiptListGet list of goods receipts for specified criteria
GoodsReceiptSendByEmailSends document by email to the recipient(s).
GoodsReceiptAttachmentAddAdd attachment to goods receipt.
GoodsReceiptAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to goods receipt and set is as default.
GoodsReceiptAttachmentGetGet default attachment of goods receipt.
GoodsReceiptAttachmentListGet all attachments of goods receipt.

11.1 GoodsReceiptGet

Get goods receipt by document number, or by combination of document number and date.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="2012-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2012-09-26" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 November 2012 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <remarks>my remarks on: #(10. říjen 2012 15:26:28)</remarks>
               <supplierName>6 Partner Buyer Supplier</supplierName>
               <supplierStreet>Národní 15</supplierStreet>
               <cancelledDocumentRef>2012-00015</cancelledDocumentRef> <-- Reference to cancelled document
                               <associatedSerialNumbers> 222, 111</associatedSerialNumbers>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not find goods receipt for number: XXX and date: XXX"><error/>

Error messages:
Parameter named "number" is required.
Can not find goods receipt for number: XXX and date: XXX

11.2 GoodsReceiptGetPDF

Get PDF for goods receipt by document number, or by combination of document number and date. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2014-00001)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptGetPDF">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2009-12-15" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find goods receipt for number: 2013-01293 and date: 2013-01-02">

11.3 GoodsReceiptCreate

Create new goods receipt.

Mandatory document attributes are: supplierCode, warehouseCode.Mandatory document item attribute is productCode. Other attributes are optional and web service will use default values and those from specified product. Default amount is 1, default date is day of execution. Amounts in item calculations can be specified by prices, amounts or percantages, where related values will be automaticly recalculated.
Additional optional item fields are: calculationQuantity, associatedSerialNumbers, supplierPrice, supplierPriceAmount, supplierPriceCurrency, supplierPriceInCalculationCurrency, supplierAmountInCalculationCurrency, supplierDiscountPercentage, supplierDiscountAmount, costsOfTransportPercentage, costsOfTransportAmount, costsOfCustomsPercentage, costsOfCustomsAmount, inboundVatPercentage, inboundVatAmount, costsDirectPercentage, costsDirectAmount, inventoryPrice, inventoryAmount, grossMarginPercentage, grossMarginAmount, grossPrice, outgoingVatPercentage, outgoingVatAmount, retailMarginAmount, retailMarginPercentage, retailPrice, salesPrice, salesPriceAmount.

Attribute associatedSerialNumbers is mandatory for products which are declared to use serial numbers (numbers delimited by comma).
Status of document is automatically set to "issued" if parameter number is specified in parameter list, or if it's status is explicitelly set to issued.


GoodsReceiptComplex parameter with data tags like:
statusPossible values:
  • Draft 
  • Issued 

Special purpose documen item attributes are: inventoryPriceChangeApplyToArticle, grossPriceChangeApplyToArticle, salesPriceChangeApplyToArticle. If some is set to true, related price in product will be modified acording to the price in good receipt item.

If price calculation is not specified at all in XML (all clauses are missing), default price calculation from article is taken or new calculation is created based on inventory, gross and sales price from article.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptCreate">
<parameter name="GoodsReceipt">
               <date>2012-09-26</date>                                 <!-- document date
               <dateOfReceival>2012-09-26</dateOfReceival>             <!-- date of receival
               <businessYear>2012</businessYear>                               <!-- (Optional)
               <purchaseOrder>13</purchaseOrder>                       <!-- (Optional)
               <warehouseCode>8956</warehouseCode>                     <!-- (Mandatory)
               <status>Issued</status>                                 <!-- (Optional) Issued, Draft, default: Issued
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                                <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCode>123456</supplierCode>                     <!-- (Mandatory)
               <supplierDeliveryNote>11</supplierDeliveryNote>         <!-- (Optional)
               <remarks>Remark on goods receipt</remarks>              <!-- (Optional)
               <documentLanguage>Czech</documentLanguage> <!-- (Optional) Possible document language: Slovene, English, German, Italian and Croatian
                       <Item>                                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <position>1</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <productCode>666666</productCode>                               <!-- product code
                               <calculationQuantity>2</calculationQuantity>                    <!-- quantity (default is 1)
                               <associatedSerialNumbers> 222, 111</associatedSerialNumbers>    <!-- serial numbers (a number per calculationQuantity of products)
                               <discountPercentage>10</discountPercentage>                     <!-- discount percentage
                               <position>2</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <salesPriceAmount>30</salesPriceAmount>                         <!-- sales amount (sales price * calculationQuantity)
                               <associatedSerialNumbers>111, 222</associatedSerialNumbers>
                               <supplierPriceAmount>60</supplierPriceAmount>                   <!-- sales amount (sales amount / calculationQuantity)
                               <associatedSerialNumbers>111, 222</associatedSerialNumbers>
                       <Item>   <!-- (default quantity is 1)
                               <costsOfCustomsPercentage>5.00</costsOfCustomsPercentage>               <!-- customs cost percantage
                               <salesPrice>30</salesPrice>                                                     <!-- sales price
                               <associatedSerialNumbers>111, 222</associatedSerialNumbers>
                               <inventoryPriceChangeApplyToArticle>true</inventoryPriceChangeApplyToArticle>   <!-- special atribute for create and update function
                               <grossPriceChangeApplyToArticle>true</grossPriceChangeApplyToArticle>           <!-- special atribute for create and update function
                               <salesPriceChangeApplyToArticle>true</salesPriceChangeApplyToArticle>           <!-- special atribute for create and update function

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2012-00014</number>             <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2012-09-26</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          

Generic error messages (not related to concrete property):
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named GoodsReceipt needed.
Error creating Goods receipt (descrition)
Goods receipt for number: X already exists!

Error messages which are related to properties are formated in a a way: "Error nr: N #propertyName - error description"
supplierCode - Missing supplier code
supplierCode - Can not find supplier for code:
warehouseCode - Missing warehouse code
warehouseCode - Warehouse does not exist
supplierTaxNumber - Tax number invalid
supplierTaxNumber - ID nr. for VAT invalid
supplierName - Entry is mandatory
city - Entry is mandatory
date - Entry is mandatory
date - Document cannot be issued retroactively because document with later date was already issued.
dateOfReceival - Entry is mandatory

Errors for document items data are formated like shown bellow (X is item sequence number)
ItemX_associatedSerialNumbers - Serial number entry is required for each piece of product.
ItemX_productCode - Entry is mandatory
ItemX_productCode - Can not find product for code:
ItemX_inboundVatPercentage - Entry is mandatory

11.4 GoodsReceiptUpdate

Update existing goods receipt.Data must contain goods receipt number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


GoodsReceipt Complex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptUpdate">
<parameter name="GoodsReceipt">
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in GoodsReceiptCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2012-00014</number>             <!-- updated document ID or number
       <date>2012-09-26</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- Error messages are returned in format as described in GoodsReceiptCreate api

11.5 GoodsReceiptDelete

Delete sales order. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="2012-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2012-09-26" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find goods receipt for number
Can not delete. Found X goods receipts
Data cannot be deleted because they are needed or referenced by other documents or data.

11.6 GoodsReceiptCancel

Cancel goods receipt. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for canceling.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
statusStatus of cancelation document (draft, issuedInvoice). By Default status is issuedInvoice.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptCancel">
       <parameter name="number" value="2013-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-03-26" />
       <parameter name="status" value="draft" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not cancel goods receipt for arguments number: 2013-00014 date: 2013-03-26"><error/>    <!-- document could not be canceled,  

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find goods receipt for number
Can not cancel. Found X goods receipts
Found X goods receipts X. You can only cancel one goods receipt at a time
Can not cancel goods receipt X

11.7 GoodsReceiptList

Get list of goods receipts for criteria which is specified by API parameters.


numberDocument number
dateFromThe date which is used to select goods receipts whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select goods receipts whose date is preceding it
warehouseWarehouse code
dateOfReceivalThe date of receival
supplierDeliveryNoteDelivery Note number
purchaseOrderPurchase number
serialNumberProduct serial number
supplierSupplier name
costPositionCost position code
productProduct code, or product name
remarksDocument remarks
statusPossible values:
  • Draft 
  • Issued 
  • Booked 
  • NotBooked 
  • CancellationDocument 
  • CancelledDocument 
  • WithReceivedInvoiceReference 
  • WithoutReceivedInvoiceReference 

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptList">
               <parameter name="status" value="Issued" />
               <parameter name="dateFrom" type="Date" value="2012-09-26" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in GoodsReceiptGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges,  

Possible error messages:Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request.Invalid search key!Invalid search value: X

11.8 GoodsReceiptSendByEmail

Sends document by email to the recipient(s).


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
senderEmail sender (Optional)
recipientComma delimited list of recipient(s) emails
ccCC email (Optional)
bccBCC email (Optional)
subjectMail subject (Optional)
messageMessage text (Optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptSendByEmail">
       <parameter name="number" value="2012-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2012-09-26" />
       <parameter name="sender" value="petr@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="recipient" value="pavel@novak.cz,ondrej@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="cc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="bcc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="subject" value="TEST s.r.o.: Goods receipts nr. 0002/2010"/>
       <parameter name="message" value="Message text"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, mail sending failed

Error messages
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request.
number   asp.error.MandatoryEntry
stDok - Document does not exist
stDok - More then one document matches criteria !

11.9 GoodsReceiptAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to goods receipt.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to goods receipt 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find goods receipt for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

11.10 GoodsReceiptAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to goods receipt and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to goods receipt 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find goods receipt for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

11.11 GoodsReceiptAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of goods receipt.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find goods receipt for number: 2020-00001 Goods receipt does not have attachemnts.

11.12 GoodsReceiptAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="GoodsReceiptAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find goods receipt for number: 2020-00001 Goods receipt does not have attachemnts.


12. Internalmovement API

InternalmovementGetGet internal movement by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
InternalmovementGtPDFGet PDF file for internal movement by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
InternalmovementCreateCreate new internal movement.
InternalmovementUpdateUpdate existing internal movement.
InternalmovementDeleteDelete internal movement.

12.1 InternalMovementGet

Get internal movements by number.


numberNumber of internal movement.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="InternalMovementGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="055/11" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find internal movement number: 055/11,  

12.2 InternalMovementCreate

Create new internal movement.


InternalMovementInternal movement's data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="InternalMovementCreate">
               <parameter name="InternalInventoryChangeDoc">
                       <date>2014-12-13</date>  <!-- Mandatory
                       <remarks>test text</remarks>
                       <warehouseFromCode>MP</warehouseFromCode>  <!-- Mandatory
                       <warehouseCode>8956</warehouseCode>      <!-- Mandatory
                                       <calculationQuantity>2</calculationQuantity>   <!-- Mandatory
                    <productCode>666666</productCode>  <!-- Mandatory         
                                       <calculationQuantity>8</calculationQuantity>   <!-- Mandatory
                    <productCode>666555</productCode>  <!-- Mandatory         

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="internal movement for number: 055/11 already exists!><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" must be specified., missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, Error creating internal movement  

12.3 InternalMovementUpdate

Update existing internal movement.


InternalMovementProduct's data in xml substructure

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="InternalMovementUpdate">
       <parameter name="InternalMovement">
                       <date>2014-12-13</date>  <!-- Mandatory
                       <remarks>test text</remarks>
                       <warehouseFromCode>MP</warehouseFromCode>  <!-- Mandatory
                       <warehouseCode>8956</warehouseCode>      <!-- Mandatory
                                       <calculationQuantity>2</calculationQuantity>   <!-- Mandatory
                    <productCode>666666</productCode>  <!-- Mandatory         
                                       <calculationQuantity>8</calculationQuantity>   <!-- Mandatory
                    <productCode>666555</productCode>  <!-- Mandatory         

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find internal movement for number: 055/11, missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

12.4 InternalMovementDelete

Delete internal movement.


numberUnique identifier for internal movement.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="InternalMovementDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="055/11" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find internal movement for number: 055/11, Can not delete. Found 3  internal movement with number 055,


13. Partner API

PartnerGetByIDGet partner by partner ID.
PartnerGetByCodeGet partner by partner's code.
PartnerCreateCreate new partner.
PartnerUpdateUpdate existing partner.
PartnerImportImport partner by creating new and/or updating existing ones.
PartnerDeleteDelete partner.
PartnerListGet list of partners for specified criteria.
PartnerListBuyersGet list of buyers for specified criteria.
PartnerListSuppliersGet list of suppliers for specified criteria.
PartnerListEmployeesGet list of employees for specified criteria.
PartnerBuyerCreditLimitGetGet partner buyer credit limit with unpaid amount by invoices and posted debt.
PartnerAttachmentAddAdd attachment to partner.
PartnerAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to partner and set is as default.
PartnerAttachmentGetGet default attachment of partner.
PartnerAttachmentListGet all attachments of partner.
PartnerImageAddAdd partner's image.
PartnerImageGetGet partner's image.
PartnerImageRemoveRemove partner's image.

13.1 PartnerGetByID

Get partner by partner ID (personal identification number).


IDPartners ID (partner taxNumber accepted too). Partner ID is external number (IČO) in case of legal person and in case of natural persion it is RČ.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerGetByID">
       <parameter name="ID" value="73691234" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <ID>02169711</ID>                                       <!-- Partner ID.
               <partnerCode>111</partnerCode>                  <!-- Partner code.
               <taxNumber>02169711</taxNumber>                 <!-- Tax number
               <vatID>1587277000</vatID>                               <!-- VAT number
               <companyName>Test s.r.o.</companyName>          <!-- Company name
               <companyType>Organization</ companyType>                <!-- Type of company. (Contractor, Ltd, Plc, Co, Organization, Subsidiary, Association, Direction, Unit, Division, Edu, Gov, Charity, Cooperative)
               <vatRegistration>Unknown</vatRegistration>              <!-- VAT reg type (Unknown, None, Registered)
               <dateOfRegistration></ dateOfRegistration>              <!-- Company establishment date
               <branchClassification></branchClassification>           <!-- Branch classification
               <firstName>Petr</firstName>                             <!-- For legal person is first name of contact person
               <lastName>Novak</lastName>                              <!-- For legal person is last name of contact person
               <gender>male</ gender>                          <!-- Type of person sex. (male, female, unknown)
               <dateOfBirth></dateOfBirth>                             <!-- For natural person only   birth date
               <maritalStatus></maritalStatus>                         <!-- For natural person   (single, married, widowed, concubinance)
               <fax>05/625 94 40</fax>
               <eMail>petr@novak.cz,pavel@novak.cz</eMail>     <!-- comma delimited list of emails
               <remarks>test partner for testing web services</remarks><!-- remarks for partner
               <homepage>www.testWS.com</homepage>                     <!-- homapege of partner
                               <type>Primary</type>                            <!--Primary address (possible address types are: Invoicing, Primary, Delivery)
                               <street>Celní 22</street>
                               <telephone>600 000 051</telephone>
                               <fax>600 100 051</fax>
                               <type>Invoicing</type>                          <!--Invoicing address, can include tags "firstAddressLine" and "additionalLine" for additional data for invoicing
                               <additionalLine>Test Company</additionalLine>
                               <firstAddressLine>Petr Novak</firstAddressLine>
                               <street>Celní 22</street>
                               <telephone>600 000 051</telephone>
                               <type>Delivery</type>                           <!--Delivery address, can include tag "additionalLine" for name of recipient
                               <additionalLine>Test s.r.o.</additionalLine>
                               <street>Nová 15</street>
                               <telephone>600 000 051</telephone>
                       <status>active</status>                         <!-- Employee status (active, inactive)
                       <Employments>                                   <!-- Employements data
                       <numberOfDaysForPaymentBaseDate>fromDocumentDate</numberOfDaysForPaymentBaseDate>       <!-- allowed values: fromDocumentDate, fromServiceOrDeliveryDate
                       <status>trustworthyBuyer</status>  <!-- allowed values: defaultBuyer, buyerOnBlackList, trustworthyBuyer, buyerDoesNotExistAnymore.
                       <numberOfDaysForPaymentBaseDate>fromDocumentDate</numberOfDaysForPaymentBaseDate>       <!-- allowed values: fromDocumentDate, fromServiceOrDeliveryDate, fromDocumentReceivedDate
                       <status>defaultSupplier</status>        <!-- defaultSupplier, supplierOnBlackList, trustworthySupplier, supplierDoesNotExistAnymore
                               <bank>Komerční banka, a.s.</bank>

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Partner not found,  "><error/>      

13.2 PartnerGetByCode

Get partner by partner code.


partnerCodePartner code.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerGetByCode">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" value="1234" />

Response structure is identical to the structure of response in PartnerGetByID

13.3 PartnerGetByDocumentID

Get partner by partner documentID.


documentIDPartner documentID (internal id from program).

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerGetByCode">
       <parameter name="documentID" value="34:1234" />

Response structure is identical to the structure of response in PartnerGetByID

13.4 PartnerCreate

Create new partner. (for more detailed partner's data structure look in API for PartnerGetByID)


partnerPartner's data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerCreate">
       <parameter name="partner">
                <companyType>Organization</companyType>   <!-- Mandatory when creating info about company
                <companyName>Test s.r.o.</companyName>   <!-- Mandatory when creating info about company
               <taxNumber>021697112</taxNumber>   <!-- optional data
               <mobilePhone>600 000 012</mobilePhone>
               <fax>600 100 012</fax>
               <!--  optional data in sub elements (see properties in PartnerGetByID)
                               <type></type>   <!--(possible address types are: Invoicing, Primary, Delivery)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

Example with natural person:

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerCreate">
       <parameter name="partner">
              <lastName>1 Partner</lastName>
                       <street>Street 22</street>
                               <type>Invoicing</type>                          <!--Invoicing address, can include tags "firstAddressLine" and "additionalLine" for additional data for invoicing
                               <additionalLine>Test Company Group</additionalLine>
                               <firstAddressLine>Petr Novak</firstAddressLine>
                               <street>Celní 22</street>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

13.5 PartnerUpdate

Update existing partner.


partnerPartner's data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerUpdate">
       <parameter name="partner">
               <!--other params as in PartnerCreate

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

13.6 PartnerDelete

Delete partner.


IDPartner's ID.
taxNumberPartner's tax number.
partnerCodePartner's code.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerDelete">
        <parameter name="ID" value="7369" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerDelete">
        <parameter name="taxNumber" value="CZ12345678" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerDelete">
        <parameter name="partnerCode" value="PA7369" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>

13.7 PartnerImport

Import partner by creating new and/or updating existing ones. Parameter importType can be used to specify type of import. If parameter is not specified, createOrUpdate is used as default. For updating partner with this api call, partner's data must contain code as unique identifier.


importTypeFlag for the type of import
  • createOrUpdate Import all - create new and update existing partners
  • createOnly  Skip import for existing partners
  • updateOnly  Skip import of new partners
partnerPartner's data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerImport">
       <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
       <parameter name="partner">              <!-- parameter here is the same as for PartnerUpdate or PartnerCreate depending on importType

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

13.8 PartnerList

Get list of partners for specified criteria.


partnerTypeType of partners to be answered. If this parameter is missing, answer all types of partners (default value is 'all'). Possible types are:
  • buyer 
  • supplier 
  • user 
searchKeySearch key. The value from this field is used for searching for: ( company name for partners as legal person, given name and name for partners as physical person)
partnerCodePartner's code
taxNumberTax number
postalCodeOrCityPostal code or City
mobileOrPhoneNumberMobile or phone number

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerList">
       <parameter name="searchKey" type="String" value="Test s.r.o." />
       <parameter name="postalCodeOrCity" type="String" value="Brno" />
        <parameter name="street" type="String" value="Celní" />
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="12" />
       <parameter name="partnerType" value="buyer"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of each partner is the same as in PartnerGetByID

13.9 PartnerListBuyers

Get list of buyers for specified criteria. Response structure is identical to API "PartnerList"


searchKeySearch key. The value from this field is used for searching for: (company name for partners as legal person, given name and name for partners as physical person)
partnerCodePartner's code
buyerCodeBuyer's code
taxNumberTax number
postalCodeOrCityPostal code or City
statusStatus of the buyers to be answered. It is optional and possible types are:
  • defaultBuyer 
  • buyerOnBlackList 
  • trustworthyBuyer 
  • buyerDoesNotExistAnymore 

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerListBuyers">
       <parameter name="buyerCode" type="String" value="111" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of each partner is the same as in PartnerGetByID

13.10 PartnerListSuppliers

Get list of suppliers for specified criteria. Response structure is identical to API "PartnerList"


searchKeySearch key. The value from this field is used for searching for: (company name for partners as legal person, given name and name for partners as physical person)
partnerCodePartner's code
supplierCodeSupplier's code
taxNumberTax number
postalCodeOrCityPostal code or City
statusStatus of the suppliers to be answered. It is optional and possible types are:
  • defaultSupplier 
  • supplierOnBlackList 
  • trustworthySupplier 
  • supplierDoesNotExistAnymore 

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerListSupplier">
       <parameter name="supplierCode" type="String" value="111" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of each partner is the same as in PartnerGetByID

13.11 PartnerListEmployees

Get list of employees for specified criteria. Response structure is identical to API "PartnerList"


searchKeySearch key. The value from this field is used for searching for: (company name for partners as legal person, given name and name for partners as physical person)
partnerCodePartner's code
taxNumberTax number
statusStatus of the employees. Possible types are:
  • active 
  • inactive 

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerListEmployees">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="111" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of each partner is the same as in PartnerGetByID

13.12 PartnerBuyerCreditLimitGet

Get partner buyer credit limit with unpaid amount by invoices and posted debt.


IDPartner's ID.
taxNumberPartner's tax number.
partnerCodePartner's code.
creditLimitDateDate on which credit limit is calculated, if parameter is empty or not present, todays date is taken.
currencyCurreny of results, if not specified default currency is taken

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerBuyerCreditLimitGet">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" value="100011" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Partner not found, Partner xyz is not defined as buyer!, Buyer kyz does not have defined credit limit or it is below minimum required amount! "><error/>    

13.13 PartnerAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to partner.


partnerCodePartner code.
documentIDPartner's document ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to partner 00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "partnerCode" or "documentID" is required, Can not find partner for code: 00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

13.14 PartnerAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to partner and set it as default.


partnerCodePartner code.
documentIDPartner's document ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to partner 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "partnerCode" or "documentID" is required., Can not find partner for code: 00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

13.15 PartnerAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of partner.


partnerCodePartner code.
documentIDPartner's document ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "partnerCode" or "documentID" is required., Can not find partner for code: 00001, partner does not have attachemnts.

13.16 PartnerAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


partnerCodePartner code.
documentIDPartner's document ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "partnerCode" or "documentID" is required., Can not find partner for code: 00001, partner does not have attachemnts.

13.17 PartnerImageAdd

Add image to partner. If partner already has image, old one is removed and new one set.


partnerCodePartner code.
documentIDPartner's document ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerImageAdd">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added image att.jpg to partner 00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "partnerCode" or "documentID" is required, Can not find partner for code: 00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

13.18 PartnerImageGet

Get partner's image.


partnerCodePartner code.
documentIDPartner's document ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerImageGet">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "partnerCode" or "documentID" is required., Can not find partner for code: 00001, partner does not have image.

13.19 PartnerImageRemove

Remove partner's image.


partnerCodePartner code.
documentIDPartner's document ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PartnerImageRemove">
       <parameter name="partnerCode" type="String" value="00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully removed image att.jpg to partner 00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "partnerCode" or "documentID" is required., Can not find partner for code: 00001, partner does not have image.


14. Product API

ProductGetByCodeGet product by product's code.
ProductCreateCreate new product
ProductUpdateUpdate existing product
ProductPriceCalculationUpdateUpdate product price calculation
ProductMassPriceCalculationUpdateUpdate up to 5000 price calculations with setting only 3 basic prices (supplier price, gross price and sales price)
ProductImportImport product by creating new and/or updating existing one.
ProductMassImportImport up to 5000 products with basic data.
ProductDeleteDelete product.
ProductListGet list of products for specified criteria
ProductListPriceListGetGet price list for product if used for specified product
ProductPriceDiscountActionListGet price discount action list for given article.
ProductPriceDiscountActionAddAdd price discount action list for given articles.
ProductImageAddAdd image/attachment to product.
ProductImageSetDefaultAdd image/attachment to product and set is as default.
ProductImageGetGet default image/attachment of product.
ProductImageListGet all images/attachments of product.

14.1 ProductGetByCode

Get product by productCode.


productCodeProduct code.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductGetByCode">
       <parameter name="productCode" value="PA2521U-2AC3" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
               <productCode>PA2521U-2AC3</productCode>                 <!-- (Mandatory and Unique)
               <barCode></barCode>                                     <!-- (Optional but must be unique)
               <catalogueCode>V000061280</catalogueCode>               <!-- (Optional)
               <status>active</status>                                 <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used   true=active, false=inactive = product can not be put on the document
               <type>goodsWithoutStockManagement</type>                <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used - goodsWithStockManagement). Possible types: services, goodsWithStockManagement, goodsWithoutStockManagement, rawMaterial, intermediateProduct, product, license.
               <trackItemsBySerialNumbers>true</trackItemsBySerialNumbers>             <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <name>TOSHIBA charger 15V/ 6A 90 W</name>                               <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
               <description>Toshiba charger for 15V, 6A, 90W, 3-pin</description>                                      <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
               <englishName></englishName>                             <!-- (Optional)
               <englishDescription></englishDescription>               <!-- (Optional)
               <germanName></germanName>                               <!-- (Optional)
               <germanDescription></germanDescription>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <productGroupPrimary>01125</productGroupPrimary>        <!-- (Optional)
               <productGroupSecondary>00106</productGroupSecondary>    <!-- (Optional)
               <customProperty1>true</customProperty1>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <customProperty2>leather</customProperty2>              <!-- (Optional)
               <customProperty3>shine</customProperty3>                <!-- (Optional)
               <customProperty4>XL</customProperty4>                   <!-- (Optional)
               <brand>Minoti</brand>                                   <!-- (Optional)
               <costPosition>0001</costPosition>                       <!-- (Optional). This property can be used as product selection criteria for several reports.
               <unit>piece</unit>                                      <!-- (Optional)
               <packingQuantity>5.000</packingQuantity>                <!-- (Optional)
               <minimalStockQuantity>100.0000</minimalStockQuantity>   <!-- (Optional)
               <warrantyPeriod>24</warrantyPeriod>                     <!-- (Optional)
               <weight>0.500000</weight>                               <!-- (Optional)
               <useOfPriceList>false</useOfPriceList>  <!-- (Optional   default false) true=use price list for the product, false=do not use price list for product.
               <vatPercentage>20.0</vatPercentage>     <!-- (Mandatory. Values: 0, 8.5, 20)
               <currency>EUR</currency>                <!-- (Optional)
               <exchangeRate>SlovenianBankMiddleRate</exchangeRate>    <!-- (Optional. Values: SlovenianBankMiddleRate , NLBSellingRate. Default: SlovenianBankMiddleRate)
               <purchasePrice>20.49</purchasePrice>    <!-- (Optional)
               <retailPrice>30.00</retailPrice>        <!-- for types of products other then: "rawMaterial" and "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified.
               <grossPrice>25.00</grossPrice>          <!-- for types of product: "rawMaterial" or "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified
               <procurementTransactionAccount>760200</procurementTransactionAccount>                           <!-- (Optional)
               <domesticSalesTransactionAccount>760100</domesticSalesTransactionAccount>                       <!-- (Optional)
               <foreignSalesTransactionAccount>760100</foreignSalesTransactionAccount>                         <!-- (Optional)
               <allowChangeOfProductDescriptionOnTheInvoice>false</allowChangeOfProductDescriptionOnTheInvoice> <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <allowChangeOfPriceOnTheInvoice>false</allowChangeOfPriceOnTheInvoice>                          <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <allowChangeOfVatRateOnTheInvoice>false</allowChangeOfVatRateOnTheInvoice>                      <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <invoicingRemarks>Technical documentation for the bottom of the document</invoicingRemarks>     <!-- (Optional)
               <countryOfOrigin>SI</countryOfOrigin>                                         <!-- (Optional) ISO code for country can be inserted
               <defaultWarehouseLocation>Hidden behind doors</defaultWarehouseLocation>      <!-- (Optional) default warehouse location
               <onlineShopVisibility>visibleOnline</onlineShopVisibility>                  <!-- Optional, this attribute is used to tell if article is visible in online web shop, possible values are: visibleOnline, notVisibleOnline.
               <itemWidth>10.90</itemWidth>               <!-- (Optional)
               <itemHeight>20.99</itemHeight>             <!-- (Optional)
               <itemDepth>15.15</itemDepth>               <!-- (Optional)
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productCode> is required, Can not find product for code: PA2521U-2AC3,  

14.2 ProductCreate

Create new product. (for product's data structure look in API for ProductGetByCode). Property productCode is not obligatory (if not specified, it will be automatically generated), but if product with such code already exists, error response will be returned.


productProduct's data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductCreate">
       <parameter name="product">
               <productCode>PA2521U-2AC3</productCode>                         <!-- (Mandatory and Unique)
               <catalogueCode>V000061280</catalogueCode>                       <!-- (Optional)
               <status>active</status>                                         <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used   true=active, false=inactive = product can not be put on the document
               <type>goodsWithStockManagement</type>                           <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used - goodsWithoutStockManagement). Possible types: services, goodsWithStockManagement, goodsWithoutStockManagement, rawMaterial, intermediateProduct, product, license.
               <trackItemsBySerialNumbers>true</trackItemsBySerialNumbers>     <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <name>TOSHIBA charger 15V/ 6A 90 W</name>                       <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
               <description>Toshiba charger for 15V, 6A, 90W, 3-pin</description>      <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
               <englishName></englishName>                             <!-- (Optional)
               <englishDescription></englishDescription>               <!-- (Optional)
               <germanName></germanName>                               <!-- (Optional)
               <germanDescription></germanDescription>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <productGroupPrimary>01125</productGroupPrimary>                <!-- (Optional)
               <brand>TOSHIBA</brand>                                          <!-- (Optional)
               <unit>piece</unit>                                              <!-- (Optional)
               <packingQuantity>1.000</packingQuantity>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <minimalStockQuantity>10</minimalStockQuantity>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <warrantyPeriod>24</warrantyPeriod>     <!-- (Optional)
               <useOfPriceList>false</useOfPriceList>  <!-- (Optional   default false) true=use price list for the product, false=do not use price list for product.
               <vatPercentage>20.0</vatPercentage>     <!-- (Mandatory. Values: 0, 8.5, 20)
               <currency>CZK</currency>                <!-- (Optional)
               <exchangeRate>SlovenianBankMiddleRate</exchangeRate>            <!-- (Optional. Values: SlovenianBankMiddleRate , NLBSellingRate. Default: SlovenianBankMiddleRate)
               <purchasePrice>20.49</purchasePrice>    <!-- (Optional)
               <retailPrice>30.00</retailPrice>        <!-- for types of products other then: "rawMaterial" and "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified.
               <grossPrice>25.00</grossPrice>          <!-- for types of product: "rawMaterial" or "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified
               <procurementTransactionAccount>601200</procurementTransactionAccount>                   <!-- (Optional)
               <domesticSalesTransactionAccount>601100</domesticSalesTransactionAccount>               <!-- (Optional)
               <foreignSalesTransactionAccount>601100</foreignSalesTransactionAccount>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <allowChangeOfProductDescriptionOnTheInvoice>true</allowChangeOfProductDescriptionOnTheInvoice>         <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <allowChangeOfPriceOnTheInvoice>true</allowChangeOfPriceOnTheInvoice>                   <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <allowChangeOfVatRateOnTheInvoice>false</allowChangeOfVatRateOnTheInvoice>              <!-- (Optional   default false)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Product for productCode: PA2521U-2AC3 already exists!><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <product> must be specified., missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, Error creating product  

14.3 ProductUpdate

Update existing product.


productProduct's data in xml substructure

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductUpdate">
       <parameter name="product">
               <productCode>PA2521U-2AC3</productCode>                         <!-- (Mandatory and Unique)
               <catalogueCode>V000061280</catalogueCode>                       <!-- (Optional)
               <status>active</status>                                         <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used   true=active, false=inactive = product can not be put on the document
               <type>product</type>                                            <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used - goodsWithoutStockManagement). Possible types: services, goodsWithStockManagement, goodsWithoutStockManagement, rawMaterial, intermediateProduct, product, license.
               <trackItemsBySerialNumbers>true</trackItemsBySerialNumbers>     <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <name>TOSHIBA charger 15V/ 6A 90 W </name>                      <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
               <description>Toshiba charger for 15V, 6A, 90W, 3-pin</description>                                      <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
               <englishName></englishName>                             <!-- (Optional)
               <englishDescription></englishDescription>               <!-- (Optional)
               <germanName></germanName>                               <!-- (Optional)
               <germanDescription></germanDescription>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <unit>piece</unit>                                                      <!-- (Optional)
               <packingQuantity>1.000</packingQuantity>                                <!-- (Optional)
               <minimalStockQuantity>20</minimalStockQuantity>                         <!-- (Optional)
               <warrantyPeriod>36</warrantyPeriod>     <!-- (Optional)
               <vatPercentage>20.0</vatPercentage>     <!-- (Mandatory. Values: 0, 8.5, 20)
               <currency>CZK</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <purchasePrice>20.49</purchasePrice>    <!-- (Optional)
               <retailPrice>30.00</retailPrice>                <!-- for types of products other then: "rawMaterial" and "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified.
               <grossPrice>25.00</grossPrice>          <!-- for types of product: "rawMaterial" or "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified
               <allowChangeOfProductDescriptionOnTheInvoice>true</allowChangeOfProductDescriptionOnTheInvoice>                 <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <allowChangeOfPriceOnTheInvoice>false</allowChangeOfPriceOnTheInvoice>          <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <allowChangeOfVatRateOnTheInvoice>true</allowChangeOfVatRateOnTheInvoice>       <!-- (Optional   default false)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <product> needed, Product's property <productCode> is required, Can not find product for productCode: PA2521U-2AC3, missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

14.4 ProductPriceCalculationUpdate

Update product's price calculation.


productCodeUnique identifier for product.
applyPricesToArticleDecide if inventory, gross and sales prices are applied also to article.
priceCalculationPrice calculation

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="ProductPriceCalculationUpdate">
                  <parameter name="productCode" value="000001" />
                  <parameter name="applyPricesToArticle" type="Boolean" value="true" />
                  <parameter name="priceCalculation">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
    <message>Successfully updated price calculation for product with code 00001</message>

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productCode> is required, Can not find product for productCode: PA2521U-2AC3

14.5 ProductMassPriceCalculationUpdate

Update up to 5000 product's price calculations. In this case only 3 basic prices can be updated which are supplier price, gross price and sales price.


applyPricesToArticleDecide if inventory, gross and sales prices are applied also to article.
priceCalculationsPrice calculations

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductMassPriceCalculationUpdate">
               <parameter name="applyPricesToArticle"  type="Boolean" value="true"/>
          <parameter name="priceCalculations">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
         <message>Product price calculation for product with code 36457558 successfully updated.</message>
          <message>Product price calculation for product with code 000009 successfully updated.</message>
          <message>Product price calculation for product with code 000010 successfully updated.</message>

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!--Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Maximum number of  price calculations for update exceeded, Product for code 0099 not foud.

14.6 ProductImport

Import product by creating new and/or updating existing ones. Parameter 'importType' can be used to specify type of import. If parameter is not specified, "createOrUpdate" is used as default. For updating product with this api call, product's data must contain code as unique identifier.


importTypeFlag for the type of import
  • createOrUpdate Import all - create new and update existing partners
  • createOnly  Skip import for existing partners
  • updateOnly  Skip import of new partners
productProduct's data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductImport">
       <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
       <parameter name="product">              <!-- parameter here is the same as for ProductUpdate or ProductCreate depending on importType
               <productCode>PA2521U-2AC3</productCode>                         <!-- (Mandatory and Unique)
               <catalogueCode>V000061280</catalogueCode>                       <!-- (Optional)
               <status>active</status>                                         <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used   true=active, false=inactive = product can not be put on the document
               <type>product</type>                                            <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used - goodsWithoutStockManagement). Possible types: services, goodsWithStockManagement, goodsWithoutStockManagement, rawMaterial, intermediateProduct, product, license.
               <trackItemsBySerialNumbers>true</trackItemsBySerialNumbers>     <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <name>TOSHIBA charger 15V/ 6A 90 W </name>                      <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
               <description>Toshiba charger for 15V, 6A, 90W, 3-pin</description>                                      <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
               <unit>piece</unit>                                                      <!-- (Optional)
               <packingQuantity>1.000</packingQuantity>                                <!-- (Optional)
               <minimalStockQuantity>20</minimalStockQuantity>                         <!-- (Optional)
               <warrantyPeriod>36</warrantyPeriod>     <!-- (Optional)
               <vatPercentage>20.0</vatPercentage>     <!-- (Mandatory. Values: 0, 8.5, 20)
               <currency>CZK</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <purchasePrice>20.49</purchasePrice>    <!-- (Optional)
               <retailPrice>30.00</retailPrice>                <!-- for types of products other then: "rawMaterial" and "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified.
               <grossPrice>25.00</grossPrice>          <!-- for types of product: "rawMaterial" or "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified
               <allowChangeOfProductDescriptionOnTheInvoice>true</allowChangeOfProductDescriptionOnTheInvoice>                 <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <allowChangeOfPriceOnTheInvoice>false</allowChangeOfPriceOnTheInvoice>          <!-- (Optional   default false)
               <allowChangeOfVatRateOnTheInvoice>true</allowChangeOfVatRateOnTheInvoice>       <!-- (Optional   default false)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <parameter name="productCode" value="PA2521U-2AC3" />

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!--Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, missing mandatory attributes, invalid

14.7 ProductMassImport

Import up to 5000 products with basic data, by creating new and/or updating existing ones. Parameter 'importType' can be used to specify type of import. If parameter is not specified, "createOrUpdate" is used as default. For updating product with this api call, product's data must contain code as unique identifier.


importTypeFlag for the type of import
  • createOrUpdate Import all - create new and update existing partners
  • createOnly  Skip import for existing partners
  • updateOnly  Skip import of new partners
productsProducts basic data in xml substructure. Below is and example of all basic basic data that can be set.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductMassImport">
       <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
          <parameter name="products">
                                       <productCode>36457558</productCode>     <!-- (Mandatory and Unique)
                                       <name>Mass import product 1</name>      <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
                                       <description>Mass import product 1 description</description>        <!-- (one of properties: "name" or "description" is mandatory)
                                       <vatPercentage>22</vatPercentage>         <!-- (Mandatory. Values: 0, 9.5, 22)
                                       <currency>EUR</currency>         <!-- (Optional)
                                       <unit>pc</unit>         <!-- (Optional)
                                       <status>active</status>                                         <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used   true=active, false=inactive = product can not be put on the document
                                       <type>product</type>                                            <!-- (Optional   if not specified default is used - goodsWithoutStockManagement). Possible types: services, goodsWithStockManagement, goodsWithoutStockManagement, rawMaterial, intermediateProduct, product, license.
                                       <purchasePrice>20.49</purchasePrice>    <!-- (Optional)
                                       <retailPrice>30.00</retailPrice>                <!-- for types of products other then: "rawMaterial" and "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified.
                                       <grossPrice>25.00</grossPrice>          <!-- for types of product: "rawMaterial" or "intermediateProduct", one of product properties: retailPrice or grossPrice must be specified

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
       <message>Product for code 36457559 successfully imported.</message>

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!--Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, missing mandatory attributes, Product for code 0099 not foud.,  Product for code 8847 already exists.

14.8 ProductDelete

Delete product.


productCodeUnique identifier for product.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductDelete">
       <parameter name="productCode" value="PA2521U-2AC3" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productCode> is required, Can not find product for productCode: PA2521U-2AC3, Can not delete. Found 3  product with productCode: PA2521U-2AC3,

14.9 ProductList

Get list of products for specified criteria.


productCodeProduct's code.
productCodeFromSearch by product code range.
productCodeToSearch by product code range.
searchKeySearch key. The value from this property is used for searching for values in fields: "name", "description" and "brand"
supplierCodeSupplier code
barCodeBar code
brandName of the product's brand
productGroupCode of product group (primary or secondary)
statusUsage status (active, inactive)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductList">
       <parameter name="searchKey" type="String" value="" />
       <parameter name="productCode" value="123456" />
       <parameter name="barCode" value="" />
       <parameter name="brand" type="String" value="Samsung" />
       <parameter name="status" value="active"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductList">
       <parameter name="productCodeFrom" value="ART-1*" />
        <parameter name="productCodeTo" value="ART-3*" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of product data is the same as in ProductGetByCode
                <!-- structure of product data is the same as in ProductGetByCode

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  

14.10 ProductPriceListGet

Get price list for product if used for specified product.


productCodeProduct's code.
priceListCurrencyPrice list currency
priceListDatePrice list date

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductList">
       <parameter name="productCode" value="123456" />
       <parameter name="priceListCurrency" value="CZK" />
       <parameter name="priceListDate" value="2014-11-13" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Use of price list for this product is disabled."><error/>

14.11 ProductPriceDiscountActionList

Get price discount action list for given article.


productCodeProduct's code.
productGroupCodeProduct group's code.
buyerGroupCodeBuyer group's code.
warehouseCodeWarehouse code.
validFromValidity date from.
validToValidity date to.
discountPercentageDisctount percentage.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductPriceDiscountActionList">
       <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="000001" />
       <parameter name="productGroupCode" type="String" value="ABC" />
       <parameter name="buyerGroupCode" type="String" value="101" />
       <parameter name="warehouseCode" type="String" value="WH01" />
       <parameter name="validFrom" type="Date" value="2021-05-01" />
       <parameter name="validTo" type="Date" value="2021-05-31" />      

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, No price discount actions were found matching search criteria!

14.12 ProductPriceDiscountActionAdd

Add price discount action list for given article.


priceDiscountActionDiscount action data.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="ProductPriceDiscountActionAdd">
                  <parameter name="priceDiscountAction">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
       <message>Successfully added price discount action for product with code 00001.</message>

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Can not find product for code: 9999.

14.13 ProductImageAdd

Add image/attachment to product.


productCodeProduct code.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductImageAdd">
       <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="000001" />
       <parameter name="image">
       <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added image att.jpg to Artikel: 000001</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productCode> is required, Can not find product for code: PA2521U-2AC3, Parameter <image> is missing, Parameter <image>: cannot parse contents

14.14 ProductImageSetDefault

Add image/attachment to product and set is as default.


productCodeProduct code.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductImageSetDefault">
       <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="000001" />
       <parameter name="image">
       <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added image att.jpg to Artikel: 000001</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productCode> is required, Can not find product for code: PA2521U-2AC3, Parameter <image> is missing, Parameter <image>: cannot parse contents

14.15 ProductImageGet

Get default image/attachment of product.


productCodeProduct code.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductImageGet">
       <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="000001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productCode> is required, Can not find product for code: PA2521U-2AC3, Product does not have attachemnts.

14.16 ProductImageList

Get all images/attachments of product.


productCodeProduct code.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductImageList">
       <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="000001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productCode> is required, Can not find product for code: PA2521U-2AC3, Product does not have attachemnts.


15. ProductGroup API

ProductGroupGetByCodeGet product group by product group's code.
ProductGroupCreateCreate new product group
ProductGroupUpdateUpdate existing product group
ProductGroupDeleteDelete product group.
ProductGroupListGet list of product groups for specified criteria

15.1 ProductGroupGetByCode

Get product group by product group code.


ProductGroupCodeProduct group code.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="productGroupGetByCode">
       <parameter name="productGroupCode" value="PG2521U" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
               <productGroupDescription>api test product group</productGroupDescription>
               <warrantyText>This is warranty text</warrantyText>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productGroupCode> is required, Can not find ProductGroup for code: PG2521U,  

15.2 ProductGroupCreate

Create new product group. (for product group's data structure look in API for ProductGroupGetByCode).


ProductGroupProduct group's data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ProductGroupCreate">
       <parameter name="productGroup">                      
               <productGroupCode>PG2521U</productGroupCode>                                <!-- (Mandatory and Unique)
               <productGroupDescription>api test product group</productGroupDescription>   <!-- Mandatory
               <purchasingGLAccountNumber>2300</purchasingGLAccountNumber>                 <!-- Optional
               <salesGLAccountNumber>1200</salesGLAccountNumber>                           <!-- Optional
               <parentArticleGroupCode>PG2521A</parentArticleGroupCode>                    <!-- Optional
               <status>active</status>                                                     <!-- Mandatory
               <warrantyText>This is warranty text</warrantyText>                          <!-- Optional
               <onlineShopVisibility>visibleOnline</onlineShopVisibility>                  <!-- Optional, this attribute is used to tell if article group is visible in online web shop, possible values are: visibleOnline, notVisibleOnline.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="productGroup for ProductGroupCode: PG2521U already exists!><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <ProductGroup> must be specified., missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, Error creating ProductGroup  

15.3 ProductGroupUpdate

Update existing ProductGroup.


ProductGroupProduct group's data in xml substructure

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="productGroupUpdate">
       <parameter name="productGroup">
               <productGroupCode>PG2521U</productGroupCode>                                <!-- (Mandatory and Unique)
               <productGroupDescription>api test product group</productGroupDescription>   <!-- Mandatory
               <purchasingGLAccountNumber>2300</purchasingGLAccountNumber>                 <!-- Optional
               <salesGLAccountNumber>1200</salesGLAccountNumber>                           <!-- Optional
               <parentArticleGroupCode>PG2521A</parentArticleGroupCode>                    <!-- Optional
               <status>active</status>                                                     <!-- Mandatory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <ProductGroup> needed, ProductGroup's property <productGroupCode> is required, Can not find ProductGroup for ProductGroupCode: PG2521U, missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

15.4 ProductGroupDelete

Delete ProductGroup.


ProductGroupCodeUnique identifier for ProductGroup.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="productGroupDelete">
       <parameter name="productGroupCode" value="PG2521U" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <productGroupCode> is required, Can not find ProductGroup for ProductGroupCode: PG2521U, Can not delete. Found 3  ProductGroup with ProductGroupCode: PG2521U,

15.5 ProductGroupList

Get list of Product groups for specified criteria.


ProductGroupCodeProductGroup's code.
productGroupDescriptionSearch key. The value from this property is used for searching for values in fields: "name", "description" and "brand"
statusUsage status (active, inactive)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="productGroupList">
       <parameter name="productGroupDescription" type="String" value="" />
       <parameter name="productGroupCode" value="123456" />
       <parameter name="status" value="active"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of ProductGroup data is the same as in ProductGroupGetByCode
                <!-- structure of ProductGroup data is the same as in ProductGroupGetByCode

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  


16. PurchaseOrder API

PurchaseOrderGetGet purchase orders by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
PurchaseOrderGetPDFGet PDF file for purchase orders by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
PurchaseOrderCreateCreate new purchase order.
PurchaseOrderUpdateUpdate existing purchase order.
PurchaseOrderDeleteDelete purchase order.
PurchaseOrderCancelCancel purchase order.
PurchaseOrderListGet list of purchase orders for specified criteria
PurchaseOrderSendByEmailSends document by email to the recipient(s).
PurchaseOrderAttachmentAddAdd attachment to purchase order.
PurchaseOrderAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to purchase order and set is as default.
PurchaseOrderAttachmentGetGet default attachment of purchase order.
PurchaseOrderAttachmentListGet all attachments of purchase order.

16.1 PurchaseOrderGet

Get purchase orders by document number, or by combination of document number and date.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 8), or formatted number (example: 2011-00008)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="8" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2011-01-11" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <deliveryMethod>Test delivery method</deliveryMethod>
               <remarks>Remark on Purchase order</remarks>
               <supplierName>Test supplier</supplierName>
               <supplierStreet>Test ul. 22</supplierStreet>
               <goodsReceiptsRef>2011-00007, 2011-00009, 2011-00010</goodsReceiptsRef> <-- References to goods receipts
               <cancelledDocumentRef>2011-00015</cancelledDocumentRef> <-- Reference to cancelled document
                               <description>Transport of goods</description>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="document could not be found"><error/>

16.2 PurchaseOrderGetPDF

Get PDF for purchase order by document number, or by combination of document number and date. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderGetPDF">
          <parameter name="number" value="8" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2011-01-11" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find sales invoice for number: 8 and date: 2011-01-11">

16.3 PurchaseOrderCreate

Create new purchase order.

Document item can be specified with: productCode, quantity, discountPercentage, or can be specified with: description, currency, quantity, netPrice.Additional optional item fields are: discountPercentage, unit, vatPercentage, vatTransactionType. date Date YYYY-MM-DDunit String OptionalvatTransactionType Enum 0-9 (0 is default) OptionalValues description for vatTransactionType:
0 - Taxable transactions of goods and services in Slovenia,
1 - Zero-rated transaction - exports of goods outside the EU,
2 - Zero-rated transaction - without the right to deduct input VAT,
3 - Zero-rated transaction - with the right to deduct input VAT,
4 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU,
5 - Zero-rated transaction - assembly in the EU,
6 - Zero-rated transaction - tripartite supplies of goods within the EU,
7 - Transactions exempt from VAT - not for VAT records,
8 - Zero-rated transaction - remote sales of goods,
9 - Transactions exempt from VAT with the right of input VAT deduction (transactions outside SLO),
10- Supply of goods and services in SLO, VAT charged by the recipient,
11- Sales of services in the EU, VAT paid by the recipient.


PurchaseOrderComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderCreate">
        <parameter name="PurchaseOrder">
               <date>2011-01-13</date>                         <!-- (Mandatory) document date
               <city>Praha</city>                              <!-- (Mandatory)
               <deliveryDate>2011-02-13</deliveryDate>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <dueDate>2011-01-13</dueDate>                   <!-- (Optional)
               <salesQuoteReference>SQ11</salesQuoteReference> <!-- (Optional)
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <deliveryMethod>delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <superDiscountPercentage>5</superDiscountPercentage> <!-- (Optional)
               <status>Opened</status>                           <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Opened, Draft - default is Opened
               <remarks>Remark on Purchase order</remarks>             <!-- (Optional)
               <orderedByContactPerson>name and surname</orderedByContactPerson>       <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCode>123456</supplierCode>                     <!-- (Optional). If it is specified supplier parameters bellow are not needed as the supplier data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is specified it will override master supplier data in document
                <supplierDocumentID>40:123456</supplierDocumentID>                      <!-- (Optional). If it is specified supplier parameters bellow are not needed as the supplier data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is specified it will override master supplier data in document
                <supplierName>Petr Novak</supplierName>         <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierTaxNumber>02169711</supplierTaxNumber> <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierVatRegistration>none</supplierVatRegistration> <!-- (unkown, none, registered)
               <supplierEMail>petr@novak.cz</supplierEMail>    <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierStreet>Celní 22</supplierStreet>              <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierPostalCode>100 00</supplierPostalCode>         <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCity>Praha</supplierCity>                      <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCountry>CZ</supplierCountry>                   <!-- (Optional) ISO-2 country code
               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType> <!-- (Optional) default is 0
               <vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause>Registered</vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause> <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Registered, NotRegistered, RegisteredTourismLawPart47, RegisteredTourismLawPart31, RegisteredTourismLawPart47And31
               <documentLanguage>Czech</documentLanguage> <!-- (Optional) Possible document language: Slovene, English, German, Italian and Croatian
                       <Item>                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <position>1</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <productCode>020</productCode>  <!-- product code
                       <Item>                                          <!-- Item specified for good or service
                               <position>2</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <description>Transport of goods</description>
                               <discountPercentage>2</discountPercentage>      <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatPercentage>8.5</vatPercentage>              <!-- (Optional)
                               <currency>CZK</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
                               <quantity>10</quantity>                         <!-- (Optional) default 0
                               <unit>km</unit>                         <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>      <!-- (Optional) default is identical to document property

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <number>12/2011</number>                <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2011-01-13</date>         <!-- document date

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

16.4 PurchaseOrderUpdate

Update existing purchase order.Data must contain purchase order number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


PurchaseOrderComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderUpdate">
       <!--  Parameter is similar to the parameter in PurchaseOrderCreate api
        <parameter name="PurchaseOrder">
               <number>12</number>                                     <!-- document number is mandatory in UPDATE (Can use sequential document number (example: 12), or formatted number (example: 12/2011))
               <date>2011-01-13</date>                         <!-- document date
               <deliveryDate>2011-02-13</deliveryDate>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <dueDate>2011-01-13</dueDate>                   <!-- (Optional)
               <salesQuoteReference>SQ11</salesQuoteReference> <!-- (Optional)
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <deliveryMethod>delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <superDiscountPercentage>5</superDiscountPercentage> <!-- (Optional)
               <remarks>Remark on Purchase order</remarks>             <!-- (Optional)
               <orderedByContactPerson>name and surname</orderedByContactPerson>       <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCode>123456</supplierCode>                     <!-- (Optional). If it is specified supplier parameters bellow are not needed as the supplier data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is specified it will override master supplier data in document
               <supplierName>Petr Novak</supplierName>         <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierTaxNumber>02169711</supplierTaxNumber> <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierVatRegistration>true</supplierVatRegistration> <!-- (true, false)
               <supplierEMail>petr@novak.cz</supplierEMail>    <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierStreet>Celní 22</supplierStreet>              <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierPostalCode>10000</supplierPostalCode>  <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCity>Praha</supplierCity>                      <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCountry>CZ</supplierCountry>                   <!-- (Optional) ISO-2 country code
               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>              <!-- (Optional) default is 0
                       <Item>                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <productCode>020</productCode>  <!-- product code
                       <Item>                                          <!-- Item specified for good or service
                               <description>Transport of goods</description>
                               <discountPercentage>2</discountPercentage>      <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatPercentage>8.5</vatPercentage>              <!-- (Optional)
                               <currency>CZK</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
                               <quantity>10</quantity>                         <!-- (Optional) default 0
                               <unit>km</unit>                         <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>      <!-- (Optional) default is identical to document property

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>12/2011</number>                <!-- updated document ID or number

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

16.5 PurchaseOrderDelete

Delete purchase order. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="8/2011" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2011-01-13" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

16.6 PurchaseOrderCancel

Cancel purchace order. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for canceling.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
statusStatus of cancelation document (draft, issuedInvoice). By Default status is issuedInvoice.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderCancel">
       <parameter name="number" value="2013-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-03-26" />
       <parameter name="status" value="draft" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not cancel purchace order for arguments number: 2013-00014 date: 2013-03-26"><error/>   <!-- document could not be canceled,  

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find purchace order for number
Can not cancel. Found X purchace orders
Found X purchace orders X. You can only cancel one purchace order at a time
Can not cancel purchace order X

16.7 PurchaseOrderList

Get list of purchase orders for criteria which is specified by API parameters.


numberDocument number
dateFromThe date which is used to select purchase orders whose date is following it.
dateToThe date which is used to select purchase orders whose date is preceding it
supplierSupplier name
costPositionCost position code
totalAmountTotal amount of the sales order
totalCurrencyCurrency used in sales order
statusPossible values:
  • Draft 
  • Opened 
  • PartlyDelivered 
  • Completed 
  • Cancelled 

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderList">
       <parameter name="dateFrom" type="Date" value="2011-01-01" />
        <parameter name="dateTo" type="Date" value="2011-01-31" />
       <parameter name="totalAmount" value= 22.220 />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in PurchaseOrderGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges,  

16.8 PurchaseOrderSendByEmail

Sends document by email to the recipient(s).


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
senderEmail sender (Optional)
recipientComma delimited list of recipient(s) emails
ccCC email (Optional)
bccBCC email (Optional)
subjectMail subject (Optional)
messageMessage text (Optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderSendByEmail">
       <parameter name="number" value="8/2011" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2011-01-13" />
       <parameter name="sender" value="petr@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="recipient" value="pavel@novak.cz, ondrej@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="cc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="bcc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="subject" value="TEST s.r.o.: Purchase order nr. 0008/2011"/>
       <parameter name="message" value="Message text"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, mail sending failed

16.9 PurchaseOrderAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to purchase order.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to purchase order 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find purchase order for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

16.10 PurchaseOrderAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to purchase order and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to purchase order 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find purchase order for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

16.11 PurchaseOrderAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of purchase order.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find purchase order for number: 2020-00001 Purchase order does not have attachemnts.

16.12 PurchaseOrderAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="PurchaseOrderAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find purchase order for number: 2020-00001 Purchase order does not have attachemnts.


17. ReceivedAdvanceInvoice API

ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceGetGet received advance invoice by number.
ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceCreateCreate new received advance invoice.
ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceUpdateUpdate existing received advance invoice.
ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceDeleteDelete received advance invoice.
ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceListGet list of received advance invoices for specified criteria.
ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentAddAdd attachment to received advance invoice.
ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to received advance invoice and set is as default.
ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentGetGet default attachment of received advance invoice.
ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentListGet all attachments of received advance invoice.

17.1 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceGet

Get received advance invoice by number.


numberSupplier number of received advance invoice.
internalNumberInternal number of received advance invoice.
dateDocument date.
costPositionCost position.
supplierSupplier name.
documentIDInternal document identificator. In case of using this parameter, no other parameter listed abowe is needed for searching by document.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="678/2021" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
               <supplier>4 Partner Foreign Company</supplier>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Cannot find received advance invoice for number: 055/11,  

17.2 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceCreate

Create new received advance invoice.


ReceivedAdvanceInvoicereceived advance invoice's data in xml substructure.

Supported values for items inputVatTransactionType are:
0 - Purchase of goods and services //Nákup zboží/služeb v tuzemsku
2 - Purchase of goods and services - fixed assets purchase //Nákup zboží/služeb v tuzemsku - pořízený DM
3 - Intra-Community goods acquisitions //Pořízení zboží z jiného členského státu EU
4 - Intra-Community goods acquisitions - fixed assets purchase //Pořízení zboží z jiného členského státu EU - pořízený DM
5 - Service received from other tax payer within EU //Přijetí služby od osoby registrované v jiném členském státě EU
7 - Goods import from non-EU member countries //Dovoz zboží ze zemí mimo EU
8 - Goods import from non-EU member countries - fixed assets purchase //Dovoz zboží ze zemí mimo EU - pořízený DM
9 - Purchase of new vehicle from not-register person in EU //Pořízení nového doprav. prostředku od nereg. osoby z EU
10 - Purchase of new vehicle from not-register person in EU - fixed assets //Pořízení nového doprav. prostředku od nereg. osoby z EU - pořízený DM
11 - Reverse charge (goods customer/service recepient) //Režim přenesení daň. povinnosti (tuzemsko)
12 - Reverse charge (goods customer/service recepient) - fixed assets purchase //Režim přenesení daň. povinnosti (tuzemsko) - pořízení DM
13 - Other taxed transactions, where the VAT is paid, when received //Ostatní zdanitelná plnění s povinností přiznat daň při přijetí
15 - Tripartite intra-Community goods acquisitions //Pořízení zboží formou třístranného obchodu prostřední osobou
16 - Goods import vat excluded //Dovoz zboží osvobozený
17 - Tax amount correction for debtors in insolvency proceedings //Oprava daně v insolvenčním řízení (dlužník)
18 - Goods import - tax administration is custom office //Dovoz zboží, kdy je správcem daně celní úřad
19 - Goods import - tax administration is custom office - fixed assets purchase //Dovoz zboží, kdy je správcem daně celní úřad - pořízený DM
21 - outside the scope of VAT //Nezahrnovat do přiznání DPH

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceCreate">
       <parameter name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoice">
               <prepaymentAmount>689.000</prepaymentAmount>  <!-- (Mandatory) prepayment amount
               <prepaymentCurrency>EUR</prepaymentCurrency>  <!-- (Mandatory) payment currency
               <businessYear>2021</businessYear>       <!-- (Mandatory) business year of received advance invoice
               <costPosition>001</costPosition>        <!-- (Optional/Mandatory) cost center is optional in case mandatory entry is not set in company settings
               <date>2021-01-29</date>                 <!-- (Mandatory) date of received advance invoice          
               <number>678/2021</number>               <!-- (Mandatory) suppliers number of received advance invoice
               <paymentDueDate>2021-02-05</paymentDueDate>                          <!-- (Mandatory) payment due date
               <receivalDate>2021-01-29</receivalDate>                              <!-- (Mandatory) date of receival of document
               <prepaymentDate>2021-01-21</prepaymentDate>                          <!-- (Mandatory) date of prepayment
               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>                  <!-- (Optional) settting if received document is inside scope of VAT
               <methodOfPayment>CreditCard</methodOfPayment>                        <!-- (Mandatory) possible values: BankTransfer, Cash, CreditCard, Other
               <paymentBankAccountNumber>CZ56 0000 1111 2222 333</paymentBankAccountNumber>    <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value BankTransfer is used
               <paymentReference>1122334455</paymentReference>                             <!-- VariableSymbol of payment(VS) - Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value BankTransfer is used
               <supplierBookingAccountNumber>26000</supplierBookingAccountNumber>   <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value Other is used
               <receivedAdvanceInvoiceRef>9384-2021</receivedAdvanceInvoiceRef>     <!-- (Optional) received advance invoice reference
               <roundingDifference>0.00</roundingDifference>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCode>666000</supplierCode>     <!-- (Mandatory) suppliers code for referencing supplier on received document
                <supplierDocumentID>55:666</supplierDocumentID>     <!-- (Mandatory) If supplier code not specified, use this supplier identificator for referencing supplier on received document
                               <position>1</position>                                       <!-- (Optional) item position
                               <chartAccountNumber>00000</chartAccountNumber>               <!-- (Mandatory) account number
                               <costPosition>009</costPosition>                             <!-- (Optional) cost center code for referencing cost center on item
                               <description>OSOS</description>                              <!-- (Mandatory) description
                               <inputVatTransactionType>2</inputVatTransactionType>         <!-- (Mandatory) input VAT transaction type
                               <isInputVatDeductible>true</isInputVatDeductible>            <!-- (Optional) settting if received document items VAT is deducated
                               <vatDeductionPercentage>100,00</vatDeductionPercentage>      <!-- (Mandatory) if abowe option is used. Percentage of VAT that is being deducated must be entered
                               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>          <!-- (Optional) settting if received document item is inside scope of VAT. This and abowe option "isInputVatDeductible" exclude each other
                               <netAmount>689.000</netAmount>                               <!-- (Mandatory) net amount
                               <netAmountInDocumentCurrency>689.000</netAmountInDocumentCurrency>         <!-- (Optional) net amount id document currency
                               <vatPercentage>21.0</vatPercentage>                          <!-- (Optional) if this property is not present, default normal VAT rate is set
                               <position>2</position>                                       <!-- (Optional) item position
                               <productCode>000001</productCode>                            <!-- (Optional) if item with referenced product is added product code should be present in item definition
                               <chartAccountNumber>00000</chartAccountNumber>               <!-- (Mandatory) account number
                               <costPosition>009</costPosition>                             <!-- (Optional) cost center code for referencing cost center on item
                               <description>OSOS</description>                              <!-- (Mandatory) description
                               <inputVatTransactionType>2</inputVatTransactionType>         <!-- (Mandatory) input VAT transaction type
                               <isInputVatDeductible>true</isInputVatDeductible>            <!-- (Optional) settting if received document items VAT is deducated
                               <vatDeductionPercentage>100,00</vatDeductionPercentage>      <!-- (Mandatory) if abowe option is used. Percentage of VAT that is being deducated must be entered
                               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>          <!-- (Optional) settting if received document item is inside scope of VAT. This and abowe option "isInputVatDeductible" exclude each other
                               <quantity>1</quantity>                                           <!-- (Mandatory) quantity
                               <price>100.00</price>                                                                    <!-- (Optional) product price, if not present, default purchase price of product is taken
                               <vatPercentage>21.0</vatPercentage>                          <!-- (Optional) if this property is not present, default normal VAT rate is set

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="received advance invoice for number: 055/11 already exists!><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" must be specified., missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, Error creating received advance invoice

17.3 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceUpdate

Update existing received advance invoice.


ReceivedAdvanceInvoicereceived advance invoice data in xml substructure

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceUpdate">
       <parameter name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoice">
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceCreate api

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find received advance invoice for number: 055/11, missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

17.4 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceDelete

Delete received advance invoice.


numberSupplier number of received advance invoice.
internalNumberInternal number of received advance invoice.
dateDocument date.
costPositionCost position.
supplierSupplier name.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="055/11" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find received advance invoice for number: 055/11, Can not delete. Found 3  received advance invoice with number 055,

17.5 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceList

Get list of received advance invoices for specified criteria.


numberSuppliers number
internalNumberInternal number
dateFromThe date which is used to select received advance invoices whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select received advance invoices whose date is preceding it
receivalDateFromThe date which is used to select received advance invoices whose date of receival is following it
receivalDateToThe date which is used to select received advance invoices whose date of receival is preceding it
prepaymentDateFromThe date which is used to select received advance invoices whose date of prepayment is following it
prepaymentDateToThe date which is used to select received advance invoices whose date of prepayment is preceding it
supplierSupplier code or name
costPositionCost position code
articleProduct code, or product name

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceList">
       <parameter name="number" value="123456" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceList">
       <parameter name="dateFrom" value="2021-05-01" />
    <parameter name="dateTo" value="2021-05-26" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of received advance invoice data is the same as in ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceGet
                <!-- structure of received advance invoice data is the same as in ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  

17.6 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to received advance invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to received advance invoice 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received advance invoice for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

17.7 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to received advance invoice and set it as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to received advance invoice 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received advance invoice for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

17.8 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of received advance invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received advance invoice for number: 2020-00001 received advance invoice does not have attachemnts.

17.9 ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of received advance invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedAdvanceInvoiceAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received advance invoice for number: 2020-00001 received advance invoice does not have attachemnts.


18. ReceivedCreditNote API

ReceivedCreditNoteGetGet received credit note by number.
ReceivedCreditNoteCreateCreate new received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteUpdateUpdate existing received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteDeleteDelete received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteListGet list of received credit notes for specified criteria.
ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentAddAdd attachment to received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to received credit note and set is as default.
ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentGetGet default attachment of received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentListGet all attachments of received credit note.

18.1 ReceivedCreditNoteGet

Get received credit note by number.


numberSupplier number of received credit note.
internalNumberInternal number of received credit note.
dateDocument date.
costPositionCost position.
supplierSupplier name.
documentIDInternal document identificator. In case of using this parameter, no other parameter listed abowe is needed for searching by document.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="678/2021" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
               <receivedAdvancecredit noteRef></receivedAdvancecredit noteRef>
               <supplier>4 Partner Foreign Company</supplier>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Cannot find received credit note for number: 055/11,  

18.2 ReceivedCreditNoteCreate

Create new received credit note.


ReceivedCreditNoteReceived credit note's data in xml substructure.

Supported values for items inputVatTransactionType are:
0 - Purchase of goods and services //Nákup zboží/služeb v tuzemsku
2 - Purchase of goods and services - fixed assets purchase //Nákup zboží/služeb v tuzemsku - pořízený DM
3 - Intra-Community goods acquisitions //Pořízení zboží z jiného členského státu EU
4 - Intra-Community goods acquisitions - fixed assets purchase //Pořízení zboží z jiného členského státu EU - pořízený DM
5 - Service received from other tax payer within EU //Přijetí služby od osoby registrované v jiném členském státě EU
7 - Goods import from non-EU member countries //Dovoz zboží ze zemí mimo EU
8 - Goods import from non-EU member countries - fixed assets purchase //Dovoz zboží ze zemí mimo EU - pořízený DM
9 - Purchase of new vehicle from not-register person in EU //Pořízení nového doprav. prostředku od nereg. osoby z EU
10 - Purchase of new vehicle from not-register person in EU - fixed assets //Pořízení nového doprav. prostředku od nereg. osoby z EU - pořízený DM
11 - Reverse charge (goods customer/service recepient) //Režim přenesení daň. povinnosti (tuzemsko)
12 - Reverse charge (goods customer/service recepient) - fixed assets purchase //Režim přenesení daň. povinnosti (tuzemsko) - pořízení DM
13 - Other taxed transactions, where the VAT is paid, when received //Ostatní zdanitelná plnění s povinností přiznat daň při přijetí
15 - Tripartite intra-Community goods acquisitions //Pořízení zboží formou třístranného obchodu prostřední osobou
16 - Goods import vat excluded //Dovoz zboží osvobozený
17 - Tax amount correction for debtors in insolvency proceedings //Oprava daně v insolvenčním řízení (dlužník)
18 - Goods import - tax administration is custom office //Dovoz zboží, kdy je správcem daně celní úřad
19 - Goods import - tax administration is custom office - fixed assets purchase //Dovoz zboží, kdy je správcem daně celní úřad - pořízený DM
21 - outside the scope of VAT //Nezahrnovat do přiznání DPH

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteCreate">
       <parameter name="ReceivedCreditNote">
               <amountWithVAT>689.000</amountWithVAT>  <!-- (Optional) amount with VAT in default currency
               <paymentAmount>689.000</paymentAmount>  <!-- (Mandatory) payment amount
               <paymentCurrency>EUR</paymentCurrency>  <!-- (Mandatory) payment currency
               <businessYear>2021</businessYear>       <!-- (Mandatory) business year of received credit note
               <costPosition>001</costPosition>        <!-- (Optional/Mandatory) cost center is optional in case mandatory entry is not set in company settings
               <date>2021-01-29</date>                 <!-- (Mandatory) date of received credit note          
               <number>678/2021</number>               <!-- (Mandatory) suppliers number of received credit note
               <paymentDueDate>2021-02-05</paymentDueDate>                          <!-- (Mandatory) payment due date
               <receivalDate>2021-01-29</receivalDate>                              <!-- (Mandatory) date of receival of document
               <dateOfSupplyFrom>2021-01-21</dateOfSupplyFrom>                      <!-- (Mandatory) date of supplay from
               <dateOfSupplyUntil>2021-02-21</dateOfSupplyUntil>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>                  <!-- (Optional) settting if received document is inside scope of VAT
               <isReverseChargeVatDocument>false</isReverseChargeVatDocument>       <!-- (Optional) settting if received document is reverse charge. This and abowe option "isInsideTheScopeOfVat" exclude each other
               <methodOfPayment>CreditCard</methodOfPayment>                        <!-- (Mandatory) possible values: BankTransfer, Cash, CreditCard, Other
               <paymentBankAccountNumber>CZ56 0000 1111 2222 333</paymentBankAccountNumber>    <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value BankTransfer is used
               <paymentReference>1122334455</paymentReference>                           <!-- VariableSymbol of payment(VS) - Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value BankTransfer is used
               <supplierBookingAccountNumber>26000</supplierBookingAccountNumber>   <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value Other is used
               <receivedAdvancecredit noteRef>9384-2021</receivedAdvancecredit noteRef>     <!-- (Optional) received advance credit note reference
               <supplierCode>666000</supplierCode>     <!-- (Mandatory) suppliers code for referencing supplier on received document
                <supplierDocumentID>55:666</supplierDocumentID>     <!-- (Mandatory) If supplier code not specified, use this supplier identificator for referencing supplier on received document
                               <position>1</position>                                       <!-- (Optional) item position
                               <chartAccountNumber>00000</chartAccountNumber>               <!-- (Mandatory) account number
                               <costPosition>009</costPosition>                             <!-- (Optional) cost center code for referencing cost center on item
                               <description>OSOS</description>                              <!-- (Mandatory) description
                               <inputVatTransactionType>2</inputVatTransactionType>         <!-- (Mandatory) input VAT transaction type
                               <isInputVatDeductible>true</isInputVatDeductible>            <!-- (Optional) settting if received document items VAT is deducated
                               <vatDeductionPercentage>100,00</vatDeductionPercentage>      <!-- (Mandatory) if abowe option is used. Percentage of VAT that is being deducated must be entered
                               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>          <!-- (Optional) settting if received document item is inside scope of VAT. This and abowe option "isInputVatDeductible" exclude each other
                               <netAmount>689.000</netAmount>                               <!-- (Mandatory) net amount
                               <netAmountInDocumentCurrency>689.000</netAmountInDocumentCurrency>         <!-- (Optional) net amount id document currency
                               <vatPercentage>21.0</vatPercentage>                          <!-- (Optional) if this property is not present, default normal VAT rate is set
                               <position>2</position>                                       <!-- (Optional) item position
                               <productCode>000001</productCode>                            <!-- (Optional) if item with referenced product is added product code should be present in item definition
                               <chartAccountNumber>00000</chartAccountNumber>               <!-- (Mandatory) account number
                               <costPosition>009</costPosition>                             <!-- (Optional) cost center code for referencing cost center on item
                               <description>OSOS</description>                              <!-- (Mandatory) description
                               <inputVatTransactionType>2</inputVatTransactionType>         <!-- (Mandatory) input VAT transaction type
                               <isInputVatDeductible>true</isInputVatDeductible>            <!-- (Optional) settting if received document items VAT is deducated
                               <vatDeductionPercentage>100,00</vatDeductionPercentage>      <!-- (Mandatory) if abowe option is used. Percentage of VAT that is being deducated must be entered
                               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>          <!-- (Optional) settting if received document item is inside scope of VAT. This and abowe option "isInputVatDeductible" exclude each other
                               <quantity>1</quantity>                                           <!-- (Mandatory) quantity
                               <price>100.00</price>                                                                    <!-- (Optional) product price, if not present, default purchase price of product is taken
                               <vatPercentage>21.0</vatPercentage>                          <!-- (Optional) if this property is not present, default normal VAT rate is set

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Received credit note for number: 055/11 already exists!><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" must be specified., missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, Error creating received credit note

18.3 ReceivedCreditNoteUpdate

Update existing received credit note.


ReceivedCreditNoteReceived credit note data in xml substructure

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteUpdate">
       <parameter name="ReceivedCreditNote">
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in ReceivedCreditNoteCreate api

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 055/11, missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

18.4 ReceivedCreditNoteDelete

Delete received credit note.


numberSupplier number of received credit note.
internalNumberInternal number of received credit note.
dateDocument date.
costPositionCost position.
supplierSupplier name.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="055/11" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 055/11, Can not delete. Found 3  received credit note with number 055,

18.5 ReceivedCreditNoteList

Get list of received credit notes for specified criteria.


numberSuppliers number
internalNumberInternal number
dateFromThe date which is used to select received credit notes whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select received credit notes whose date is preceding it
supplierSupplier code or name
costPositionCost position code
paymentAmountPayment amount of the document
paymentCurrencyPayment currency of document
articleProduct code, or product name

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteList">
       <parameter name="number" value="123456" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteList">
       <parameter name="dateFrom" value="2021-05-01" />
    <parameter name="dateTo" value="2021-05-26" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of received credit note data is the same as in ReceivedCreditNoteGet
                <!-- structure of received credit note data is the same as in ReceivedCreditNoteGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  

18.6 ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to received credit note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to received credit note 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

18.7 ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to received credit note and set it as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to received credit note 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

18.8 ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of received credit note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 2020-00001 received credit note does not have attachemnts.

18.9 ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of received credit note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 2020-00001 received credit note does not have attachemnts.


19. ReceivedInvoice API

ReceivedInvoiceGetGet received invoice by number.
ReceivedInvoiceCreateCreate new received invoice.
ReceivedInvoiceUpdateUpdate existing received invoice.
ReceivedInvoiceDeleteDelete received invoice.
ReceivedInvoiceListGet list of received invoices for specified criteria.
ReceivedInvoicePaymentRecordAddAdd payment record on received invoice.
ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentAddAdd attachment to received invoice.
ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to received invoice and set is as default.
ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentGetGet default attachment of received invoice.
ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentListGet all attachments of received invoice.

19.1 ReceivedInvoiceGet

Get received invoice by number.


numberSupplier number of received invoice.
internalNumberInternal number of received invoice.
dateDocument date.
costPositionCost position.
supplierSupplier name.
documentIDInternal document identificator. In case of using this parameter, no other parameter listed abowe is needed for searching by document.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="678/2021" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
               <supplier>4 Partner Foreign Company</supplier>

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Cannot find received invoice for number: 055/11,  

19.2 ReceivedInvoiceCreate

Create new received invoice.


ReceivedInvoiceReceived invoice's data in xml substructure.

Supported values for items inputVatTransactionType are:
0 - Purchase of goods and services //Nákup zboží/služeb v tuzemsku
2 - Purchase of goods and services - fixed assets purchase //Nákup zboží/služeb v tuzemsku - pořízený DM
3 - Intra-Community goods acquisitions //Pořízení zboží z jiného členského státu EU
4 - Intra-Community goods acquisitions - fixed assets purchase //Pořízení zboží z jiného členského státu EU - pořízený DM
5 - Service received from other tax payer within EU //Přijetí služby od osoby registrované v jiném členském státě EU
7 - Goods import from non-EU member countries //Dovoz zboží ze zemí mimo EU
8 - Goods import from non-EU member countries - fixed assets purchase //Dovoz zboží ze zemí mimo EU - pořízený DM
9 - Purchase of new vehicle from not-register person in EU //Pořízení nového doprav. prostředku od nereg. osoby z EU
10 - Purchase of new vehicle from not-register person in EU - fixed assets //Pořízení nového doprav. prostředku od nereg. osoby z EU - pořízený DM
11 - Reverse charge (goods customer/service recepient) //Režim přenesení daň. povinnosti (tuzemsko)
12 - Reverse charge (goods customer/service recepient) - fixed assets purchase //Režim přenesení daň. povinnosti (tuzemsko) - pořízení DM
13 - Other taxed transactions, where the VAT is paid, when received //Ostatní zdanitelná plnění s povinností přiznat daň při přijetí
15 - Tripartite intra-Community goods acquisitions //Pořízení zboží formou třístranného obchodu prostřední osobou
16 - Goods import vat excluded //Dovoz zboží osvobozený
17 - Tax amount correction for debtors in insolvency proceedings //Oprava daně v insolvenčním řízení (dlužník)
18 - Goods import - tax administration is custom office //Dovoz zboží, kdy je správcem daně celní úřad
19 - Goods import - tax administration is custom office - fixed assets purchase //Dovoz zboží, kdy je správcem daně celní úřad - pořízený DM
21 - outside the scope of VAT //Nezahrnovat do přiznání DPH

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceCreate">
       <parameter name="ReceivedInvoice">
               <amountWithVAT>689.000</amountWithVAT>  <!-- (Optional) amount with VAT in default currency
               <paymentAmount>689.000</paymentAmount>  <!-- (Mandatory) payment amount
               <paymentCurrency>CZK</paymentCurrency>  <!-- (Mandatory) payment currency
               <businessYear>2021</businessYear>       <!-- (Mandatory) business year of received invoice
               <costPosition>001</costPosition>        <!-- (Optional/Mandatory) cost center is optional in case mandatory entry is not set in company settings
               <date>2021-01-29</date>                 <!-- (Mandatory) date of received invoice          
               <number>678/2021</number>               <!-- (Mandatory) suppliers number of received invoice
               <paymentDueDate>2021-02-05</paymentDueDate>                          <!-- (Mandatory) payment due date
               <receivalDate>2021-01-29</receivalDate>                              <!-- (Mandatory) date of receival of document
               <dateOfSupplyFrom>2021-01-21</dateOfSupplyFrom>                      <!-- (Mandatory) date of supplay from
               <dateOfSupplyUntil>2021-02-21</dateOfSupplyUntil>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>                  <!-- (Optional) settting if received document is inside scope of VAT
               <isReverseChargeVatDocument>false</isReverseChargeVatDocument>       <!-- (Optional) settting if received document is reverse charge. This and abowe option "isInsideTheScopeOfVat" exclude each other
               <methodOfPayment>CreditCard</methodOfPayment>                        <!-- (Mandatory) possible values: BankTransfer, Cash, CreditCard, Other
               <paymentBankAccountNumber>CZ56 0000 1111 2222 333</paymentBankAccountNumber>    <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value BankTransfer is used
               <paymentReference>656432154</paymentReference>                            <!-- VariableSymbol of payment(VS) - Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value BankTransfer is used
               <supplierBookingAccountNumber>221000</supplierBookingAccountNumber>   <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value Other is used
               <receivedAdvanceInvoiceRef>9384-2021</receivedAdvanceInvoiceRef>     <!-- (Optional) received advance invoice reference
               <supplierCode>666000</supplierCode>     <!-- (Mandatory) suppliers code for referencing supplier on received document
                <supplierDocumentID>55:666</supplierDocumentID>     <!-- (Mandatory) If supplier code not specified, use this supplier identificator for referencing supplier on received document
                               <position>1</position>                                       <!-- (Optional) item position
                               <chartAccountNumber>00000</chartAccountNumber>               <!-- (Mandatory) account number
                               <costPosition>009</costPosition>                             <!-- (Optional) cost center code for referencing cost center on item
                               <description>OSOS</description>                              <!-- (Mandatory) description
                               <inputVatTransactionType>1</inputVatTransactionType>         <!-- (Mandatory) input VAT transaction type
                               <isInputVatDeductible>true</isInputVatDeductible>            <!-- (Optional) settting if received document items VAT is deducated
                               <vatDeductionPercentage>100,00</vatDeductionPercentage>      <!-- (Mandatory) if abowe option is used. Percentage of VAT that is being deducated must be entered
                               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>          <!-- (Optional) settting if received document item is inside scope of VAT. This and abowe option "isInputVatDeductible" exclude each other
                               <netAmount>689.000</netAmount>                               <!-- (Mandatory) net amount
                               <netAmountInDocumentCurrency>689.000</netAmountInDocumentCurrency>         <!-- (Optional) net amount id document currency
                               <vatPercentage>21.0</vatPercentage>                          <!-- (Optional) if this property is not present, default normal VAT rate is set
                               <position>2</position>                                       <!-- (Optional) item position
                               <productCode>000001</productCode>                            <!-- (Optional) if item with referenced product is added product code should be present in item definition
                               <chartAccountNumber>00000</chartAccountNumber>               <!-- (Mandatory) account number
                               <costPosition>009</costPosition>                             <!-- (Optional) cost center code for referencing cost center on item
                               <description>OSOS</description>                              <!-- (Mandatory) description
                               <inputVatTransactionType>1</inputVatTransactionType>         <!-- (Mandatory) input VAT transaction type
                               <isInputVatDeductible>true</isInputVatDeductible>            <!-- (Optional) settting if received document items VAT is deducated
                               <vatDeductionPercentage>100,00</vatDeductionPercentage>      <!-- (Mandatory) if abowe option is used. Percentage of VAT that is being deducated must be entered
                               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>          <!-- (Optional) settting if received document item is inside scope of VAT. This and abowe option "isInputVatDeductible" exclude each other
                               <quantity>1</quantity>                                           <!-- (Mandatory) quantity
                               <price>100.00</price>                                                                    <!-- (Optional) product price, if not present, default purchase price of product is taken
                               <vatPercentage>21.0</vatPercentage>                          <!-- (Optional) if this property is not present, default normal VAT rate is set

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Received invoice for number: 055/11 already exists!><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" must be specified., missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, Error creating received invoice

19.3 ReceivedInvoiceUpdate

Update existing received invoice.


ReceivedInvoiceReceived invoice data in xml substructure

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceUpdate">
       <parameter name="ReceivedInvoice">
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in ReceivedInvoiceCreate api

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find received invoice for number: 055/11, missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

19.4 ReceivedInvoiceDelete

Delete received invoice.


numberSupplier number of received invoice.
internalNumberInternal number of received invoice.
dateDocument date.
costPositionCost position.
supplierSupplier name.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="055/11" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find received invoice for number: 055/11, Can not delete. Found 3  received invoice with number 055,

19.5 ReceivedInvoiceList

Get list of received invoices for specified criteria.


numberSuppliers number
internalNumberInternal number
dateFromThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date is preceding it
receivalDateFromThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of receival is following it
receivalDateToThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of receival is preceding it
paymentDueDateFromThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of expiration is following it
paymentDueDateToThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of expiration is preceding it
dateOfSupplyFromThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of supply/performance is following it
dateOfSupplyUntilThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of supply/performance is preceding it
dateOfFullPaymentFromThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of full payment is following it
dateOfFullPaymentToThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of full payment is preceding it
dateOfPaymentOrderFromThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of payment order is following it
dateOfPaymentOrderToThe date which is used to select received invoices whose date of payment order is preceding it
supplierSupplier code or name
costPositionCost position code
paymentAmountPayment amount of the document
paymentCurrencyPayment currency of document
articleProduct code, or product name

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceList">
       <parameter name="number" value="123456" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceList">
       <parameter name="dateFrom" value="2021-05-01" />
    <parameter name="dateTo" value="2021-05-26" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of received invoice data is the same as in ReceivedInvoiceGet
                <!-- structure of received invoice data is the same as in ReceivedInvoiceGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  

19.6 ReceivedInvoicePaymentRecordAdd

Add payment record on received invoice.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
paymentDatePayment date
paymentAmountPayment amount
paymentMethodForInvoicePayment method for Received invoice
  • BankTransfer 
  • BankPaymentOrder 
  • Cash 
  • CreditCard 
  • Coupon 
  • CreditNote 
  • Cancellation 
  • PayPal 
  • Unknown 
  • Other 
  • Compensation 
  • Cheques 
  • Cheque 
  • EurocardMastercard 
  • Visa 
  • CashOnDelivery 
  • CryptoCurrency 
paymentRemarkPayment remark (optional)
paymentCurrencyPayment currency (optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoicePaymentRecordAdd">
       <parameter name="number" value="2014-00013"/>
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2014-05-15"/>
       <parameter name="paymentDate" type="Date" value="2014-05-20"/>
       <parameter name="paymentAmount" value="50"/>
       <parameter name="paymentMethodForInvoice" value="Cash"/>
       <parameter name="paymentRemark" value="Payment record on Received invoice 2014-05-15"/>
       <parameter name="paymentCurrency" value="EUR"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Payment method Test is not supported"><error/>      <!-- wrong payment method chosen

19.7 ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to received invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to received invoice 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received invoice for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

19.8 ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to received invoice and set it as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to received invoice 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received invoice for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

19.9 ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of received invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received invoice for number: 2020-00001 received invoice does not have attachemnts.

19.10 ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of received invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedInvoiceAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received invoice for number: 2020-00001 received invoice does not have attachemnts.


20. Sales Invoice API

SalesInvoiceGetGet sales invoice by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
SalesInvoiceGetPDFGet PDF for sales invoice by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
SalesInvoiceGetPublicURLGet public URL that can be used to view and print the document using web or mobile browser. The URL can be sent to the client instead of PDF attachment.
SalesInvoiceCreateCreate new sales invoice.
SalesInvoiceImportImport sales invoice issued in other IS.
SalesInvoiceUpdateUpdate existing Sales invoice.
SalesInvoiceDeleteDelete sales invoice.
SalesInvoiceCancelCancel sales invoice.
SalesInvoiceListGet list of sales invoices for specified criteria
SalesInvoiceSendByEmailSends document by email to the recipient(s).
SalesInvoicePaymentRecordAddAdd payment record on sales invoice.
SalesInvoiceInstallmentsCreateAdd installments to sales invoice.
SalesInvoiceAttachmentAddAdd attachment to sales invoice.
SalesInvoiceAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to sales invoice and set is as default.
SalesInvoiceAttachmentGetGet default attachment of sales invoice.
SalesInvoiceAttachmentListGet all attachments of sales invoice.

20.1 SalesInvoiceGet

Get sales invoice by document number, or by combination of document number and date. User can select xml format which is used for constructing response file. By default, internal format is used. Please see external documentation for eSLOG format.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

(Internal "XML" format)

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2009-12-15" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If buyer code is specified, other buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any additional parameter is specified, it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerName>5 FIVER s.r.o.</buyerName>
               <buyerStreet>ULICA 22</buyerStreet>
               <cashRegisterCode>0001</cashRegisterCode>  <!-- This property must be set for fiscalization
               <businessUnit>0001</businessUnit>          <!-- This property must be set for fiscalization
               <advanceInvoicesRef>2014-00001, 2014-00002, 2014-00003</advanceInvoicesRef> <!-- references to advance invoices
               <salesQuoteRef>2014-00001</salesQuoteRef> <!-- reference to sales quote
               <salesOrdersRef>2014-00001, 2014-00002</salesOrdersRef> <!-- references to sales orders
               <deliveryNotesRef>2014-00004, 2014-00005, 2014-00006</deliveryNotesRef> <!-- references to delivery notes
               <creditNotesRef>2014-00004</creditNotesRef> <!-- references to credit
               <cancelledDocumentRef>2016-00015</cancelledDocumentRef> <-- Reference to cancelled document
               <number>2016-00002</number>             <!-- document number optional AUTO numbering
               <reference>05 11290</reference>                 <!-- generated unique payment identifier - VS(variabilni symbol)
               <fik>34facd65-622b-745d-a541-30ab1f9d3ac1</fik>  <!-- generated by financial authority
               <bkp>a7e5f55e1dbb48b799268e1a6d8618a3</bkp>      <!-- generated when issuing document if it is for fiscalization  
               <docNo>0123-5b/B-q/5:22-250</docNo>              <!-- fiscal sequential number for fiscal numbering of document
               <registrationTS>2018-03-06 16:25:24</registrationTS>
               <warning>Warning text when not fiscalized</warning>
               <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>
                       <street>Ulica 10</street>
                               <articleName>testni art</articleName>
                               <productName>testni art</productName>
                               <paymentEntryTS>2016-03-09 15:36:33</paymentEntryTS>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="document could not be found"><error/>

20.2 SalesInvoiceGetPDF

Get PDF for sales invoice by document number, or by combination of document number and date. User can also mark document as sent if the correct parameter is used. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book
markDocumentAsSentMarks document as sent.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceGetPDF">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2009-12-15" />
        <parameter name="markDocumentAsSent" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find sales invoice for number: 2013-01293 and date: 2013-01-02">

20.3 SalesInvoiceGetPublicURL

Get URL link for accessing the document via web or mobile browser. This link can be sent to the customer instead of PDF attachment. Upon clicking the link a document viewer for the invoice will be opened with option for downloading the PDF invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formatted number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
markDocumentAsSentDocument will be marked as sent
linkExpirationDateOptional, set link expiration date

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
Host: e-racuni.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceGetPublicURL">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2009-12-15" />
        <parameter name="markDocumentAsSent" />
        <parameter name="linkExpirationDate" value="2020-12-31" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Cannot find sales invoice for number: 2013-01293 and date: 2013-01-02">

20.4 SalesInvoiceCreate

Create new sales invoice.

Document item can be specified with: productCode, quantity, discountPercentage, or can be specified with: description, currency, quantity, price (retail price including VAT for Retail document) or netPrice (gross price without VAT for Gross document). Default document type is Gross. Additional optional item fields are: discountPercentage, unit, vatPercentage, vatTransactionType, transNoCoefCalcSN, kontrolHlasSectionType and kontrolHlasTransCode.

Supported values for vatTransactionType are:
0 - Taxable transactions of goods and services in Czechia //Dodání zboží/poskytnutí služby v tuzemsku
1 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU //Dodání zboží do jiného členského státu EU
2 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU(fixed assets) //Dodání zboží do jiného členského státu EU - převod majetku
3 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of service in the EU //Poskytnutí služeb v jiném členském státě EU
4 - Zero-rated transaction - exports of goods outside the EU //Vývoz zboží mimo EU
5 - Zero-rated transaction - new vehicle delivery to person not registred for VAT within the EU //Dodání nového doprav. prostředku do jiného člen. státu EU nereg. osobě
20 - Zero-rated transaction - goods delivery within EU (over limit) - foreign VAT calculated //Zasílání zboží do jiného člen. státu EU nad registrační limit (cizí DPH)
7 - Zero-rated transaction - reverse charge (goods supply/assembly the service) //Režim přenesení daňové povinnosti (tuzemsko)
8 - Zero-rated transaction - other taxable transaction with claim of VAT deduction //Ostatní uskutečněná osvobozená plnění s nárokem na odpočet daně
10 - Zero-rated transaction - tripartite supplies of goods within the EU //Dodání zboží formou třístranného obchodu prostřední osobou
11 - Tax amount correction in insolvency proceedings (creditor) //Oprava daně v insolvenčním řízení (věřitel)
12 - VAT exempt transactions without the right of input VAT deduction //Plnění osvobozená od daně bez nároku na odpočet daně
15 - Transactions exempt from VAT - not for VAT records //Nezahrnovat do přiznání DPH
21 - Zero-rated transaction - assembly in the EU //Poskytnutí služeb v EU (cizí DPH) - vyněto z DPH přiznání
100 - Electronic services in other EU member countries (foreign VAT calculated) //Poskytnutí el. služeb v jiném členském státě EU (cizí DPH)
106 - Distance sales of goods to EU consumers (OSS) //Prodej zboží na dálku koncovým zákazníkům v EU (OSS)
107 - Supply of services to EU consumers (OSS) //Poskytnutí služeb koncovým zákazníkům v EU (OSS)
108 - Distance sales of imported goods to EU consumers (IOSS) //Prodej zboží na dálku ze třetích zemí koncovým zákazníkům v EU (IOSS)
109 - Distance sales of goods to domestic consumers (OSS)//Prodej zboží na dálku koncovým zákazníkům v tuzemsku (OSS)
110 - Distance sales of imported goods to domestic consumers (IOSS) //Prodej importovaného zboží ze třetích zemí koncovým zákazníkům v tuzemsku (IOSS)
120 - Supply of services from EU to third country consumers (foreign VAT) //Poskytnutí služeb z EU koncovému spotřebiteli mimo EU (cizí DPH)

Before using vat transaction types for OSS and IOSS, you must set up registration for OSS and IOSS in company settings under foreign VAT registrations.

Status of invoice which is created from this web service is automatically set to "issuedInvoice" if parameter number is specified in parameter list, or if it's status is explicitelly set to issuedInvoice. For such cases (if invoice is created as issued), service will automatically generate delivery note for contained products to reduce their quantity on stock.

Supported values for transNoCoefCalcSN are "1 or 0" and stated if transaction is not included to the coefficient calculation.

Supported values for kontrolHlasSectionType are:
1 - Transaction has no impact on control report sections,
2 - Section A1,
3 - Section A3,
4 - Section A4 (regular),
5 - Section A4 (travel services),
6 - Section A4 (used goods),
7 - Section A4/A5 automatic choose (based on amount and EuVAT ID on document),
8 - Section A5

Supported values for kontrolHlasTransCode are:
2 - 1
3 - 1a
4 - 3
5 - 3a
6 - 4
7 - 4a
8 - 5
9 - 6
10 - 7
11 - 11
12 - 12
13 - 13
14 - 14
15 - 15
16 - 16
17 - 17
18 - 18
19 - 19
20 - 20
21 - 21


SalesInvoiceComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceCreate">
<parameter name="SalesInvoice">         
               <date>2016-01-13</date>                         <!-- document date
               <customerContactPerson></customerContactPerson> <!-- (Optional)
               <type>retail</type>                                     <!-- (Optional) Type of pricing - default is "gross"
               <status>issuedInvoice</status>                           <!-- (Optional) Possible values: issuedInvoice, draft - default is issuedInvoice
               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>              <!-- (Optional) default is 0
                <vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause>Registered</vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause> <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Registered, NotRegistered,RegisteredForEUSuppliesOnly
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                        <!-- (Optional) Cost centre code
               <cashRegisterCode>0001</cashRegisterCode>                <!-- Mandatory for fiscalization
               <businessUnit>0001</businessUnit>                        <!-- Mandatory for fiscalization
               <deliveryMethod>Delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <superDiscountPercentage>5</superDiscountPercentage> <!-- (Optional)
              <remarks>Remark on Sales invoice</remarks>               <!-- (Optional)
               <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>   <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerDocumentID>60:123456</buyerDocumentID>                    <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
                <buyerName>Micka Kovac</buyerName>              
               <buyerTaxNumber>02169711</buyerTaxNumber>       <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerVatRegistration>None</buyerVatRegistration>       <!-- (Unkown, None, Registered)
               <buyerEMail>micka@kovac.com</buyerEMail>                <!-- (Optional)
                <buyerPhone>720123456798</buyerPhone>                      <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerStreet>Iztokova 22</buyerStreet>                  <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerPostalCode>60200</buyerPostalCode>                <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCity>Brno</buyerCity>                     <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCountry>CZ</buyerCountry>                         <!-- (Optional) ISO-2 country code
               <methodOfPayment>bankTransfer</methodOfPayment> <!-- Possible ways of payment: unknown, bankTransfer, cash, cheques, cashOnDelivery, payPal, directDebit
               <receivablesAccountNumber>1200</receivablesAccountNumber>               <!-- (Optional) specify general ledger receivables account number for this sales invoice if the default account should not be used
               <documentLanguage>Czech</documentLanguage> <!-- (Optional) Possible document language: Czech, English, German, Italian and Croatian
               <printingTemplate>Predloga2</printingTemplate> <!-- (Optional) Setting printing template for document, posible values is code of uploaded templates in web app
               <advanceInvoiceRef>2014-00001</advanceInvoiceRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to advance invoice
               <salesQuoteRef>2014-00001</salesQuoteRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales quote
               <salesOrderRef>2014-00001</salesOrderRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales
               <vatCountryIsoCode>HR</vatCountryIsoCode> <!-- Mandatory if using vatTransactionTypes: 20, 21 and 100 and it determines that VAT procentages for specified country has to be taken
               <warehouseCode>00001</warehouseCode> <!-- Mandatory, if not set in XML default warehouse is set
               <Address>                        <!-- (Optional) Setting delivery address on document and partner buyer if it doesn't exists              
                       <street>Ulica 10</street>
                       <Item>                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <position>1</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <productCode>020</productCode>          <!-- product code
                               <chartAccountNumber>76000</chartAccountNumber> <!-- (Optional) general ledger account number for seperate posting of item amount
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType> <!-- (Optional) default is 0.
                       <Item>                                          <!-- Item specified for good or service
                               <position>2</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <description>Transport of goods</description>
                               <discountPercentage>2</discountPercentage>      <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatPercentage>10</vatPercentage>               <!-- (Optional)
                               <currency>EUR</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
                               <quantity>10</quantity>                         <!-- (Optional) default 0
                               <unit>km</unit>                         <!-- (Optional)
                              <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>       <!-- (Optional) default is
                               <kontrolHlasSectionType>2</transNoCoefCalcSN>     <!-- Section for Control report is A1
                               <kontrolHlasTransCode>10</kontrolHlasTransCode>   <!-- Transaction code of Control report is 7 (Dodání zboží po postoupení výhrady vlastnictví)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>12/2009</number>                <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2016-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, …

20.5 SalesInvoiceImport

Import Sales invoice issued in other IS. Parameter 'importType' can be used to specify type of import. If parameter is not specified, "createOrUpdate" is used as default. For updating sales invoices with this api call, sales invoices's data must contain code as unique identifier.


importTypeFlag for the type of import
  • createOrUpdate Import all - create new and update existing documents
  • createOnly Skip import for existing documents
  • updateOnly  Skip import of new documents
SalesInvoiceSales invoice data in xml substructure.
dataFormatIn case some other data format is used for import, this parameter should be used. If this parameter is not included in XML, import from default data format is used.
  • eurofakturaXML  - internal format (default data format)
  • POHODA  - format from economical SW POHODA
base64dataThis parameter is mandatory in case using dataFormat "POHODA". Content of this parameter should be Pohoda XML encoded into base64 string.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceImport">
               <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
               <parameter name="SalesInvoice">
                    <!-- structure of elements is the same as in SalesInvoiceCreate only tag <number> is mandatory here

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
        <error description="Property <number> is required."><error/>  <!-- missing number …

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Sales invoice for number: 0001-1206-2013 already exists!"></error>  <!-- Sales Invoice for number already exists …

(Using POHODA data format)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceImport">
               <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
               <parameter name="dataFormat" value="POHODA" />
               <parameter name="base64data">JVBERi0xLjQKJcOkw7zDtsOfCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwvTGVuZ3RoIDMgMCBSL0ZpbHRlci9GbGF0ZURlY29kZT4+Cn...
                    <!-- Pohoda XML encoded into base64 string

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Parameter <base64data>: cannot parse contents"></error>  <!-- Error when decoding XML from base64 string  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Error parsing XML file due to invalid syntax"></error>  <!-- Error when parsing XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Document can not be overwritten because it is already posted."></error>  <!-- There are several different error messages possible.

20.6 SalesInvoiceUpdate

Update existing Sales invoice.Data must contain sales invoice number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


SalesInvoiceComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceUpdate">
<parameter name="SalesInvoice">
         <number>12</number>                                    <!-- document number is mandatory in UPDATE (Can use sequential document number (example: 12), or formatted number (example: 12/2011))
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in SalesInvoiceCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>12/2009</number>                <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2016-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, …

20.7 SalesInvoiceDelete

Delete sales order. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting. It is possible to delete only last issued invoice.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2016-01-13" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, …

20.8 SalesInvoiceCancel

Cancel sales invoice. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for canceling.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book
statusStatus of cancelation document (draft, issuedInvoice). By Default status is issuedInvoice.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceCancel">
       <parameter name="number" value="2013-00014" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-03-26" />
       <parameter name="status" value="draft" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, …

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not cancel sales invoice for arguments number: 2013-00014 date: 2013-03-26"><error/>    <!-- document could not be canceled, …

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find sales invoice for number
Can not cancel. Found X sales invoices
Found X sales invoices X. You can only cancel one sales invoice at a time
Can not cancel sales invoice X

20.9 SalesInvoiceList

Get list of sales invoices for criteria which is specified by API parameters. Mixing different types of dates in search criteria is not supported - date parameters can be combined only as follows: dateFrom/dateTo, paymentDueDate/paymentDueDate or dateOfSupplyFrom/dateOfSupplyUntil.


numberDocument number
dateFromThe date which is used to select sales invoices whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select sales invoices whose date is preceding it
paymentDueDateFromThe date which is used to select sales invoices whose date of expiration is following it
paymentDueDateToThe date which is used to select sales invoices whose date of expiration is preceding it
dateOfSupplyFromThe date which is used to select sales invoices whose date of supply/performance is following it
dateOfSupplyUntilThe date which is used to select sales invoices whose date of supply/performance is preceding it
deliveryAddressDelivery address of the buyer
buyerBuyer code, or buyer name
costPositionCost centre code
totalAmountTotal amount of the sales invoice
totalCurrencyCurrency used in sales invoice
articleProduct code, or product name
statusPossible values:
  • Draft 
  • IssuedInvoice 
  • NotBooked 
  • Booked 
  • CancellationCreditNote 
  • NotPaid 
  • Paid 
  • NotPaidOverdueReceivable 
  • DocumentSentAlready 
  • DocumentNotYetSent 
  • PrintedInvoice 
  • InvoiceNotPrinted 
  • CancellationDocument 
  • CancelledDocument 
  • PaymentRecordExists 
  • PaymentRecordDoesNotExists 
  • AccountingEntryOrImportedInvoice 
  • DocumentNotSentOrPrinted 
  • Overpaid 
  • NotCancellationOrCancelledDocument 
  • VatReportDone 
  • VatReportOpen 
  • InvoicePricingTypeGross 
  • InvoicePricingTypeRetail 
  • NotCancelledWithInvoiceAndCreditNote 
  • DocumentSentByEMail 
  • DocumentNotSentByEMail 
issuerIssuer of document, search is done by username

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceList">
               <parameter name="status" value="issuedInvoice" />
               <parameter name="dateFrom" type="Date" value="2016-02-19" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in SalesInvoiceGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges, …

20.10 SalesInvoiceSendByEmail

Sends document by email to the recipient(s).


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
senderEmail sender (Optional)
recipientComma delimited list of recipient(s) emails
ccCC email (Optional)
bccBCC email (Optional)
subjectMail subject (Optional)
messageMessage text (Optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceSendByEmail">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2016-01-13" />
       <parameter name="sender" value="micka@kovac.com"/>
       <parameter name="recipient" value="zoran@kovac.com,zlatko@kovac.com"/>
       <parameter name="cc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="bcc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="subject" value="TEST d.o.o.: Sales invoice nr. 0002/2016"/>
       <parameter name="message" value="Message text"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, mail sending failed…

20.11 SalesInvoicePaymentRecordAdd

Add payment record on sales invoice.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit
vatBookVat book
paymentDatePayment date
paymentAmountPayment amount
paymentMethodForInvoicePayment method for sales invoice
  • BankTransfer 
  • BankPaymentOrder 
  • Cash 
  • CreditCard 
  • Coupon 
  • DirectDebit 
  • CreditNote 
  • Cancellation 
  • PayPal 
  • Unknown 
  • Other 
  • Compensation 
  • Cheque 
  • EurocardMastercard 
  • CashOnDelivery 
  • CryptoCurrency 
paymentRemarkPayment remark (optional)
paymentCurrencyPayment currency (optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoicePaymentRecordAdd">
       <parameter name="number" value="2014-00013"/>
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2014-05-15"/>
       <parameter name="paymentDate" type="Date" value="2014-05-20"/>
       <parameter name="paymentAmoutn" value="50"/>
       <parameter name="paymentMethodForInvoice" value="Cash"/>
       <parameter name="paymentRemark" value="PAyment record on sales invoice 2014-05-15"/>
       <parameter name="paymentCurrency" value="EUR"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Payment method Test is not supported"><error/>      <!-- wrong payment method chosen

20.12 SalesInvoiceInstallmentsCreate

Add installments on sales invoice.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
costPositionCost centre code
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="SalesInvoiceInstallmentsCreate">
               <parameter name="number" value="2014-00013"/>
               <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2014-05-15"/>
               <parameter name="SalesInvoiceInstallments">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Succesfuly added 3 installments to sales invoice.</message>

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="None or only one instalment specified."><error/>    <!-- at least two installments must be specified

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="No instalments were added to sales invoice!"><error/>       <!-- no installments added to sales invoice

20.13 SalesInvoiceAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to sales invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to sales invoice 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales invoice for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

20.14 SalesInvoiceAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to sales invoice and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to sales invoice 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales invoice for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

20.15 SalesInvoiceAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of sales invoice.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales invoice for number: 2020-00001 Sales invoice does not have attachemnts.

20.16 SalesInvoiceAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesInvoiceAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales invoice for number: 2020-00001 Sales invoice does not have attachemnts.


21. SalesOrder API

SalesOrderGetGet sales orders by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
SalesOrderGetPDFGet PDF file for sales orders by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
SalesOrderCreateCreate new sales order.
SalesOrderImportImport sales invoice issued in other IS.
SalesOrderUpdateUpdate existing Sales order.
SalesOrderDeleteDelete sales order.
SalesOrderCancelCancel sales order.
SalesOrderListGet list of sales orders for specified criteria
SalesOrderSendByEmailSends document by email to the recipient(s).
SalesOrderPaymentRecordAddAdd payment record on sales order.
SalesOrderCreateInvoiceCreate sales invoice from sales order.
SalesOrderAttachmentAddAdd attachment to sales order.
SalesOrderAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to sales order and set is as default.
SalesOrderAttachmentGetGet default attachment of sales order.
SalesOrderAttachmentListGet all attachments of sales order.

21.1 SalesOrderGet

Get sales orders by document number, or by combination of document number and date.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formatted number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="2" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-02-22" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <buyerName>Company s.r.o. </buyerName>
               <buyerStreet>Celní c. 37</buyerStreet>
               <salesInvoicesRef>2014-00001, 2014-00002, 2014-00003</salesInvoicesRef> <!-- references to sales invoices
               <advanceInvoicesRef>2014-00001, 2014-00002, 2014-00003</advanceInvoicesRef> <!-- references to advance invoices
               <deliveryNotesRef>2014-00004, 2014-00005, 2014-00006</deliveryNotesRef> <!-- references to delivery notes
               <cancelledDocumentRef>2012-00015</cancelledDocumentRef> <-- Reference to cancelled document
               <customerContactPerson>John Smith of BEST BUYER s.r.o.</customerContactPerson>
               <remarks>Text for the bottom of the document</remarks>
               <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>
                       <street>Ulice 10</street>
                               <articleName>VENTIL REDUC. 3/4" WATTS</articleName>
                               <description>není žádný popis</description>
                               <productName>VENTIL REDUC. 3/4" WATTS</productName>

21.2 SalesOrderGetPDF

Get PDF for sales order by document number, or by combination of document number and date. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderGetPDF">
       <parameter name="number" value="2" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-02-22" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find sales orderfor number: 2 and date: 2010-02-22">

21.3 SalesOrderCreate

Create new sales order.

Document item can be specified with: productCode, quantity, discountPercentage, or can be specified with: description, currency, quantity, price (retail price including VAT for Retail document) or netPrice (gross price without VAT for Gross document). Default document type is Gross. Additional optional item fields are: discountPercentage, unit, vatPercentage, vatTransactionType. Supported values for vatTransactionType are:

Supported values for vatTransactionType are:
0 - Taxable transactions of goods and services in Czechia //Dodání zboží/poskytnutí služby v tuzemsku
1 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU //Dodání zboží do jiného členského státu EU
2 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU(fixed assets) //Dodání zboží do jiného členského státu EU - převod majetku
3 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of service in the EU //Poskytnutí služeb v jiném členském státě EU
4 - Zero-rated transaction - exports of goods outside the EU //Vývoz zboží mimo EU
5 - Zero-rated transaction - new vehicle delivery to person not registred for VAT within the EU //Dodání nového doprav. prostředku do jiného člen. státu EU nereg. osobě
20 - Zero-rated transaction - goods delivery within EU (over limit) - foreign VAT calculated //Zasílání zboží do jiného člen. státu EU nad registrační limit (cizí DPH)
7 - Zero-rated transaction - reverse charge (goods supply/assembly the service) //Režim přenesení daňové povinnosti (tuzemsko)
8 - Zero-rated transaction - other taxable transaction with claim of VAT deduction //Ostatní uskutečněná osvobozená plnění s nárokem na odpočet daně
10 - Zero-rated transaction - tripartite supplies of goods within the EU //Dodání zboží formou třístranného obchodu prostřední osobou
11 - Tax amount correction in insolvency proceedings (creditor) //Oprava daně v insolvenčním řízení (věřitel)
12 - VAT exempt transactions without the right of input VAT deduction //Plnění osvobozená od daně bez nároku na odpočet daně
15 - Transactions exempt from VAT - not for VAT records //Nezahrnovat do přiznání DPH
21 - Zero-rated transaction - assembly in the EU //Poskytnutí služeb v EU (cizí DPH) - vyněto z DPH přiznání
100 - Electronic services in other EU member countries (foreign VAT calculated) //Poskytnutí el. služeb v jiném členském státě EU (cizí DPH)
106 - Distance sales of goods to EU consumers (OSS) //Prodej zboží na dálku koncovým zákazníkům v EU (OSS)
107 - Supply of services to EU consumers (OSS) //Poskytnutí služeb koncovým zákazníkům v EU (OSS)
108 - Distance sales of imported goods to EU consumers (IOSS) //Prodej zboží na dálku ze třetích zemí koncovým zákazníkům v EU (IOSS)
109 - Distance sales of goods to domestic consumers (OSS)//Prodej zboží na dálku koncovým zákazníkům v tuzemsku (OSS)
110 - Distance sales of imported goods to domestic consumers (IOSS) //Prodej importovaného zboží ze třetích zemí koncovým zákazníkům v tuzemsku (IOSS)
120 - Supply of services from EU to third country consumers (foreign VAT) //Poskytnutí služeb z EU koncovému spotřebiteli mimo EU (cizí DPH)

Before using vat transaction types for OSS and IOSS, you must set up registration for OSS and IOSS in company settings under foreign VAT registrations.


SalesOrderComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderCreate">
        <parameter name="SalesOrder">
               <date>2010-01-13</date>                         <!-- document date
               <receivedDate>2010-01-13</receivedDate>         <!-- (Optional) Default document date
               <customerContactPerson></customerContactPerson> <!-- (Optional)
               <type>Retail</type>                             <!-- (Optional) Type of pricing default is Gross
               <status>Opened</status>                           <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Opened, Draft - default is Opened
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                <!-- (Optional)
               <deliveryMethod>Delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <superDiscountPercentage>5</superDiscountPercentage>    <!-- (Optional)
               <orderReference>123</orderReference>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <remarks>Remark on Sales order</remarks>                <!-- (Optional)
               <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>   <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                           <!-- (Optional). If buyer code is specified, other buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any additional parameter is specified, it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerName>Petr Novak</buyerName>               
               <buyerTaxNumber>02169711</buyerTaxNumber>       <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerVatRegistration>None</buyerVatRegistration>       <!-- (Unkown, None, Registered)
               <buyerEMail>petr@novak.cz</buyerEMail>          <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerPhone>040505050</buyerPhone>                      <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerStreet>Celní 22</buyerStreet>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerPostalCode>60200</buyerPostalCode>                <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCity>Brno</buyerCity>                     <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCountry>CZ</buyerCountry>                         <!-- (Optional) ISO-2 country code
               <buyerDocumentID>60:123456</buyerDocumentID>                    <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType> <!-- (Optional) default is 0
               <vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause>Registered</vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause> <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Registered, NotRegistered, RegisteredTourismLawPart47, RegisteredTourismLawPart31, RegisteredTourismLawPart47And31
               <methodOfPayment>bankTransfer</methodOfPayment> <!-- Possible ways of payment: unknown, bankTransfer, cash, cheques, eurocardMastercard, visa, karanta, amex, diners, activa, ba, cashOnDelivery, moneta, directDebit, PayPal
               <documentLanguage>Czech</documentLanguage> <!-- (Optional) Possible document language: Slovene, English, German, Italian and Croatian
               <printingTemplate>Předloha2</printingTemplate> <!-- (Optional) Setting printing template for document, posible values is code of uploaded templates in web app
               <salesInvoiceRef>2014-00001</salesInvoiceRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales invoice
               <salesQuoteRef>2014-00001</salesQuoteRef> <!-- (Optional) Setting reference to sales quote
               <vatCountryIsoCode>CZ</vatCountryIsoCode> <!-- Mandatory if using vatTransactionTypes: 100, 106, 107, 108, 109, 120 and it determines that VAT procentages for specified country has to be taken
               <Address>                        <!-- (Optional) Setting delivery address on document and partner buyer if it doesn't exists              
                       <street>Celní 10</street>
                       <Item>                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <position>1</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <productCode>020</productCode>          <!-- product code
                       <Item>                                          <!-- Item specified for good or service
                               <position>2</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <description>Transport of goods</description>
                               <discountPercentage>2</discountPercentage>      <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatPercentage>10</vatPercentage>               <!-- (Optional)
                               <currency>CZK</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
                               <quantity>10</quantity>                         <!-- (Optional) default 0
                               <unit>km</unit>                         <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>      <!-- (Optional) default is 0. Foreign VAT transaction types (100, 8 and 5) can only be set on document level.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2010-00012</number>             <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2010-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

21.4 SalesOrderImport

Import Sales order issued in other IS. Parameter 'importType' can be used to specify type of import. If parameter is not specified, "createOrUpdate" is used as default. For updating Sales orders with this api call, Sales orders's data must contain code as unique identifier.


importTypeFlag for the type of import
  • createOrUpdate Import all - create new and update existing documents
  • createOnly Skip import for existing documents
  • updateOnly  Skip import of new documents
SalesOrderSales order data in xml substructure.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderImport">
               <parameter name="importType" value="createOrUpdate" />
               <parameter name="SalesOrder">
                    <!-- structure of elements is the same as in SalesOrderCreate only tag <number> is mandatory here

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
        <error description="Property <number> is required."><error/>  <!-- missing number  

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
                <error description="Sales order for number: 0001-1206-2013 already exists!"></error>  <!-- Sales order for number already exists  

21.5 SalesOrderUpdate

Update existing Sales invoice.Data must contain sales invoice number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


SalesOrderComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderUpdate">
        <parameter name="SalesOrder">
             <number>12</number>                                        <!-- document number is mandatory in UPDATE (Can use sequential document number (example: 12), or formatted number (example: 12/2011))
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in SalesOrderCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2010-00012</number>             <!-- updated document ID or number
       <date>2010-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

21.6 SalesOrderDelete

Delete sales order. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="2010-00002" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-02-22" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

21.7 SalesOrderCancel

Cancel sales order. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for canceling.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
statusStatus of cancelation document (draft, issuedInvoice). By Default status is issuedInvoice.
cancellationDocNumberNumber of cancellation document (mandatory and works only for imported documents)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderCancel">
       <parameter name="number" value="2013-00014" />
       <parameter name="cancellationDocNumber" value="2013-00014" />  <!-- Works only when canceling imported documents where this number is mandatory
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2013-03-26" />
       <parameter name="status" value="draft" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Can not cancel sales order for arguments number: 2013-00014 date: 2013-03-26"><error/>      <!-- document could not be canceled,  

Possible error messages:
Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request
Parameter named "number" is required
Can not find sales order for number
Can not cancel. Found X sales orders
Found X sales orders X. You can only cancel one sales order at a time
Can not cancel sales order X

21.8 SalesOrderList

Get list of sales orders for criteria which is specified by API parameters.


numberDocument number
dateFromThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date is following it.
dateToThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date is preceding it
receivalDateFromThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date of receiva is following it.
receivalDateToThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date od receiva is preceding it
dateOfPaymentFromThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date of payment (date from payment record on document) is following it.
dateOfPaymentToThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date of payment (date from payment record on document) is preceding it.
deliveryAddressDelivery address of the buyer
buyerBuyer code, or buyer name
costPositionCost position code
totalAmountTotal amount of the sales order
totalCurrencyCurrency used in sales order
articleProduct code, or product name
statusPossible values:
  • Draft 
  • IssuedDocument 
  • Opened 
  • Processing 
  • PartialDelivery 
  • CompletedDelivery 
  • CompletedDeliveryPartialInvoic 
  • CompletedDeliveryAndSettledInvoice 
  • Cancelled 
  • Reversed 
  • OnHold 
  • Shipped 
  • CorrectionPending 
  • ReservedStock 
  • PaymentRecordExists 
  • PaidNotInvoiced 
issuerIssuer of document, search is done by username

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderList">
       <parameter name="dateFrom" type="Date" value="2009-11-01" />
        <parameter name="dateTo" type="Date" value="2010-01-11" />
       <parameter name="deliveryAddress" value="Celní" />
       <parameter name="totalAmount" value=1000/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in SalesOrderGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges,  

21.9 SalesOrderSendByEmail

Sends document by email to the recipient(s).


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
senderEmail sender (Optional)
recipientComma delimited list of recipient(s) emails
ccCC email (Optional)
bccBCC email (Optional)
subjectMail subject (Optional)
messageMessage text (Optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderSendByEmail">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-01-13" />
       <parameter name="sender" value="petr@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="recipient" value="pavel@novak.cz,ondrej@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="cc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="bcc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="subject" value="TEST s.r.o.: Sales quote nr. 0002/2010"/>
       <parameter name="message" value="Message text"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, mail sending failed

21.10 SalesOrderPaymentRecordAdd

Add payment record on sales order.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
paymentDatePayment date
paymentAmountPayment amount
paymentMethodForInvoicePayment method for sales order
  • BankTransfer 
  • BankPaymentOrder 
  • Cash 
  • CreditCard 
  • Coupon 
  • DirectDebit 
  • CreditNote 
  • Cancellation 
  • PayPal 
  • Unknown 
  • Other 
  • Compensation 
  • Cheques 
  • CashOnDelivery 
  • CryptoCurrency 
paymentRemarkPayment remark (optional)
paymentCurrencyPayment currency (optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderPaymentRecordAdd">
       <parameter name="number" value="2014-00013"/>
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2014-05-15"/>
       <parameter name="paymentDate" type="Date" value="2014-05-20"/>
       <parameter name="paymentAmount" value="50"/>
       <parameter name="paymentMethodForInvoice" value="Cash"/>
       <parameter name="paymentRemark" value="Payment record on sales order 2014-05-15"/>
       <parameter name="paymentCurrency" value="EUR"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Payment method Test is not supported"><error/>      <!-- wrong payment method chosen

21.11 SalesOrderCreateInvoice

Create sales invoice from sales order.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit
statusStatus for created invoice (issuedInvoice or draft).
warehouseCodeWarehouse that will be set on created invoice, default it is taken from sales order.
cashRegisterCodeCashbook ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="SalesOrderCreateInvoice">
                  <parameter name="number" value="0005/2021"/>
                  <parameter name="status" value="issuedInvoice"/>
                  <parameter name="cashRegisterCode" value="001"/>
                  <parameter name="warehouseCode" value="908"/>

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2020 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <number>2010-00005</number>             <!-- created document number
       <date>2010-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document
        <documentID>123.21421</documentID>      <!-- created document ID
        <message>Succesfuly created sales invoice from sales order</message>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

21.12 SalesOrderAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to sales order.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to sales order 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales order for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

21.13 SalesOrderAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to sales order and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to sales order 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales order for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

21.14 SalesOrderAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of sales order.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales order for number: 2020-00001 Sales order does not have attachemnts.

21.15 SalesOrderAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesOrderAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales order for number: 2020-00001 Sales order does not have attachemnts.


22. SalesQuote API

SalesQuoteGetGet sales quotes by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
SalesQuoteGetPDFGet PDF file for sales quotes by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
SalesQuoteCreateCreate new sales quote.
SalesQuoteUpdateUpdate existing Sales quote.
SalesQuoteDeleteDelete sales quote.
SalesQuoteListGet list of sales quotes for specified criteria
SalesQuoteSendByEmailSends document by email to the recipient(s)
SalesQuotePaymentRecordAddAdd payment record on sales quote.
SalesQuoteCreateInvoiceCreate invoice from sales quote.
SalesQuoteAttachmentAddAdd attachment to sales quote.
SalesQuoteAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to sales quote and set is as default.
SalesQuoteAttachmentGetGet default attachment of sales quote.
SalesQuoteAttachmentListGet all attachments of sales quote.

22.1 SalesQuoteGet

Get sales quotes by document number, or by combination of document number and date.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 5), or formatted number (example: 2010-00005)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="5" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-02-22" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <businessUnit>0001</businessUnit>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <deliveryMethod>Delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <reference>00 2010-00005</reference>                    <!-- (Optional) generated unique payment identifier - VS(variabilni symbol)
               <superDiscountPercentage>2</superDiscountPercentage>    <!-- (Optional)
               <warehouseCode>1000</warehouseCode>             <!-- (Optional)
               <orderReference>123</orderReference>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerName>Petr Novak</buyerName>               <!-- buyer name
               <buyerTaxNumber>02169711</buyerTaxNumber>       <!-- buyer tax number
               <buyerVatRegistration>None</buyerVatRegistration>       <!-- (true, false)
               <buyerEMail>petr@novak.cz</buyerEMail>          <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerStreet>Celní 22</buyerStreet>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerPostalCode>60200</buyerPostalCode>                <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCity>Brno</buyerCity>                     <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCountry>CZ</buyerCountry>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <remarks>Remark on SalesQuote</remarks>
               <salesInvoicesRef>2014-00001, 2014-00002, 2014-00003</salesInvoicesRef> <!-- references to sales invoices
               <advanceInvoicesRef>2014-00001, 2014-00002, 2014-00003</advanceInvoicesRef> <!-- references to advance invoices
               <deliveryNotesRef>2014-00004, 2014-00005, 2014-00006</deliveryNotesRef> <!-- references to delivery notes
               <salesOrdersRef>2014-00001, 2014-00002</salesOrdersRef> <!-- references to sales orders
               <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>   
               <Address>                        <!-- (Optional) Setting delivery address on document and partner buyer if it doesn't exists              
                       <street>Dolní 10</street>
                               <articleName>Firma test</articleName>
                               <description>test text</description>
                               <productName>Firma test</productName>
                               <articleName>Položka 351</articleName>
                               <description>není dostupný</description>
                               <productName>test položka 3/4" WATTS</productName>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="document could not be found"><error/>

22.2 SalesQuoteGetPDF

Get PDF for sales quote by document number, or by combination of document number and date. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
markDocumentAsSentMarks document as sent.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteGetPDF">
       <parameter name="number" value="2" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-02-22" />
          <parameter name="markDocumentAsSent" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find sales quote for number: 2 and date: 2010-02-22">

22.3 SalesQuoteCreate

Create new sales Quote.

Document item can be specified with: productCode, quantity, discountPercentage, or can be specified with: description, currency, quantity, price (retail price including VAT for retail document) or netPrice (gross price without VAT for gross document). Default document type is gross.Additional optional item fields are: discountPercentage, unit, vatPercentage, vatTransactionType, transNoCoefCalcSN, kontrolHlasSectionType and kontrolHlasTransCode.

Supported values for vatTransactionType are:
0 - Taxable transactions of goods and services in Czechia //Dodání zboží/poskytnutí služby v tuzemsku
1 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU //Dodání zboží do jiného členského státu EU
2 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of goods within the EU(fixed assets) //Dodání zboží do jiného členského státu EU - převod majetku
3 - Zero-rated transaction - supply of service in the EU //Poskytnutí služeb v jiném členském státě EU
4 - Zero-rated transaction - exports of goods outside the EU //Vývoz zboží mimo EU
5 - Zero-rated transaction - new vehicle delivery to person not registred for VAT within the EU //Dodání nového doprav. prostředku do jiného člen. státu EU nereg. osobě
20 - Zero-rated transaction - goods delivery within EU (over limit) - foreign VAT calculated //Zasílání zboží do jiného člen. státu EU nad registrační limit (cizí DPH)
7 - Zero-rated transaction - reverse charge (goods supply/assembly the service) //Režim přenesení daňové povinnosti (tuzemsko)
8 - Zero-rated transaction - other taxable transaction with claim of VAT deduction //Ostatní uskutečněná osvobozená plnění s nárokem na odpočet daně
10 - Zero-rated transaction - tripartite supplies of goods within the EU //Dodání zboží formou třístranného obchodu prostřední osobou
11 - Tax amount correction in insolvency proceedings (creditor) //Oprava daně v insolvenčním řízení (věřitel)
12 - VAT exempt transactions without the right of input VAT deduction //Plnění osvobozená od daně bez nároku na odpočet daně
15 - Transactions exempt from VAT - not for VAT records //Nezahrnovat do přiznání DPH
21 - Zero-rated transaction - assembly in the EU //Poskytnutí služeb v EU (cizí DPH) - vyněto z DPH přiznání
100 - Electronic services in other EU member countries (foreign VAT calculated) //Poskytnutí el. služeb v jiném členském státě EU (cizí DPH)
106 - Distance sales of goods to EU consumers (OSS) //Prodej zboží na dálku koncovým zákazníkům v EU (OSS)
107 - Supply of services to EU consumers (OSS) //Poskytnutí služeb koncovým zákazníkům v EU (OSS)
108 - Distance sales of imported goods to EU consumers (IOSS) //Prodej zboží na dálku ze třetích zemí koncovým zákazníkům v EU (IOSS)
109 - Distance sales of goods to domestic consumers (OSS)//Prodej zboží na dálku koncovým zákazníkům v tuzemsku (OSS)
110 - Distance sales of imported goods to domestic consumers (IOSS) //Prodej importovaného zboží ze třetích zemí koncovým zákazníkům v tuzemsku (IOSS)
120 - Supply of services from EU to third country consumers (foreign VAT) //Poskytnutí služeb z EU koncovému spotřebiteli mimo EU (cizí DPH)

Before using vat transaction types for OSS and IOSS, you must set up registration for OSS and IOSS in company settings under foreign VAT registrations.

Supported values for transNoCoefCalcSN are "1 or 0" and stated if transaction is not included to the coefficient calculation.

Supported values for kontrolHlasSectionType are:
1 - Transaction has no impact on control report sections,
2 - Section A1,
3 - Section A3,
4 - Section A4 (regular),
5 - Section A4 (travel services),
6 - Section A4 (used goods),
7 - Section A4/A5 automatic choose (based on amount and EuVAT ID on document),
8 - Section A5

Supported values for kontrolHlasTransCode are:
2 - 1
3 - 1a
4 - 3
5 - 3a
6 - 4
7 - 4a
8 - 5
9 - 6
10 - 7
11 - 11
12 - 12
13 - 13
14 - 14
15 - 15
16 - 16
17 - 17
18 - 18
19 - 19
20 - 20
21 - 21}}


SalesQuoteComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteCreate">
       <parameter name="SalesQuote">
               <date>2010-01-13</date>                         <!-- document date
               <validUntil>2010-02-13</validUntil>                     <!-- document valid until
               <type>Retail</type>                                     <!-- type of pricing optional (default gross)
               <status>issued</status>                           <!-- (Optional) Possible values: issued, draft - default is issued
               <costPosition>120</costPosition>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <deliveryMethod>Delivery method</deliveryMethod>        <!-- (Optional)
               <reference>00 2010-00005</reference>                    <!-- (Optional) generated unique payment identifier - VS(variabilni symbol)
               <superDiscountPercentage>5</superDiscountPercentage> <!-- (Optional)
               <warehouseCode>1000</warehouseCode>             <!-- (Optional)
               <orderReference>123</orderReference>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCode>123456</buyerCode>                   <!-- (Optional). If buyer code is specified, other buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any additional parameter is specified, it will override master buyer data in document
               <buyerDocumentID>60:123456</buyerDocumentID>                    <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
                <buyerName>Petr Novak</buyerName>               
               <buyerTaxNumber>02169711</buyerTaxNumber>       <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerVatRegistration>None</buyerVatRegistration>       <!-- (Unkown, None, Registered)
               <buyerEMail>petr@novak.cz</buyerEMail>          <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerStreet>Celní 22</buyerStreet>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerPostalCode>60200</buyerPostalCode>                <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCity>Brno</buyerCity>                     <!-- (Optional)
               <buyerCountry>CZ</buyerCountry>                 <!-- (Optional)
               <remarks>Remark on SalesQuote</remarks>         <!-- (Optional)
               <introductionText>introduction text</introductionText>   <!-- (Optional)
               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>              <!-- (Optional) default is 0
               <vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause>Registered</vatOutgoingDocumentVatClause> <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Registered, NotRegistered, RegisteredTourismLawPart47, RegisteredTourismLawPart31, RegisteredTourismLawPart47And31              <!-- (Optional)
               <methodOfPayment>bankTransfer</methodOfPayment> <!-- Possible ways of payment: unknown, bankTransfer, cash, cheques, eurocardMastercard, visa, karanta, amex, diners, activa, ba, cashOnDelivery, moneta, directDebit, PayPal
               <documentLanguage>Czech</documentLanguage> <!-- (Optional) Possible document language: Slovene, English, German, Italian and Croatian
               <printingTemplate>Predloga2</printingTemplate> <!-- (Optional) Setting printing template for document, posible values is code of uploaded templates in web app
               <vatCountryIsoCode>HR</vatCountryIsoCode> <!-- Mandatory if using vatTransactionTypes: 100, 8 and 5 and it determines that VAT procentages for specified country has to be taken
               <warehouseCode>00001</warehouseCode> <!-- Mandatory, if not set in XML default warehouse is set
               <Address>                        <!-- (Optional) Setting delivery address on document and partner buyer if it doesn't exists              
                       <street>Dolní 10</street>
                       <Item>                                          <!-- item specified with ref to product
                               <position>1</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <productCode>020</productCode>                  <!-- internal product code
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>      <!-- (Optional) default is 0. Foreign VAT transaction types (100, 8 and 5) can only be set on document level.
                       <Item>                                          <!-- Item specified for good or service
                               <position>2</position>      <!-- position of item
                               <description>Transport of goods</description>
                               <discountPercentage>2</discountPercentage>      <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatPercentage>10</vatPercentage>               <!-- (Optional)
                               <currency>CZK</currency>                        <!-- (Optional)
                               <quantity>10</quantity>                         <!-- (Optional) default 1
                               <unit>km</unit>                         <!-- (Optional)
                               <vatTransactionType>0</vatTransactionType>      <!-- (Optional) default is 0. Foreign VAT transaction types (100, 8 and 5) can only be set on document level.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2010-00005</number>             <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2010-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

22.4 SalesQuoteUpdate

Update existing Sales quote.Data must contain sales invoice number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


SalesQuoteComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteUpdate">
        <parameter name="SalesQuote">
             <number>12</number>                                        <!-- document number is mandatory in UPDATE (Can use sequential document number (example: 12), or formatted number (example: 12/2011))
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in SalesQuoteCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <date>2010-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

22.5 SalesQuoteDelete

Delete sales quote. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="2010-00002" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-02-22" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

22.6 SalesQuoteList

Get list of sales quotes for criteria which is specified by API parameters. Mixing different types of dates in search criteria is not supported - date parameters can be combined only as follows: dateFrom/dateTo or validUntilFrom/validUntilTo.


numberDocument number
dateFromThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date is preceding it
validUntilFromThe date which is used to select sales quotes whose validUntil is following it
validUntilToThe date which is used to select sales quotes whose validUntil is preceding it
dateOfPaymentFromThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date of payment (date from payment record on document) is following it.
dateOfPaymentToThe date which is used to select sales orders whose date of payment (date from payment record on document) is preceding it.
deliveryAddressDelivery address of the buyer
buyerBuyer code, or buyer name
costPositionCost position code
totalAmountTotal amount of the sales quote
totalCurrencyCurrency used in sales quote
articleProduct code, or product name
statusPossible values:
  • Draft 
  • Issued 
  • Opened 
  • IssuedInvoiceOrReceivedAdvancePayment 
  • ReceivedSalesOrder 
  • DocumentNotSentByEMail 
  • DocumentSentByEMail 
  • DocumentSentAlready 
  • DocumentNotYetSent 
  • PaymentRecordExists 
  • PaidNotInvoiced 
  • DocumentNotSentOrPrinted 
  • Expired 
issuerIssuer of document, search is done by username

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteList">
       <parameter name="number" value="000002" />
       <parameter name="dateFrom" type="Date" value="2009-11-01" />
        <parameter name="dateTo" type="Date" value="2010-01-11" />
       <parameter name="deliveryAddress" value="Dolní" />
       <parameter name="totalAmount" type="Decimal" value="1000" />
       <parameter name="status" value="Draft" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of elements is the same as in SalesQuoteGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- no privileges,  

22.7 SalesQuoteSendByEmail

Sends document by email to the recipient(s).


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
senderEmail sender (Optional)
recipientComma delimited list of recipient(s) emails
ccCC email (Optional)
bccBCC email (Optional)
subjectMail subject (Optional)
messageMessage text (Optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteSendByEmail">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2009" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2010-01-13" />
       <parameter name="sender" value="petr@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="recipient" value="pavel@novak.cz,ondrej@novak.cz"/>
       <parameter name="cc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="bcc" value=""/>
       <parameter name="subject" value="TEST s.r.o.: Sales quote nr. 0002/2010"/>
       <parameter name="message" value="Message text"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges, mail sending failed

22.8 SalesQuotePaymentRecordAdd

Add payment record on sales quote.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date (optional additional document identification)
costPositionCost position
businessUnitBusiness unit
paymentDatePayment date
paymentAmountPayment amount
paymentMethodForInvoicePayment method for sales quote
  • BankTransfer 
  • BankPaymentOrder 
  • Cash 
  • CreditCard 
  • Coupon 
  • DirectDebit 
  • CreditNote 
  • Cancellation 
  • PayPal 
  • Unknown 
  • Other 
  • Compensation 
  • Cheques 
  • CashOnDelivery 
  • Moneta 
  • CryptoCurrency 
paymentRemarkPayment remark (optional)
paymentCurrencyPayment currency (optional)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuotePaymentRecordAdd">
       <parameter name="number" value="2014-00013"/>
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2014-05-15"/>
       <parameter name="paymentDate" type="Date" value="2014-05-20"/>
       <parameter name="paymentAmount" value="50"/>
       <parameter name="paymentMethodForInvoice" value="Cash"/>
       <parameter name="paymentRemark" value="Payment record on sales quote 2014-05-15"/>
       <parameter name="paymentCurrency" value="EUR"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Payment method Test is not supported"><error/>      <!-- wrong payment method chosen

22.9 SalesQuoteCreateInvoice

Create sales invoice from sales quote.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit
statusStatus for created invoice (issuedInvoice or draft).
warehouseCodeWarehouse that will be set on created invoice, default it is taken from sales quote.
cashRegisterCodeCashbook ID.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
       <method name="SalesQuoteCreateInvoice">
                  <parameter name="number" value="0005/2021"/>
                  <parameter name="status" value="issuedInvoice"/>
                  <parameter name="cashRegisterCode" value="001"/>
                  <parameter name="warehouseCode" value="908"/>

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <number>2010-00005</number>             <!-- created document number
       <date>2010-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document
        <documentID>123.21421</documentID>      <!-- created document ID
        <message>Succesfuly created sales invoice from sales order</message>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

22.10 SalesQuoteAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to sales quote.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to sales quote 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales quote for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

22.11 SalesQuoteAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to sales quote and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to sales quote 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales quote for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

22.12 SalesQuoteAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of sales quote.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales quote for number: 2020-00001 Sales quote does not have attachemnts.

22.13 SalesQuoteAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="SalesQuoteAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find sales quote for number: 2020-00001 Sales quote does not have attachemnts.


23. Warehouse and inventory API

23.1 WarehouseGetArticleStockQuantity

Get number of items on stock.


queryTypeType of query. Possible values are:
  • cumulativeForAllWarehouses Can be used only if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified. In that case answer will contain total (cumulative) quantity on stock for all warehouses. Same result is achieved if parameter "queryType" is omitted.
  • perWarehouse If parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified, answer non-zero quantity on stock for each warehouse.
  • perWarehousePositiveStockOnly  Answer only positive quantity on stock. if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified, answer quantity on stock for each warehouse.
  • perWarehouseNegativeStockOnly  Answer only negative quantity on stock. if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified, answer quantity on stock for each warehouse.
  • perWarehousePositiveOrNegativeStockOnly  Answer only positive and negative quantity on stock. if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified, answer quantity on stock for each warehouse.
  • perWarehouseZeroStock  Answer only zero quantity on stock. if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified, answer quantity on stock for each warehouse.
  • perWarehouseBelowMinimalStock  Answer only products below minimum stoc with their current stock.
  • availableForAllWarehouses  Can be used only if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified. In that case answer will contain total aveliable quantity on stock for all warehouses. Aveliable stock is quantity on stock minus reserved quantity that means the quantity on the sales orders which has not been shipped/delivered yet.
  • perWarehouseAvailableStock  Answer aveliable quantity on stock. if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified, answer aveliable quantity on stock for each warehouse
  • reservedForAllWarehouses  Can be used only if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified. In that case answer will contain total reserved stock quantity for all warehouses. Reserved stock is quantity on the sales orders which has not been shipped/delivered yet.
  • perWarehouseReservedStock  Answer reserved stock quantity. if parameter "warehouseCode" is not specified, answer reserved stock quantity for each warehouse.
warehouseCodeWarehouse code. If this parameter is missing, answer result depending on value of parameter "queryType". If "queryType" is missing or is "cumulativeForAllWarehouses" or "availableForAllWarehouses", return total quantity on stock for all warehouses, otherwise return quantities per warehouse.
stockDateThe date on which the stock quantity is calculated.
productCodeProduct code(-s) for items that are being queried. Multiple occurrences of this parameter are allowed. If this parameter is missing then the first 50 000 records will be reported.
productStatusProduct status, possible values: "active" or: "inactive".
allStockTrackingProductsGet results for all product that stock is and will be tracked (in case some new products are added in program but there is still no stock tracking record), possible values: "true", 1.

Example request and response

Example 1.

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WarehouseGetArticleStockQuantity">
  <parameter name="warehouseCode" value="01" />
  <parameter name="stockDate" type="Date" value="2009-01-01" />
  <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="123" />
  <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="003" />
  <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="005" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2009 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
       <StockQuantityInfo productCode="123" productDescription="Mobil Sony Ericsson GTX10000" quantityOnStock="11.00">
       <StockQuantityInfo productCode="003" productDescription="Mobil LG 2000" quantityOnStock="0.00">
       <StockQuantityInfo productCode="005" productDescription="USB Charger" quantityOnStock="-5.00">

Example 2. For company with two warehouses 0001 and 0002. Request is for getting quantities on stock for articles 003 and 005 from all warehouses.

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WarehouseGetArticleStockQuantity">
  <parameter name="stockDate" type="Date" value="2009-01-01" />
  <parameter name="queryType" value="perWarehouse" />
  <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="003" />
  <parameter name="productCode" type="String" value="005" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: eurofaktura.cz web server
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2009 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">
       <StockQuantityInfo productCode="003" productDescription="Mobil Sony Ericsson GTX10000" warehouse="0001" quantityOnStock="11.00">
       <StockQuantityInfo productCode="005" productDescription="USB Charger" warehouse="0001" quantityOnStock="-5.00">
       <StockQuantityInfo productCode="003" productDescription="Mobil LG 2000" warehouse="0002" quantityOnStock="0.00">
       <StockQuantityInfo productCode="005" productDescription="USB Charger" warehouse="0002" quantityOnStock="-5.00">

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  


24. WorkOrder API

WorkOrderGetGet work order by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
WorkOrderGetPDFGet PDF file for work order by document number, or by combination of document number and date.
WorkOrderCreateCreate new work order.
WorkOrderUpdateUpdate existing work order.
WorkOrderDeleteDelete work order.
WorkOrderListGet list of work orders for specified criteria.
WorkOrderAttachmentAddAdd attachment to work order.
WorkOrderAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to work order and set is as default.
WorkOrderAttachmentGetGet default attachment of work order.
WorkOrderAttachmentListGet all attachments of work order.

24.1 WorkOrderGet

Get work order by document number, or by combination of document number and date.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2022-00002)
dateDocument date
documentIDInternal document identificator. In case of using this parameter, no other parameter listed above is needed for searching by document.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="1/2022" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2022-02-15" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<response status="ok">
               <buyerName1>TEST S.P.</buyerName1>
               <buyerStreet>CELOVŠKA ULICE 134</buyerStreet>
               <operaterName>Amadej Amadej</operaterName>
               <remarks>testing 1 2</remarks>
               <responsibleWorker>Amadej Amadej</responsibleWorker>
                               <description>ni bilo opisa, sedaj pa je</description>
                               <productName>krnekjasdh" WATTS</productName>
                               <remarks>PRODUCT CREATION RECORD</remarks>
                               <description>ni bilo opisa, sedaj pa je</description>
                               <productName>VENTIL REDUC. 3/4" WATTS</productName>
                               <remarks>PRODUCT CREATION RECORD</remarks>
                               <productName>artikel 2</productName>
                               <description>Grafička kartica GTX670-DC2-2GD5</description>
                               <productName>Grafička kartica GTX670-DC2-2GD5</productName>
                               <description>Grafička kartica GTX670-DC2-2GD5</description>
                               <productName>Grafička kartica GTX670-DC2-2GD5</productName>
                               <remarks>MATERIAL USAGE RECORD</remarks>
                               <productName>RADIATOR ELEKTRINI TPA 20 2000W S TERMOSTATOM</productName>
                               <remarks>MATERIAL USAGE RECORD</remarks>
                               <productName>KOLENO POC. 2 ART. 90</productName>
                               <remarks>MATERIAL USAGE RECORD</remarks>
                               <productName>T KOS POC. 6/4""""</productName>
                               <remarks>MATERIAL USAGE RECORD</remarks>
                               <description>Grafička kartica GTX670-DC2-2GD5</description>
                               <productName>Grafička kartica GTX670-DC2-2GD5</productName>
                               <remarks>MATERIAL USAGE RECORD</remarks>
                               <productName>artikel 2</productName>
                               <productName>artikel 2</productName>
                               <remarks>vrtani drevenych tramu</remarks>
                               <worker>Roki Balboa</worker>

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="document could not be found"><error/>

24.2 WorkOrderGetPDF

Get PDF for work order by document number, or by combination of document number and date. Response (on OK) returns binary record for PDF file coded with Base64 coding.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2010-00002)
dateDocument date
documentIDInternal document identificator. In case of using this parameter, no other parameter listed above is needed for searching by document.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderGetPDF">
       <parameter name="number" value="2" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2022-02-22" />

<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<response status="error">
       <error description="Can not find work order for number: 2 and date: 2022-02-22">

24.3 WorkOrderCreate

Create new work order for bill of materials. Number of work order which is created from this web service is automatically set if parameter status is set to "Issued".


WorkOrderComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
  <method name="WorkOrderCreate">
        <parameter name="WorkOrder">
                       <buyerCode>100246</buyerCode>                           <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
                       <buyerDocumentID>60:123456</buyerDocumentID>                    <!-- (Optional). If it is specified buyer parameters bellow are not needed as the buyer data is taken from database. If any parameter bellow is sepcified it will override master buyer data in document
                       <buyerName1>TEST S.P.</buyerName1>
                       <buyerStreet>CELOVŠKA CESTA 134</buyerStreet>
                       <buyerVatRegistration>None</buyerVatRegistration>            <!-- (Unkown, None, Registered)
                       <remarks>ha 1</remarks>
                       <status>Issued</status>                                  <!-- (Optional) Possible values: Issued, Draft - default is Issued
                       <type>Gross</type>                                       <!-- (Optional) Type of pricing - default is "Gross"
                       <warehouseCodeForUsedMaterials>090</warehouseCodeForUsedMaterials>         <!-- Mandatory
                       <warehouseForOrderedProductsCode>908</warehouseForOrderedProductsCode>     <!-- Mandatory
                                       <calculationQuantity>1.000000</calculationQuantity>  <!-- Mandatory
                                       <productCode>1310</productCode>                      <!-- Mandatory; Product code of product which has bill of materials

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2/2022</number>         <!-- created document ID or number
       <date>2022-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

24.4 WorkOrderUpdate

Update existing work order.Data must contain work order number to be able to identify document which is to be updated.


WorkOrderComplex parameter with data tags

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderUpdate">
<parameter name="WorkOrder">
         <number>12</number>                                    <!-- document number is mandatory in UPDATE (Can use sequential document number (example: 12), or formatted number (example: 12/2011))
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in WorkOrderCreate api

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2010 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
response status="ok" >
       <number>2/2022</number>         <!-- updated document ID or number
       <date>2022-01-13</date>                 <!-- date of document

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>          <!-- missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  

24.5 WorkOrderDelete

Delete work order. Must specify parameter/s (number, number+date) to identify document for deleting. It is possible to delete only last advance invoice.


numberDocument number
dateDocument date

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="12/2022" />
       <parameter name="date" type="Date" value="2022-01-13" />

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: e-racuni.com web server
Date: Tue, 1 March 2016 11:00:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 328

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok">

Response (on error)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="no privileges"><error/>     <!-- document could not be found, no privileges,  

24.6 WorkOrderList

Get list of work orders for specified criteria.


numberWork order number.
dateFromSearch by bill of materials date range.
dateToSearch by bill of materials date range.
articleSearch by products.
statusUsage status (Draft, InProduction, Completed, OnHold, WaitingForApproval, ApprovedForProduction, Settled, Cancelled)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderList">
       <parameter name="number" value="123456" />
       <parameter name="status" value="Settled"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderList">
       <parameter name="dateFrom" value="2022-02-01" />
    <parameter name="dateTo" value="2022-02-26" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of bill of materials data is the same as in WorkOrderGet
                <!-- structure of bill of materials data is the same as in WorkOrderGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  

24.7 WorkOrderAttachmentAdd

Add image/attachment to work order.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to work order 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find work order for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

24.8 WorkOrderAttachmentSetDefault

Add attachment to work order and set is as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to work order 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find work order for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents

24.9 WorkOrderAttachmentGet

Get default attachment of work order.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find work order for number: 2020-00001 work order does not have attachemnts.

24.10 WorkOrderAttachmentList

Get all images/attachments of article.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesCZ/API HTTP/1.1
Host: eurofaktura.cz
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="petr" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="WorkOrderAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find work order for number: 2020-00001 work order does not have attachemnts.


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